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New Year, New Horizons! - ACNH Blogging Contest

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If there is a problem with our entries will we be able to resubmit or know before the time is up? I am trying to get everything done correctly but I am just a little concerned

The short answer to this is no.

I'm going to quote an earlier post I made below, because it is quite thorough about how we are processing entries and why we are not providing individual feedback:

We [usually] use the "Accepted" reaction to automate workflow, e.g. for distributing event currency or recording names. This time we are doing both of these things manually so we aren't using reactions. It is likely that we will use prefixes to mark (a) which entries have been reviewed and then (b) which ones are eligible for nomination in the public voting portion of the event, but this would not be until after the deadline.

The requirements for this event are very straightforward to self-assess—10 posts across 10 different days each containing a minimum of 1 screenshot and 100 words—and everyone is working through the event at their own pace. We don't have enough manpower to track and record every user's journal at the pace needed to make unprompted individual feedback possible. We will of course remind everyone when the latest possible start date is approaching though (Friday 3rd February 2023).

Today (Friday 3rd of February) is the final day to start your blog!

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Idk if I'll be able to make all 10 days but! I'll try my best!!

I'm participating!

I started my island journal! My internet is out and probably won’t be fixed for a few days so I hope I have enough data to post the other entries 😭 (yet again I fail to learn the lesson of not procrastinating…)

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It is time to reveal our Weekly Staff Picks for week three!

We have officially passed the deadline for starting eligible blogs and we are now coming into the final stretch of our New Year, New Horizons event! Today we are announcing this week's staff picks.

Within the team, three staff members were assigned the task of nominating a journal that they are personally enjoying following. There was no criteria outlined in the selection process beyond this. The nominations for this week were put forward by @Chris, @pandapples, and @Pyoopi.

Our winners are listed in alphabetical order. They will receive 150 TBT Bells for their efforts and their island representatives will appear in our site banner fairly soon! If your name appears below you will receive a private message from Jeremy enquiring about an image of your representative.




Why we selected project johto 💎!​
Project Johto takes elements of the map in the second generation (remake) Pokémon games and recreates that within Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Amilee has gone the extra mile with her recreation, paying attention to little details and also taking the initiative to make changes here and there that make the design feel more cohesive. Their recreations of New Bark Town and Route 29 so far are incredible. They've not had as much time to dedicate to this event as they wanted, but I am really looking forward to continuing to follow progress of this island not only between now and the 12th but after the event closes as well. P.S. I picked Chikorita.




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Why we selected Penrith [ hard mode island ] ♡​
Lots of respect for users attempting the hard mode island challenge. The clean formatting and screenshots are reminiscent of the March 2020 release. Especially the crowded creatures biding their time until the museum has been built for their new home. It was funny to see Day Two start with the islander with a wasp stung face, an all too familiar sight. This fresh journal is one I'd like to keep track of to see how far they can take this challenge and transform this island to the best of their ability. Good luck, LoserMom. I'm cheering for you!





Why we selected 🌴 The Melursus Files 🌴
I’ve chosen “The Melursus Files”, by Millysaurusrexjr as my staff pick! I love how the storytelling immediately immerses you through a specific villager’s eyes: Dobie, the cranky wolf. I enjoyed the way Millysaurusrexjr writes as it feels fluid and natural. It creates a calm environment as you listen to Detective Dobie’s thought process each day. The screenshots shown felt very dynamic and carried a perfect amount of emotion captured in time. I found the mixture of artwork displayed as different elements to be fun and exciting, especially the ID cards and the bulletin missing posters.

aah thank you for the nomination and the nice words 😊💕
im so happy that people like my journal and that you can actually tell what im trying to recreated haha
i hope i can finish the 10 pages on time but even if not im really enjoying journaling and explaining my thought process!
Omg yay, I’ve never been picked for anything before because I’m just not a creative person whatsoever so I feel like my stuff never looks like it has any effort lol I promise it actually does though. Thank you!! 😊
Is the whole “across 10 days thing” based on timezones or in game days? Cause the image upload website I use wasn’t working for a few hours and it’s like 1am here but I used yesterdays photos
Thank you so much for the nomination Pyoopi ☺️ This event so far is a real blast and such a clever idea. I've been wanting to make this island journal for like a year or two now, but was reluctant to commit time to it, especially since I don't consider myself much of a writer... and writing a mystery story is very daunting 👻 But I have a lot planned and hopefully people will like where the story goes! (just bare with me on these long entries)
Oooo I hope that more journal contests are done in the future! I only noticed this too late otherwise I would have participated. Reading through a lot of the journals in this subforum has me inspired to still start my own journal, though 😊
Here's the link to my journal!

I was interested in participating and initially intended to do so since the Lost Book collectible is neat, but I only came up with ideas for 6 days worth of content and wound up deciding to bow out instead. I know the 100 word minimum isn't asking a lot, but the days I had planned would've been more than that and the last 4 days probably would've been a dramatic drop-off as a result, so it just didn't feel right.

Despite not ending up taking part, I'd nonetheless like to thank all of the Staff members involved for the event. When I was still intending to make entries, it did get me to return to the game. I even ended up designing a new flag for my island to replace the design I found online years ago, and I feel like it better represents the concept of the island, so it wasn't all for naught.
Reminder that your final journal entries must be submitted by 11:59PM EST on Sunday, 12th February 2023 in order to count towards your ten total.
Here is the list of participants who have reported their journal URL in this thread.* This was done manually and therefore it is prone to human error. If your name is not on this list, please post below with a link to your journal otherwise we will go forward with the assumption that the list is accurate when we come to review the entries the week starting February 13th. Thanks!

*One user was omitted for not using screenshots in their journal and thus having 0 eligible entries.

New Year, New Horizons: Contest Entrants

  1. @amemome
  2. @Amilee
  3. @Ananas Dragon
  4. @Aquilla
  5. @Asarena
  6. @azurill
  7. @BetsySundrop
  8. @Bob Zombie
  9. @Childe
  10. @Clock
  11. @Coach
  12. @corlee1289
  13. @CrystalAura
  14. @deana
  15. @digimon
  16. @Dinosaurz
  17. @Firesquids
  18. @Foreverfox
  19. @Fye
  20. @Imbri
  21. @Jacob
  22. @jadetine
  23. @JellyBeans
  24. @JemAC
  25. @KittenNoir
  26. @kiwikenobi
  27. @lieryl
  28. @LoserMom
  29. @Merielle
  30. @michealsmells
  31. @Milleram
  32. @Millysaurusrexjr
  33. @Mimi Cheems
  34. @Mutti
  35. @Myles
  36. @Newbiemayor
  37. @Nunnafinga
  38. @oak
  39. @OswinOswald
  40. @Princess Mipha
  41. @princess.looking.for.frog
  42. @RejectiontheHedgie
  43. @Rio_
  44. @river
  45. @roseflower
  46. @Roxxy
  47. @S.J.
  48. @Saah
  49. @Sharksheep
  50. @Shellzilla_515
  51. @skarmoury
  52. @Snowesque
  53. @themysterybidder
  54. @Tiffany
  55. @Valzed
  56. @Venn
  57. @Vintersol
  58. @WaileaNoRei
  59. @xara
  60. @xSuperMario64x
  61. @Yanrima~
  62. @zarf
  63. @zissou
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