New feature request; pronouns!

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cool idea but dont put them in the side bar cos theres already so much crap there

The site is being updated come march so we have no idea what it will look like! Who knows, maybe the sidebar will be less cluttered. :) besides, no one HAS to put their pronouns on display just as you don't need to display your friend codes. Where else do you think it would be appropriate? The only other area I could think of was having it right above the signature line or in parentheses next to the user name. But having it listed by the join date and post count would be more organized imo.
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People ask and get corrected in the real world so not much different.

Is it really that big of a problemo? I honestly don't see the issue here. If someone misgenders you just correct them and move on.

Am I missing something?

Apparently yes.
I think that's a cool idea! It would be neat as an optional thing next to where it says "senior/junior member"

irl I'm a cis male and identify as such, but I'm all for pronouns being on display cuz a lot of the time: it is easy to assume stuff about people, but if you fall into making assumptions, and can see right then and there that you were wrong, then your brain will slowly get out of the habit of assuming, becoming more open minded, and I think that's great!
I would love this as an option on the sidebar, maybe right after join date? This will help keep people comfortable on TBT, which is something everybody wants to be on here!
If someone really wants their pronouns just put it in the user title thing

This is not just to make things easier for trans ppl with. their pronouns but also spread awareness and encourage the normalization of telling people your pronouns despite being trans or cis which is a pretty common practice across social media platforms. Also some people like to use the title to be an actual fun title
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your immediate response should not be "no im not!" but "what did I say that could come across as this?" :T

Some people might not be as familiar as others and might have problem expressing themselves(due to mental conditions/disorders, language barrier, culture etc.), and/or might not have explained properly at once. Of course, you can always educate yourself and should treat each other with respect no matter who or what you are. Also remember cultures are different around the world.

Also, great idea posting links in OP by the way. I think it's definitely a friendly and helpful way to educate rather than expect people to know exactly everything beforehand and other people might be like GOOGLE IT BOOMER like okay let's stop being toxic. People are not superior because of this and it's not helping those who actually wants to learn about things.

Also late and in general (not at you Irischai), but yeah as long as you reply in a educated and respectful way and not being anything phobic it should be alright. Sure you could wish some might read up a bit but, yeah.

(also mog, no problems i was a bit diffuse about the directions of my post so sorry if it came off at you)
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I'm all for this! Despite me being genderfluid and not caring about my own pronouns as much, I'm happy to know the oppertunity would be there to those that do!
Also some people like to use the title to be an actual fun title
True. Well, there are more sections to put it in though.
However, I have a question to understand better, if okay?

This is not just to make things easier for trans ppl with. their pronouns but also spread awareness and encourage the normalization of telling people your pronouns despite being trans or cis which is a pretty common practice across social media platforms.
Spread awareness towards? Hesitant/confused trans people or.. towards people who aren't trans and not very familiar with those things?

And another question if thread owner or anyone who's trans and on board with this idea could tell me.
Which one is the purpose as a whole point of this new additional section?

  1. Rather to encourage trans people regardless if it's with better understanding or not, from those who aren't familiar with gender issues.
  2. Rather to understand each other better with those who aren't familiar with gender issues.
True. Well, there are more sections to put it in though.
However, I have a question to understand better, if okay?

Spread awareness towards? Hesitant/confused trans people or.. towards people who aren't trans and not very familiar with those things?

And another question if thread owner or anyone who's trans and on board with this idea could tell me.
Which one is the purpose as a whole point of this new additional section?

  1. Rather to encourage trans people regardless if it's with better understanding or not, from those who aren't familiar with gender issues.
  2. Rather to understand each other better with those who aren't familiar with gender issues.

Spread awareness to non trans/nb people that trans and nb people do exist and that this is an important part of integrating them respectfully into the community since our current society is not welcoming or understanding.

The primary goals are to prevent the misgendering of trans/nb people, create a more inclusive community, and normalize this use of differing pronouns in the public's day to day life. The more you practice ensuring the appropriate use of pronouns the more likely you are to employ this concept irl and help closeted or open trans/nb people feel respected/not judged.

Even if it is on a forum site the constant reminder to check someone's pronouns before addressing them will eventually become habit and transfer into our day to day lives. You can not tell who is or is not trans/nb. Someone may be scared to use their correct pronouns and resort to ones that cause upset or harm in order to fit in and avoid discrimination. Asking them this makes people feel safe and more empowered to truly be who they are instead of hiding it out of fear or rejection, death, or being verbally attacked.
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First of all, thank you for trying to answer my question.

since our current society is not welcoming or understanding.
Could you kindly specify a bit more what do you mean by "our current society"? I'm not from States or Europe by the way.
However, now I get your point,and have some thoughts.

