New feature request; pronouns!

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Can relate. I had a good moan when we added the gender field years ago as it made (and still continues to make) me uncomfortable that it's visible even when not filled in. I've never selected an option for that reason.

Yeah it's a bit annoying for that and other reasons- and displaying anything like that should be optional.
Why they (gays) can't use the pronoun they prefer while trans people can?

they can. my point is that not everyone who identifies as female wants to be called she/her, and that not everyone who identifies as male wants to be called he/him. that's why a pronoun option would be better and more inclusive than just a male/female/other option. sorry for the confusion.

How I worded it must've been confusing, sorry.
By conflict/contradiction, I meant this:
While your reply to my thought through personal experiences with my trans friends is the "we cannot base how we see [something: in this case trans people] based on the few that we know", on the other hand the basis of your opinion about [something; in this case community change] is "i know because i've seen it" - basing off your personal experience that involves "the few". It's conflicting as a logic, that was what I meant. Hope this makes sense.

I just don't like it that some of those strong opinions of trans side look somehow inconsiderate of those who wouldn't be comfortable with showing or having to think about personal information that involves gender. When you want your feelings/thoughts/situation to be respected, you should respect feelings/thoughts/situation of people the other side too, that was my point.

it's ok! i realize it's probably confusing for you too.

"i know because i've seen it" - i'm saying i've seen it happen, and therefore it is a possibility. i realize it's not going to always happen, but it can.

"based on the few that we know" - this is just me saying that not every trans person is identical.

sorry if it wasn't clear lol

i fully respect the wishes of everyone who doesn't want to use the feature, i believe i've stated that if this happens that it should be optional, and hopefully if it is incorporated into the sidebar it won't be visible if left blank. however, i will say don't think "i wouldn't use it" is really a solid reason to not add a feature, and that's not limited to this one.
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We do have minors here, and we got some furry "roleplay enthusiasts" not too long ago. Some less informed frisky buggers could interpret certain ___sexual terms as "ready to mingle".
We do have minors here, and we got some furry "roleplay enthusiasts" not too long ago. Some less informed frisky buggers could interpret certain ___sexual terms as "ready to mingle".

minors can be trans though, sexual orientation and gender identity isn't adult-only. while we're at it, nor are furries - there's plenty who just have a fursona and enjoy/draw anthro animals without anything adult about it. misinterpretation can be easily corrected.

edit i must have skipped over "___sexual terms", gender identities don't end in -sexual anyways.
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We do have minors here, and we got some furry "roleplay enthusiasts" not too long ago. Some less informed frisky buggers could interpret certain ___sexual terms as "ready to mingle".

Let me stop you right there.
Gender and sexual identity are not inherently adult in nature. I knew I was not straight since elementary school and I've had friends who were identifying as trans/nb in middle school.
Furries are also not only sexual in nature but that is an entirely different conversation.
No one is going to look at a pronoun section and think they are "ready to mingle" or whatever that... means...

Gender identity is an IDENTITY not a kink.
Children are not being preyed upon at all because we ask for a pronoun section. just to make it VERY CLEAR trans/nb people are not more likely to be predators in any way. Gonna bite that idea in the butt now since you're thinking this will make the site unsafe for children.

Children can be, and are, trans.

- - - Post Merge - - -

It is offensive, disgusting, and transphobic/homophobic to even think that we are putting children at risk of people pursuing them because of a simple pronoun option.
Literally vomited in my mouth reading such accusations.
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Can relate. I had a good moan when we added the gender field years ago as it made (and still continues to make) me uncomfortable that it's visible even when not filled in. I've never selected an option for that reason.

When I got banned for 2 years and couldn?t change it brUH I was sad :(
We do have minors here, and we got some furry "roleplay enthusiasts" not too long ago. Some less informed frisky buggers could interpret certain ___sexual terms as "ready to mingle".

What the OP is proposing is a category that declares pronouns not sexuality. Eg “Pronouns: he/him”. It’s not something that can be sexualised.
Can relate. I had a good moan when we added the gender field years ago as it made (and still continues to make) me uncomfortable that it's visible even when not filled in. I've never selected an option for that reason.

That seems like an admin issue. If I don't fill in the CityFolk fields, they don't show up. I wonder why gender is different.
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What the OP is proposing is a category that declares pronouns not sexuality. Eg “Pronouns: he/him”. It’s not something that can be sexualised.

Would you say my post is an example of a straw man fallacy?

A straw man is a form of argument and an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not presented by that opponent.[1] One who engages in this fallacy is said to be "attacking a straw man".
Would you say my post is an example of a straw man fallacy?

Yes, your post was very much a straw man. It was an extreme view/opinion not based in fact and with no relevance to my post/idea.

Similar to me saying we should ban phone usage in school and then someone else saying i want children to be abducted without any means of contacting their family. Or if I were to say we need to increase the amount of government assistance with health care and then someone said I was promoting people to be lazy and not do anything to support themselves.

In this case I was saying we should include a pronoun option on the forum and you claimed I was putting children in danger of being harassed by adults. My statement had 0 to do with sexual identity to begin with and children are able to identify as trans/nb. Your part was an exaggeration that trans/nb people prey upon children or this will be used as a way to notify someone they are "ready to mingle" as opposed to the actual usage of using proper pronouns to address someone.

(i.e. someone who is male and uses he/him pronouns does not want to be referred to by she/her pronouns.)
I've noticed quite a bit of options to express one's self image on this forum, so diversifying that into more would only benefit the community as a whole, even if few people use it. I'd heavily agree with something like this, even though I haven't been here long enough in my own opinion to truly get a feel for what's missing.
Yes, your post was very much a straw man. It was an extreme view/opinion not based in fact and with no relevance to my post/idea.

Similar to me saying we should ban phone usage in school and then someone else saying i want children to be abducted without any means of contacting their family. Or if I were to say we need to increase the amount of government assistance with health care and then someone said I was promoting people to be lazy and not do anything to support themselves.

In this case I was saying we should include a pronoun option on the forum and you claimed I was putting children in danger of being harassed by adults. My statement had 0 to do with sexual identity to begin with and children are able to identify as trans/nb. Your part was an exaggeration that trans/nb people prey upon children or this will be used as a way to notify someone they are "ready to mingle" as opposed to the actual usage of using proper pronouns to address someone.

(i.e. someone who is male and uses he/him pronouns does not want to be referred to by she/her pronouns.)

Ad Hominem Fallacy: (abusive and circumstantial): the fallacy of attacking the character or circumstances of an individual who is advancing a statement or an argument instead of seeking to disprove the truth of the statement or the soundness of the argument.

Honestly i don't have an issue with this subject, just how aggressive things have been.
I am confused in where me confirming and explaining why your post was a straw man... which you brought up/asked... is hostile. Or how anyone in this thread explaining the usage of pronouns/that something is wrong is hostile.
The only post I've seen that is necessarily hostile was me pointing out the transphobia/homophobia in your post.
Yup this is a great idea! As long as it can be turned on or off so people who don't want to dislay a gender don't have to, it would surely spare many people the discomfort of being misgendered or fearing being misgendered. It would also be faster than checking the profile tab :p

Also from reading this thread, it sounds like it might be a good idea to make the profile gender option hideable as welll...
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