New Years Resolutions and Plans

What Are Your Daily Activities/ What Do You Still Do?

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Senior Member
May 14, 2020
Holiday Candy Cane 2020
Tasty Cake
I thought this could be a fun place to post about your resolutions for your gameplay/or personal, and your island plans in the coming year. You can share as much or little as you want.

You know what they say; if you actually write it down, you are more likely to accomplish your goals. Also, a fun poll on the tasks most of you guys do daily.

------I can Start------

My Island:
I reset my island back in November; I have a problem playing for a few months and wanting to reset. I usually justify it with something. I have had this problem since the launch. So.....
  • No considering an Island reset until November 03, 2021
To make this goal more doable, I am nipping one of my most often reasons I reset in the bud, and that is the fact I will burn out, not play for a while, then want to start over because I cannot vibe with my island. So.......

  • I will commit to playing a minimum of 20 minutes a day.
  • I will commit to playing no more than 2 - 3 hours a day on my days off. (to avoid burn out)
  • The maximum time can be extended when prepping or participating in events.
  • Be more interactive with the online animal crossing community (@AppleBitterCrumble for the idea)
I also never really terraform my island, mostly because I am always afraid of messing up, which leads me to reset, so.......

  • Create small area projects - complete them
  • After you gain the confidence to do bigger projects
  • Decorate my whole island
  • Get 5 Stars just to say I did
  • Seasonal Flag @TheSillyPuppy (I really Love this Idea)
For my personal goals this year in no particular order

  • Be more active (work out using Ring Fit Adventure, Fitness Boxing, Just Dance, and Hiking)
  • If I see a villager working out, or doing Yoga, stop and do follow along for one cycle of poses. (@letterKnumber9)
  • Do my yearly checkups. (I did not do any of them this year
  • Start Journaling
  • Keep working at College Degree (Graduate in June 2022, I can do this!)
  • Get More Creative
  • Read More (I went from avid reader to a nonreader this year :()(Goal: 12 books - aka 1 book a month + any bonus books)
  • Play no more than 6 hours of video games total on my days off
  • Be More Productive and Organized (the last thing on my mind on my days off I will be real)
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1. Talk to villagers more
2. Dedicate some of my playtime to working/brainstorming of how to decorate my town
3. Track down seasonal DIYs (I really am missing out on the illuminated set xD)
4. Do more island hopping
5. Interact more casually with other players (i.e. not do strictly trades)

1. Workout for at least an hour 5x a week
2. Get an internship for this summer
3. Make presidents list for the third semester in a row
4. Start therapy to learn how to manage my anxiety
5. Make more connections
1. Talk to villagers more
2. Dedicate some of my playtimes to working/brainstorming on how to decorate my town
3. Track down seasonal DIYs (I really am missing out on the illuminated set xD)
4. Do more island hopping
5. Interact more casually with other players (i.e., not do strictly trades)

1. Workout for at least an hour 5x a week
2. Get an internship for this summer
3. Make presidents list for the third semester in a row
4. Start therapy to learn how to manage my anxiety
5. Make more connections

I really like the idea of interacting more with the community as a whole

Anxiety can be a tricky beast; I suffered from it off and through high school and early college years. Sometimes it is best to seek help; luckily, I learned to manage it on my own., but It still pops up. I found a good self-care routine helped, but that was just me. Hopefully, you can find something that will work for you.
This is a fun and interesting idea!

  • Make at least one custom design per month. More specific goals being to create seasonal/holiday-themed versions of my island flag and a spring/summer clothing line
  • Finish off the art wing of the Museum and do my best to help my S/O and friends finish theirs. XD
  • Work out at least 5 times per week for at least 20 minutes.
  • Stretch for at least 10 minutes every day.
  • Read 20 pages of any book/Kindle book every day.
  • Listen to a product management podcast episode once a week.
  • Put away a fixed percentage of my income into an RRSP for retirement saving.
@AppleBitterCrumble, does your school offer counselling services? IMO, there is no better time to make use of those services than in school if offered because you're already paying for those services along with your tuition and those counsellors are accustomed to working with folks in similar situations as you're going through.
This is a fun and interesting idea!

  • Make at least one custom design per month. More specific goals being to create seasonal/holiday-themed versions of my island flag and a spring/summer clothing line
  • Finish off the art wing of the Museum and do my best to help my S/O and friends finish theirs. XD
  • Work out at least 5 times per week for at least 20 minutes.
  • Stretch for at least 10 minutes every day.
  • Read 20 pages of any book/Kindle book every day.
  • Listen to a product management podcast episode once a week.
  • Put away a fixed percentage of my income into an RRSP for retirement saving.
@AppleBitterCrumble, does your school offer counselling services? IMO, there is no better time to make use of those services than in school if offered because you're already paying for those services along with your tuition and those counsellors are accustomed to working with folks in similar situations as you're going through.