The primary goals are to prevent the misgendering of trans/nb people, create a more inclusive community, and normalize this use of differing pronouns in the public's day to day life. The more you practice ensuring the appropriate use of pronouns the more likely you are to employ this concept irl and help closeted or open trans/nb people feel respected/not judged.
If it's just to prevent misgendering, a section specifically for pronoun would help and be easier way to go. But I'd disagree that just looking at someone's pronoun section as a habit to avoid misgendering would help with mutual understanding. These things are different from dog training. Regardless of the kind of discrimination or misunderstanding, you're supposed to try talk open/friendly with the person who's misunderstanding you, so for them to be able to get to know you better step by step/bit by bit.
I mean, for an instance, though your thought seems to be like "no one is obligated to educate you", "educate yourself before joining the discussion", it's pretty much wrong way in my opinion.
I have friends in real life who are Female to Male transgenders. And how they act is opposite of that. They try to talk open and friendly, would just give us more explanation/information through natural chatting when we speak some wrong ideas about the issue, so it could be more emotionally understandable to we - who are not familiar with the issue. Without interactions it's impossible to achieve, I came to believe so through seeing them.
"Educate yourself before joining discussion" kind of process doesn't help.

}Also. If this is a drift-away from the subject, I'd apologize.
Regardless of the kind of discrimination or misunderstanding, you're supposed to try talk open/friendly with the person who's misunderstanding you, so for them to be able to get to know you better step by step/bit by bit.

THIS SO MUCH. If people could be patient and understanding that the community is not the same everywhere and that everyone might not be familiar is the way to go. Posting frustration will most likely scare people off/give bad vibes and it's like most things until people change you need to be the force that do it. Even if it's frustrating you don't teach people by being that one rude parent.

"Educate yourself before joining discussion" kind of process doesn't help.

^ Forcing people to read up because they are "inferior/boomers/uneducated" and not knowing everything is not how to do stuff either. As Yuki said, be friendly and open about who you are and let people know that way. No one like a toxic community of any kind. I also know really nice lgbtq+ people IRL (and also some bad eggs :/) so yeah been there both ways. It's always a good idea to ask, use they/them etc. but yeah no one is superior.

As I mentioned, providing links in a nice way like adding to OP is definitely a better idea than being "like lol google it u butt and learn"
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Not cis and personally don't feel or see a need for it.

Def see what you're coming from.

I don't really care what people use for me, it's not that big of a deal.. I'm me I suppose what that would make me... Just speaking for others, if it could open up and be a more friendly place I definitely see that it could make stuff easier.
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First of all, thank you for trying to answer my question.

Could you kindly specify a bit more what do you mean by "our current society"? I'm not from States or Europe by the way.
However, now I get your point,and have some thoughts.

If it's just to prevent misgendering, a section specifically for pronoun would help and be easier way to go. But I'd disagree that just looking at someone's pronoun section as a habit to avoid misgendering would help with mutual understanding. These things are different from dog training. Regardless of the kind of discrimination or misunderstanding, you're supposed to try talk open/friendly with the person who's misunderstanding you, so for them to be able to get to know you better step by step/bit by bit.
I mean, for an instance, though your thought seems to be like "no one is obligated to educate you", "educate yourself before joining the discussion", it's pretty much wrong way in my opinion.
I have friends in real life who are Female to Male transgenders. And how they act is opposite of that. They try to talk open and friendly, would just give us more explanation/information through natural chatting when we speak some wrong ideas about the issue, so it could be more emotionally understandable to we - who are not familiar with the issue. Without interactions it's impossible to achieve, I came to believe so through seeing them.
"Educate yourself before joining discussion" kind of process doesn't help.

}Also. If this is a drift-away from the subject, I'd apologize.

