Nintendo has revealed the Nintendo Switch 2

That's interesting, but I need to see the games first. I saw a new Mario Kart but nothing was exciting about it to me in those few seconds. I hope there's more to it than just Mario content or I am going to be really bored of it compared to Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.

There's also the concern that I probably won't be able to afford a new console.
watch Mario Kart 9 get announced soon
I'm laughing.. I finally bought MK8D less than a month ago, and boom... MK9 teased.. LMAO

I'm honestly surprised that they're actually calling it the switch 2, but it looks pretty decent so far; I love the sleeker design! I'm also really happy about the backwards compatibility!!

The switch 2 more than likely still won't be an immediate buy for me unless the launch titles interest me enough (*cough* Animal Crossing or Tomodachi Life *cough*), mostly because I'm still happy with and get use out of my switch lite and am not really in a place to drop hundreds on a new console right now, but I'm still very excited for the direct in April!

I also second Beanz' hope that a switch lite 2 will release as well. I won't get any use out of TV or tabletop mode since I prefer playing games handheld, which is why I got a switch lite, and the cheaper cost would be great as well.
With the controllers having mouse capabilities, I hope this means we’ll get Mario Paint and other SNES Mouse controlled games other than the Super Gameboy for Switch Online.
I think the logo with the 2 is really ugly, and I don't understand why they pared back the red/blue colours so much, but otherwise looks good!

The new mario kart looks to have 24 starting spots, looking forward to double the chaos in TBTWC lol

i saw someone else point that out on twitter! online about to go crazy lmao, i have a hard time making up positions once i get knocked far enough down the back, can imagine how much more chaotic it'll be to do with 24 drivers 😭

Oh my god let's go, this is practically made for TBT!!! TBTWC 2026 gonna be incredible.
Oh wow! I haven’t looked at any leaks so this was a nice surprise. I like the way it looks, definitely buying it ¬‿¬
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You don’t need to “hope” for that. It’s right there in the trailer they released and a feature the Nintendo president had confirmed publicly last fall.
I mean yeah, I didn't miss that part 😂 I was just stating my hopes.
I was asleep when this happened, but I watched someone on youtube about it.
As expected, I thought it was just gonna be a bigger version of the switch. If the mouse thing is actually gonna work, are they hoping to use computer screens or laptops?

I just don't want it to cause the switch to not get the chance to use the new games as well. Or that it be left in the dust, I didn't realise how old switch was.

Because I know for a FACT I won't be able to save up or right out buy a new console. And even if I did, I'd rather wait for a cooler designed switch 2.
We might get more info about it in the direct, I thought it was Feburary, but it's April. And get more info on what else it can do.

I can't imagine getting a new animal crossing game just yet; actually someone believes maybe next year? Or any time in Spring. Of course, if the team has been designing a new animal crossing game since the new horizons, I hope they've had enough time to go over all the stuff we would like to see and not see.
I really don't know how to feel about this. Like others have said, it just feels weird to get a new console from Nintendo after all this time and it's just "our last console--but slightly fancier!" I mean, the Switch is wonderful and I think it's hard to go back after you implement a hybrid docked/handheld model, but I'm just so used to every new Nintendo console feeling meaningfully different. The ones that didn't (like the DSi/DS Lite, that sort of thing) came out shortly after the prior console and were clearly not meant to replace them--most people only had one iteration of the Nintendo DS. A decade of waiting for a plussed Switch feels so non-Nintendo. Where's the weirdness?

That said, the Switch is old and I'll probably spring for a Switch 2 if the roster of games is good enough. I'm a sucker for most of the classic Nintendo franchises and I'm hopeful that we will see some truly innovative games if the Switch 2 is as much of an upgrade as it's promising. I wish we weren't 3 months away from any actual new information!
I really don't know how to feel about this. Like others have said, it just feels weird to get a new console from Nintendo after all this time and it's just "our last console--but slightly fancier!"
Wait, did they really say that Switch 2 would be their last console?
If thats the case, they should've named it mighter than switch 2
no, they meant last as in the last console they released (which was the switch/switch lite), not last as in final.
Ahh okay! Thanks!
Though, I can't imagine what else console wise can be created after this? Maybe Im not that creative in that department.
I’m so excited about this!! :3 im still gonna wait for more info but the backwards compatibility for both physical and digital games on the og switch has me sold ngl
Ahh okay! Thanks!
Though, I can't imagine what else console wise can be created after this? Maybe Im not that creative in that department.
The Nintendo Zoom (coming 2035) will have to be EXTRA WEIRD to compensate for the relative normalcy of the Switch 2.

