New feature request; pronouns!

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I dont see why not, I've already done so.

So you're meaning to say that in order to raise awareness for this FEATURE to be implemented we should encourage everyone to do this? Not that people should use their titles and signatures for this instead of having a feature implemented for pronouns?
So you're meaning to say that in order to raise awareness for this FEATURE to be implemented we should encourage everyone to do this? Not that people should use their titles and signatures for this instead of having a feature implemented for pronouns?

What Im saying is that we should encourage people to check both sig and title for pronouns just like they would if there was an actual feature. People like myself can show their respect/support for the issue by adding their pronouns to their titles/sigs which with enough people creates awareness of an issue.
What Im saying is that we should encourage people to check both sig and title for pronouns just like they would if there was an actual feature. People like myself can show their respect/support for the issue by adding their pronouns to their titles/sigs which with enough people creates awareness of an issue.

People already do this though. The point of the pronoun section is to make sure people look for pronouns o uo;;;;;
yeah i personally don't like expecting others to use features in ways they don't wish to do so. i worry that instead of raising awareness it'll make the problem appear solved when it isn't. i also worry that people who very rightfully have no desire to abide to this will be wrongly labeled as discriminatory.
In Seliph's case, it's easy to see and picture how might look if a new feature was added. In Irishchai's case, Idk if it's because I'm color deficient but I can't see it without highlighting it and looking through sig is more of a hassle.

Who else are you referring to when you say other trans already do this? I've only ever noticed it in Seliph's title because I enjoy reading titles. I don't see how displaying it in your title being that big of a problem considering how much you've pushed that misgendering affects you. I also dont like just saying "we'll do nothing but demand a new feature". In any great movement, awareness is the first step and if you guys aren't willing to take it, then I dont see this going anywhere.

This is the last thing I'll say here. Peace and GL!
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In Seliph's case, it's easy to see and picture how might look if a new feature was added. In Irishchai's case, Idk if it's because I'm color deficient but I can't see it without highlighting it and looking through sig is more of a hassle.

Who else are you referring to when you say other trans already do this? I've only ever noticed it in Seliph's title because I enjoy reading titles. I don't see how displaying it in your title being that big of a problem considering how much you've pushed that misgendering affects you. I also dont like just saying "we'll do nothing but demand a new feature". In any great movement, awareness is the first step and if you guys aren't willing to take it, then I dont see this going anywhere.

This is the last thing I'll say here. Peace and GL!

this thread is plenty awareness though, just as irl movements/protests are shared on social media this thread is bumped frequently and stays on the first page. i've also answered the usertitle question several times, we should have the opportunity to both have fun usertitles and be able to display our pronouns if we wish to do so. we shouldn't have to choose one or the other. you can display yours in your title if you want by all means but i think a new little section would be more convenient.

you've said you're all for the idea, but you keep coming back to the usertitles. i'm not confident in how much you actually support this.


also just a sidenote, "trans" and "transgender" are adjectives, not nouns. they should come before person/people/man/men/woman/women. "transgenders" is incorrect.
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Why did such a simple and harmless idea cause such a commotion? Please answer.

Either way, all for it. Calling someone by their preferred pronouns is just a basic level of respect.
after learning that some people don't like being referred to as "they", I support this option wholeheartedly, there is no harm to it :blush:
As long as it's optional to display it (like the friend codes) as it's not something I personally would enjoy otherwise.. I didn't even like it when the gender tab got added to profiles to be completely honest; and it still shows up even when I don't put anything there. ;/ Have resisted posting in this topic thus far as I have no idea how to articulate my personal feelings on the matter LoL other than that I dislike being prompted for information about my gender or pronouns.
However I know there's plenty of people who would really appreciate this feature so I would not say I'm against it.

Idk it?s probably just me I hate everything being about pronouns and gender but as long as it?s not a forced option for me to have idc just have it voluntary

Thought I was odd man out here :p I mean I wouldn't say I hate it but I'm a not-cis person and to me my gender is not a significant part of my identity and I actually get a little uncomfortable when it's kind of shoved out into the forefront. That's jus me tho
other than that I dislike being prompted for information about my gender or pronouns.

i feel this tbh if it weren't for constantly being addressed wrong i'd love to just be thought of as a featureless black orb
Yea no it would be optional just like everything else is bc not everyone is comfy disclosing that info but there are also people who want to make their pronouns known. Everyone is different :)

Why did such a simple and harmless idea cause such a commotion? Please answer.

Either way, all for it. Calling someone by their preferred pronouns is just a basic level of respect.

A lot of people still dont fully understand the use of pronouns//trans people In general so the topic is confusing to them or they have misinformed ideas of it all. Which is why the topic exploded so much from what I see o uo;
I've been watching this thread, but wanted to throw in my 2 cents in.