"These things are different from dog training." as a former dog trainer, you're correct. training dogs can be much harder.

irishchai has the correct idea: the more we normalize things like using gender neutral pronouns and not assuming peoples' pronouns off the bat, the more we normalize being accepting of pronouns that don't "match" someone's appearance. it's not going to end transphobia singlehandedly but it's an itty bitty step in the right direction. i know because i've seen it.

it is important to acknowledge that every trans person is different, and expecting all of us to act in identical ways is not only unrealistic but also bordering on transphobic (not necessarily accusing you here, just pointing it out since i realize we're dealing with a language barrier). we are an incredibly diverse community with diverse emotions and experiences just like everyone else. we as a society cannot base how we see trans people or how we think trans people "should be" based on the few that we know, and this goes for any minority/marginalized group.

trans people are more in the light now than ever before, and therefore everyone should seek to educate themselves on what it is to be transgender, what is considered transphobic behaviour, along with what are transphobic slurs without waiting for a trans person to come and do it for them. trans people are expected to already know all of this, so why is the standard different for people who aren't trans? why are we the ones who have to be educated and do the educating? it's incredibly unfair.

we also cannot expect every single trans person to be cool and collected when faced with transphobia, even if unintentional. no one expects cis people to be calm when insulted, in fact it's often declared reasonable to fight back in some sense. the expectations that trans people (and any marginalized group) are tasked with to be robotic when faced with discrimination because the other person "didn't know" is just another form of aggression we face on a day to day basis.

also just a sidenote, "trans" and "transgender" are adjectives, not nouns. they should come before person/people/man/men/woman/women. "transgenders" is incorrect.

Forcing people to read up because they are "inferior/boomers/uneducated"

where did anyone use any of the words in quotes?

no one is forcing anyone to do anything either, it's a reasonable request. if we're going to call it force, one could also claim that we are being forced to educate without having any emotions at all.

Not cis and personally don't feel or see a need for it.

care to explain why? it doesn't really help anyone when there's just a "nah" with no reasoning.
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This is not just to make things easier for trans ppl with. their pronouns but also spread awareness and encourage the normalization of telling people your pronouns despite being trans or cis which is a pretty common practice across social media platforms. Also some people like to use the title to be an actual fun title

Idk it?s probably just me I hate everything being about pronouns and gender but as long as it?s not a forced option for me to have idc just have it voluntary

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Am I the only one who hates trans ppl being in the light lol
Idk it’s probably just me I hate everything being about pronouns and gender but as long as it’s not a forced option for me to have idc just have it voluntary

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Am I the only one who hates trans ppl being in the light lol

i hope it is clear that by "in the light" i mean like, we aren't in hiding anymore and i'd wager most people now can name at least one trans person even if it's some celebrity.

that being said it is a good thing because it spreads awareness and representation and also encourages people to look into what exactly being trans entails as well as how to inoffensively address us. it also encourages more trans people to not be afraid to be themselves.
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i hope it is clear that by "in the light" i mean like, we aren't in hiding anymore and i'd wager most people now can name at least one trans person even if it's some celebrity.

that being said it is a good thing because it spreads awareness and representation and also encourages people to look into what exactly being trans entails as well as how to inoffensively address us. it also encourages more trans people to not be afraid to be themselves.

Yeah against hiding but also against making it seem like trans people are different from cis people with gender identity which is fine for people who want to be perceived like that but not for people who are more gender binary
It's weird. If your concept is in the right and the truth, why am I not inclined at all to try putting efforts harder to understand "you" - trans people?
I'm not kidding. When the purpose is mutual understanding/acceptance by people who are not very understanding, how would you be able to achieve it without them feeling like trying? Yes it may be unfair as you said. But your concept is conflicting. Let's say, the situation is fair to you. Then, there should be no issue. Because the situation is unfair, there is an issue. See what I mean...? Unfair not to non trans people. Unfair to trans people. So you try and work on to rectify it. That's how in general when you want something wrong to change. You can't expect them to try work on it just because "it's right".

Also, "i know because i've seen it" is conflicting to "we as a society cannot base how we see trans people or how we think trans people "should be" based on the few that we know" in terms of logic.

So, however. Thank you for understanding the language barrier. I'm really thankful of it.
I'm not saying anyone used them, but it's a lot of the general approach that people are supposed to know just because they are "young" or "woke enough" etc. or that they are lazy reading up on things. Not everyone spends time with eg. trans people on a daily basis or sit and read all the time even though yeah, I can agree on you should know different pronouns exist and it should be used respectfully both ways.

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Yeah against hiding but also against making it seem like trans people are different from cis people with gender identity which is fine for people who want to be perceived like that but not for people who are more gender binary

yeah neither side are royalties, and yes it's sad people/society treat as in this case trans people with less respect. but yeah respect and mutual understanding should be both ways. obv they are different but no one should act mighty about it.
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