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New Year, New Horizons! - ACNH Blogging Contest

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My tenth entry is finally done 😭😭 (for this event anyway, I'll probably keep posting OTL)

This event was genuinely super fun, I had a blast bringing my little ACNH world to life! I've always wanted to start a journal in order to share my silly little designs, so this timing was honestly perfect. Thank you to anyone who's read my journal, and a super late thank you to @Chris for the nomination on the first week :]
I’ve done it 🥲 I got such a fright the other day because I miscounted my entries, but I believe I’m good to go (?)

I had a lot of fun with this - the event helped me get out of my AC slump and actually pick up all the trash I had lying around. I think we should have a „keep your irl bedroom tidy for a month event“ next lmao…

I especially enjoyed making my posts look cohesive and colour matching everything. Witty narration isn’t my strong suit so I focused on the aesthetic side of things instead. 🎀
Aaaaaaand done!

The crime thriller from Foxton is finished - Snapdragon. I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Thank you staff for the event, I had a blast with this one!
Yay, I did all 10 days! It was really hard for me to come up with something every day, but somehow, I made it to the end! 😀

I've been avoiding reading everyone else's journals so far as I was afraid if I did, I'd get too intimidated to post my own 😅 But now that I'm done, I can finally see what lovely adventures you've all been up to! 😊
Posted my final journal entry at the literal last minute! My heart was beating like crazy!! Super happy that I managed to do all 10 days straight even with other stuff going on (like splatfest lol). Now I hope we'll be given enough time for voting cus there's so many other journals I wanna read but haven't had time for😭
this event was honestly one of the hardest I've participated in personally, not bc the event is necessarily difficult but because in the last 3-4 weeks I've dealt with a lot and somehow still found the time and energy to play a game I havent had the motivation to play since July 2020.

but it gave me the motivation to finally do something with my new island, and I feel like I got a lot done! there's still so much to do of course but it looks waaaaay better than it did. I'm gonna take a break from NH but maybe if I can get another NSO subscription I'll come back to it :)

ty staff and especially @/Chris for hosting this event, it's been fun! ❤️

It is time to reveal our Weekly Staff Picks for week four!

The journalling portion of our New Year, New Horizons event officially came to a close last night. For the final time, today we are announcing the staff picks for this event.

Within the team, three staff members were assigned the task of nominating a journal that they are personally enjoying following. There was no criteria outlined in the selection process beyond this. The nominations for this week were put forward by @LaBelleFleur, @Mick, and @Nefarious.

Our winners are listed in alphabetical order. They will receive 150 TBT Bells for their efforts and their island representatives will appear in our site banner fairly soon! If your name appears below you will receive a private message from Jeremy enquiring about an image of your representative.




Why we selected 🎀 Twinleaf travel guide 🎀!​
I'm nominating Aquilla's 𝕋𝕨𝕚𝕟𝕝𝕖𝕒𝕗 𝕥𝕣𝕒𝕧𝕖𝕝 𝕘𝕦𝕚𝕕𝕖. Their journal presents itself as a in depth guide to their island and I think it does an excellent job in pulling you into the setting! With really nice looking looking screenshots, engaging writing and music tracked fitted to each entry, I'm hit with a sense of nostalgia for a world I've never even been to. I really enjoyed getting a peak into the lives and activities of the Twinleaf residents!




Why we selected ✧ New year on Mars...​
My nomination for this week is river's ✧ New year on Mars...! Their writing style channels a wonderful feeling of warmth & nostalgia - it feels like sitting in a cozy corner of a café, catching up with an old friend. The way they seamlessly blend stories from their real life into screenshots & tales from their island adds a wonderful sense of depth to their writing, and like a good book, each entry has me hooked from start to finish. river, I really hope you keep writing, becuase I can't wait to see what you write about next!




Screenshot 2023-02-13 at 10.20.16.png

Why we selected [ lo-fi hip-hop beats to terraform/catch fish to 🎣 💌 ]​
Anyone who has followed my own journals will probably know that I am a big fan of nice looking screenshots. Zissou's [ lo-fi hip-hop beats to terraform/catch fish to 🎣 💌 ] has plenty of them, compiled in a series of really cosy journal entries. Complete with chill soundtracks, nicely written text, and bright colours for aesthetics, I personally think they've done an excellent job creating a journal that is just deeply pleasing to read through! I'd strongly recommend anyone to check it out. :)

this is really saying something because you all are always knocking it out of the park... But this has to be my favorite TBT event ever.

Thank you so much, staff 😍 and thank you to all the writers and readers for making my favorite place here -- Island Journals -- feel so alive and so exciting over the last few weeks

This has been really beautiful to have been a part of, and it’s so beyond flattering to get a highlight with so many unique, imaginative, incredible-looking journals. Congrats to @Aquilla and @zissou 🥰 and thank you @LaBelleFleur !!! 💌
Ohhh what 🥺 thank you so much @Nefarious, this made my day! I’m so happy you enjoyed my entries and that I managed to translate some of my own childhood nostalgia in what seems like a relatable way!

Congratulations to @river and @zissou as well! 🥳♥️

I have to catch up with so many journals still, I find it so interesting to see how everyone interprets the characters and to get a glimpse into all these worlds ✨
YOOOOO WHAT 😭😭 Thank you so much for the nomination, @Mick! It's an honor to be listed alongside the incredible staff picks for this event. A huge congratulations to @river, @Aquilla, and all of the other nominees! ✨

I agree with River — this is undoubtedly my favorite TBT event so far. Everyone sees their little world through a different lens, and it’s been wonderful to read the stories fellow journalers have created for their villages. 🍃 I’ve been keeping up with as many journals as I can, and have been impressed by everyone’s artwork, screenshots, writing, humor, and nostalgia.

Thank you to the organizers for getting the TBT year off to such a lovely start. 💌
my journal is ‘under review’ do i need to do anything @Chris 👀
Nope! That simply means a staff member hasn't verified that your journal meets the criteria yet. We need to review each of the 64 submitted journals manually and that prefix exists to help us better coordinate ourselves. It's not something you need to worry about. :)
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