At the end of the day, this comes back to the question of what is gender? Is it what biology defines gender or is it what you feel like truly is you regardless of what gender you were biologically born with? Regardless of how you answer that question, gender is gender and we already have that as part of our profiles. To me, instead of pronouns, just make the gender part of the profile visible in the sidebar and people should be able to use common sense on what pronouns to use. For those who think female, male, or other is not enough, I would think it should be very easy to have additional options.

For those who think I am against the idea being presented here, I'm not. It simply honestly doesn't matter to me because it will not make or break TBT for what it is in my eyes. I'm just presenting an alternative instead of an additional profile field. o/
At the end of the day, this comes back to the question of what is gender? Is it what biology defines gender or is it what you feel like truly is you regardless of what gender you were biologically born with? Regardless of how you answer that question, gender is gender and we already have that as part of our profiles.

biology has already determined that gender has nothing to do with your body at all.

edit first link kept breaking so have a screenshot

To me, instead of pronouns, just make the gender part of the profile visible in the sidebar and people should be able to use common sense on what pronouns to use. For those who think female, male, or other is not enough, I would think it should be very easy to have additional options.

this isn't a solid solution as there are lesbians who prefer he/him and there are gay men who prefer she/her. it also isn't very nice to be called "other" - especially when other contains so many genders. it isn't very fair to lump them all into one othered category. pronouns are a much more inclusive option.

of course this isn't a make-or-break feature, it's a nice quality of life addition just like @ mentions, a trade system, or emojis would be.
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biology has already determined that gender has nothing to do with your body at all.

edit first link kept breaking so have a screenshot

this isn't a solid solution as there are lesbians who prefer he/him and there are gay men who prefer she/her. it also isn't very nice to be called "other" - especially when other contains so many genders. it isn't very fair to lump them all into one othered category. pronouns are a much more inclusive option.

of course this isn't a make-or-break feature, it's a nice quality of life addition just like @ mentions, a trade system, or emojis would be.

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As long as it's optional to display it (like the friend codes) as it's not something I personally would enjoy otherwise.. I didn't even like it when the gender tab got added to profiles to be completely honest; and it still shows up even when I don't put anything there. ;/ Have resisted posting in this topic thus far as I have no idea how to articulate my personal feelings on the matter LoL other than that I dislike being prompted for information about my gender or pronouns.
However I know there's plenty of people who would really appreciate this feature so I would not say I'm against it.

Thought I was odd man out here :p I mean I wouldn't say I hate it but I'm a not-cis person and to me my gender is not a significant part of my identity and I actually get a little uncomfortable when it's kind of shoved out into the forefront. That's jus me tho

Putting pronouns out does make me uncomfortable so I don?t think it should be normalised like that for cis people too :/
this isn't a solid solution as there are lesbians who prefer he/him and there are gay men who prefer she/her.
Why they (gays) can't use the pronoun they prefer while trans people can?

So, however.
i'm sorry but i have a very hard time understanding your posts and i'm guessing it is the language barrier we've got going on. it might also be a mutual misunderstanding.
"i know because i've seen it" refers to how i've seen cis people become more understanding with trans people and pronouns through pronouns being normalized and discussed more.

"we as a society cannot base how we see trans people or how we think trans people should be based on the few that we know" refers to how we should not expect every trans person to act identically and how we should not base our ideas of all trans people off the actions/behaviours of a few. we're all different, the trans experience is not a universal one.
How I worded it must've been confusing, sorry.
By conflict/contradiction, I meant this:
While your reply to my thought through personal experiences with my trans friends is the "we cannot base how we see [something: in this case trans people] based on the few that we know", on the other hand the basis of your opinion about [something; in this case community change] is "i know because i've seen it" - basing off your personal experience that involves "the few". It's conflicting as a logic, that was what I meant. Hope this makes sense.

I just don't like it that some of those strong opinions of trans side look somehow inconsiderate of those who wouldn't be comfortable with showing or having to think about personal information that involves gender. When you want your feelings/thoughts/situation to be respected, you should respect feelings/thoughts/situation of people the other side too, that was my point.
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I just don't like it that some of those strong opinions of trans side look somehow inconsiderate of those who wouldn't be comfortable with showing or having to think about personal information that involves gender. When you want your feelings/thoughts/situation to be respected, you should respect feelings/thoughts/situation of people the other side too, that was my point.

Yeah, I feel the lack of respecting people's opinions here... Unless someone would post something right out trans(or other) phobic people should be open to listen. As much as we should read up on that stuff, that goes for both sides being open and listen.

Also yeah no one should be forced to disclose themselves unless they want to, so yeah make that panel optional to fill out if added.
As long as it's optional to display it (like the friend codes) as it's not something I personally would enjoy otherwise.. I didn't even like it when the gender tab got added to profiles to be completely honest; and it still shows up even when I don't put anything there. ;/ Have resisted posting in this topic thus far as I have no idea how to articulate my personal feelings on the matter LoL other than that I dislike being prompted for information about my gender or pronouns.

Can relate. I had a good moan when we added the gender field years ago as it made (and still continues to make) me uncomfortable that it's visible even when not filled in. I've never selected an option for that reason.
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