  • When not docked, the Zoom can function as a Bop It
  • Wheels pop out of the back of the Zoom and you can fold down a sturdy steel cover plate and use it as a small skateboard. The detachable controller pieces function as a remote control so you can drive yourself places.
  • Comes in 5 different scents
  • Hole in the middle of the screen so all games must utilize donut-shaped UI
  • Alternately, it's like the DS where the screen folds open and closed, but there are way more seams. The whole thing splits into quarters and rotates to fold into a cube
  • Holographic projection capabilities so Palpatine can give you your orders
  • Release day title: Nintendogs remake from the POV of the dogs. (Memes are made dubbing the new console "Nintendo Zoomies")

this is a joke, the Zoom is not real
I saw some of the leaks, so the only real new thing in this trailer for me was the new Mario Kart game. A new innovative concept for the console in typical Nintendo fashion would have been fun, but I love the Switch, so I can't say I dislike the idea of what will essentially be an improved Switch. The name could be better, but at the end of the day, that isn't that important of a detail. I feel like I don't have much of an opinion yet. I'll surely get the Switch 2 since I'll definitely want to play whatever games end up being on it, but I'll probably have more of an opinion and be more excited after the Direct in April. Ultimately, the games are what matter the most to me
I guess I shouldn't be surprised that it was just a short, basic teaser and we won't get more information until that Direct in April, but I have to echo others who felt underwhelmed. This fits how Nintendo does these things, so that feeling is on me for not looking back to that history, but yeah.

Given that the reveal did indeed happen today, as was stated in the leaks as mentioned in this thread, it potentially gives credence to the sorts of claims about the Switch 2's power. Not a guarantee, but frankly, they're fairly believable.

Even if the rumored capability and functionality of the Switch 2 turn out to be true, I'm in no rush to go out and get one. While there are some exclusive games on the Switch that I'm glad to have played, the Switch overall in numerous areas was a disappointment compared to the 3DS, Wii and Wii U. To name a few:

- The great Virtual Console library system being replaced by a catered, dripfed selection of retro games that also became a gated community (within an already gated community of Nintendo Switch Online membership) with the Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pass.
- Worse online that we now have to pay to have the "privilege" to use.
- Lack of themes like were present on the 3DS to customize the homepage.
- JoyCons are overpriced, prone to drift and not worth using.

The Switch has asked us all to go along with Nintendo's new moneymaking schemes and those schemes have left a bitter taste in my mouth. If we give the rumors the benefit of the doubt and say the Switch 2 is about as powerful as a Playstation 4? Cool. But frankly that's still not enough to get me enthusiastic. Not because the power isn't enough, it is for me, I just feel kind of put off by modern Nintendo.


Will I get one eventually? I don't know, maybe.

While I've been a Pokémon fan since Red & Blue, enjoyed Scarlet & Violet despite their broken messiness, enjoyed Legends Arceus and am cautiously interested in Legends Z-A, the modern Pokémon games are kind of poorly put together on a technical level and it kind of seems like the jump from the sprite-based games to 3D after Generation 5 was ultimately for the worse thus far.

I think I like the idea of what Fire Emblem can be and was at points in the past more than I like what it is more often than not in the modern day. Depends on what the next installment does, but even then, even if it's a game I like, it'll flip back to cringy generic anime tropes and/or aesthetic in the next installment since that seems to be the trend.

Super Smash Bros. is a big question mark. Masahiro Sakurai has seemed like he's wanted to be free of the burden of having to keep making these things for ages but they keep reeling him back in. What if he steps away and someone else takes the helm? How might the series go under new management? Interesting to follow but doesn't inspire confidence until we see whether he sticks around and how any of these things play out.

Animal Crossing kind of ruined the main aspect of what I like about the series, interior design, in New Horizons due to the limited room expansions in the game and the ultimately small side and back main floor rooms and awkward basement and second floor. They kind of got me interested again with designing homes for the animals in Happy Home Paradise, but I need big rooms in my own house that I can design in the next game or I might just skip it.

I'm not a mainline Mario player since I'm not good at platforming, I enjoy Mario Kart but I frankly suck compared to the community here, I prefer to watch people play Legend of Zelda games rather than have much interest in playing them personally.

Then there's the third party games coming. Neat, and good for those without other modern options, but if you have any other modern options then it seems probably sub-optimal to get a Switch 2 version.

So yeah, I dunno.

If I do ultimately get one eventually, I hope it has Pro Controller compatibility or an equivalent. I'm never going to trust the JoyCons even on this new console.
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I saw some of the leaks, so the only real new thing in this trailer for me was the new Mario Kart game. A new innovative concept for the console in typical Nintendo fashion would have been fun, but I love the Switch, so I can't say I dislike the idea of what will essentially be an improved Switch. The name could be better, but at the end of the day, that isn't that important of a detail. I feel like I don't have much of an opinion yet. I'll surely get the Switch 2 since I'll definitely want to play whatever games end up being on it, but I'll probably have more of an opinion and be more excited after the Direct in April. Ultimately, the games are what matter the most to me
I'm the same way. Games are most important. I'm really excited to play the old Switch games on a better powered system too. Legit what I'm mainly hyped for.
I'm not planning on getting it for a few reasons but I am curious about it's processing power and price. I'd imagine those who are considering getting it are very much wanting to know the same.

> I really like that they went with accents of red and blue instead of the cons being all red and blue. I wasn't a fan. It looks way nicer now.
> I also find it interesting that the cons on this one plug in rather than some slide thing. Is it cheaper to make? Was there issues with the sliding function of the switch? (I had a lite).
> It is interesting that it has a mouse function.
> It's great it has backwards compatibility. That was one of a few concerns I had. Is the little door at the top where game cartridges go? I hope?