Yeah I'm planning on looking into the counseling that my school offers!
Yeah I'm planning on looking into the counseling that my school offers!
Feel free to message me if you have any questions. I didn't start going for counselling until my last semester of university, but better late than never. Best of luck, and I hope you find a counsellor that you vibe with. 😊
  • Finish terraforming the dang island
  • Collect all villager photos (without TTing/buying the photos)
  • Decorate all the villager yards

  • Read 25 books
  • Watch 20 anime series
  • Learn enough Tagalog to maintain a conversation with a fluent speaker
  • Complete 50 gift art drawings for others
  • Finish terraforming the dang island
  • Collect all villager photos (without TTing/buying the photos)
  • Decorate all the villager yards

  • Read 25 books
  • Watch 20 anime series
  • Learn enough Tagalog to maintain a conversation with a fluent speaker
  • Complete 50 gift art drawings for others
25 books in a year. Ambitious. I set a simpler just read more goal butni have a few series I would like to finish.
@Angelbearpuppy I am lucky in that I read fast. xD I can finish a ~300 page book in a day. The thing that made me read slow (and hindered my ability to reach my 20 year goal this year) was having to read a lot for school. That kinda burnt me out of reading. I ended up having to read 12 books in December in order to meet my 2020 reading goal if 20 books. I'll take it though, I'm down to only 2 more until I reach the 20 goal and 4 more days left to do it. Gonna finish just in the knick of time.
this is super interesting 😊

- finish up that one spot i avoid to do for no reason
- find ideas for the small areas that are still unfinished
- re-do one of my villager areas
- create an area where i will decorate for seasons/holidays so i still have stuff to do after i finish my island
- get the rest of my villagers photos
For my island, I'm going to try to scale back how much I play. This was a strange year, and it was nice to immerse myself in the game and forget about the world for a while, but there have been times over the past year where I was addicted to it in a way that didn't seem totally healthy. I hope to continue playing through 2021 but with more moderation.
Nintendo has finally restocked Switches, so I will be starting a second Island and try to maintain 2. Also going to restart one of my copies of New Leaf and put a little effort in that here and there. Hoping 2021 gives us everything we want and need in New Horizons.
@Angelbearpuppy I am lucky in that I read fast. xD I can finish a ~300-page book in a day. The thing that made me read slow (and hindered my ability to reach my 20-year goal this year) was having to read a lot for school—that burnt me out of reading. I ended up reading 12 books in December to meet my 2020 reading goal of 20 books. I'll take it, though; I'm down to only 2 more until I reach the 20 goals and 4 more days left to do it. Gonna finish just in the knick of time.

I used to be able to; I could finish a book in 1 to 2 days. Now that work gets in the way, and school, my reading has slow way down, and my game playing has increased, why I m going to try and finish a balance this year.
This is a great idea .
for my island :
Finish parts of my island. Some of my island is still unfinished since I’m not sure what to do.
spend more time with villagers
Try to have different villagers and not just keep the ones I have

Work out more
Read more I used to read a lot more then I do now.
get more organized and mange my time better.
This is a really cute idea, thanks for posting about it so we can share! I love reading what everyone's goals are.

-Find the last 2 bugs I need to complete the bug part of my museum
-Find all the art so I can complete my entire museum
-Do something with my right beach
-Continue to get 100% in all the events
-Continue filling my catalog
Honestly, I don't have much else for nh, I'm very satisfied with where I am on my island.

This year was strange because 2019 was an amazing year for me. I started college, volunteered in local politics, got a job I love, met some new friends, started some much-needed medication, and generally just had a very productive and fulfilling year. Then this year happened. I started having blood pressure issues and now need to use a mobility aid, got a couple more diagnosis I wasn't expecting (and had to work hard to get them), was forced to confront some things from my past, had to stop school and work, plus everything going on in the world right now. I feel like this year undid a lot of the good things that happened last year, even though I know that's not rational because progress is not linear. I need to keep going at my own pace and not beat myself up for not living the life I was expecting to live right now. It will come back with time, I just need to be patient and trust the process. Good luck to everyone going through something similar.
-Continue going to therapy and doing the work that comes with it
-Finally start occupational therapy
-Build a healthier relationship with exercise
-Start school part-time
-Find a balance between sticking up for myself and learning to stay quiet
-Continue helping and guiding my sister as she grows up
-Get back into photography
I'm resetting my island on New Year's so here's my list of resolutions for this new island:

- No time traveling
- No gifting/changing villager's catchphrase
- No rush to complete any exhibits in museum
- Claim Nook Miles via tha ABD everyday
- Obtain my villager's posters via Harvey's
- Build tools when you can (for Nook Mile achievement)
- Post on bulletin when villagers move out/in
alternatively, - Do a farewell photoshoot for every villager that moves away
- No/minimal trading (maybe), take decorating slow
- ABSOLUTELY no flattening of my island, terraform area by area
- If I see a villager working out, put the game down and do a workout, if I haven't for the day :ROFLMAO:
- If I see a villager working out, but the game down and do a workout, if I haven't for the day :ROFLMAO:

I like this idea, or in my case maybe workout with them just to get up and moving a bit
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I am thinking of doing a weekly check-in in January, then maybe a monthly check-in through November, and a review in December anyone interested in that? We can share how we are coming with our goals and encourage each other, just for fun.
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-No resetting until Jan 2022 (not 2021, my bad, lol).
-Take my time terraforming and decorating.
-No more than an hour a day
-Actually decorate my house
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