If there is a problem with our entries will we be able to resubmit or know before the time is up? I am trying to get everything done correctly but I am just a little concerned
The short answer to this is no.
I'm going to quote an earlier post I made below, because it is quite thorough about how we are processing entries and why we are not providing individual feedback:
We [usually] use the "Accepted" reaction to automate workflow, e.g. for distributing event currency or recording names. This time we are doing both of these things manually so we aren't using reactions. It is likely that we will use prefixes to mark (a) which entries have been reviewed and then (b) which ones are eligible for nomination in the public voting portion of the event, but this would not be until after the deadline.
The requirements for this event are very straightforward to self-assess—10 posts across 10 different days each containing a minimum of 1 screenshot and 100 words—and everyone is working through the event at their own pace. We don't have enough manpower to track and record every user's journal at the pace needed to make unprompted individual feedback possible. We will of course remind everyone when the latest possible start date is approaching though (Friday 3rd February 2023).