Mysterious Masterpieces [Final round revealed!]

...okay I have to remember that it's always a full-body pic. I honestly thought that it was just a portrait x)
I was looking at Splatoon characters, but I somehow missed this particular character? I guess I just gave up too quickly lmao
I was so scared forgetting to put Craymond in the answer forfeited the points. 😓 Phew!
Correct guesses for Round 5 have been accepted! Please let me know if I missed yours.


I would pay for this Link alt.
IT WAS FLOW?? THE WHOLE TIME? At least my guess of Tangela got a Favorite Incorrect Answer.
Well, at least I wasn't way off with geno...after all mario and splatoon might be linked.
Though geno looks kind of like flow...
Dang it.. I was on the right track with Splatoon but got overwhelmed with how many characters there were to look through. SO I guessed Katrina from Animal Crossing instead!
I've missed two rounds of this game (for reasons), but I'd totally would have guessed Mismagius in the end :whistle: So I guess it doesn't really matter, sigh...
I thing I got over-confident after guessing right the two obviously easiest ones, ha ha ha!