grab acorns 'til you're delirious
Tad was so touched by @ThatOneMarshalFangirl 's card that he sent his trusty red balloons to pick Marshal up for a surprise......

Okay... so here's my entry, for my always, eternal, @Foreverfox ... and I'd like to thank @Roxxy for making sure I do this
Okay... so here's my entry, for my always, eternal, @Foreverfox ... and I'd like to thank @Roxxy for making sure I do this
Vris will love this. I love it. It's simply amazing lol
I finally got around to making something for @BungoTheElf
I'm apparently also terrible at spelling terrible today
@JellyLu I love this so much!!! All the little details are so perfect and I love everything about it! Thank you so much for this, it's made my day ❤ And happy Valentine's Day, I hope you've been well and that work hasn't been too tough on you!!Here's my card featuring Blanca and Ketchup!
Happy Valentine's Day @jihux !
I hope you love the card! I included puns, ducks, and Exo just for you ❤ I wish I could've posted this on the 14th, but I worked all weekI hope you had an amazing day because a good friend like you deserves the world
this is so cute!Here’s my card for @Moo_Nieu hopefully I got this done on time if not it was still worth it.
Aweee thank you oh so very much! <33View attachment 357676
View attachment 357677
I didn't know about this event until @princess.looking.for.frog made me a card this morning, so I rushed to return the favor! Id give it a solid C+ !
NO. THIS IS PERFECT AS IS. I'M GLAD TO HAVE YOU AS A FRIEND IN THIS LIFEnot me leaving this until last minute. snxknddk we’ve probably all realized by this point that art and i don’t really go together but i figured i’d join in on the fun, anyways. hopefully this is ac themed enough; tried to incorporate the iconic leaf, the franchise’s text with the whole yellow/brown combo + a red owl as a lazy celeste. also threw in a crescent-moon chair + a star fragment tree that got patched out of the game a while back. anyway, this is dedicated to @Blink. , @Dunquixote, @Mairmalade, @Toska and @Zhongli; they deserve more than whatever i just made LMAO but i’m glad to have them in my life :’).
am I crazy or did this say "35 seconds" before?All submitted entries have been accepted, with the exception of one that came in 35 minutes after the deadline.
I'm not comfortable with calling a user crazy but no edits have been made to the post!am I crazy or did this say "35 seconds" before?