I'm just a ghost.
I hope they don't do that because that is going to really make people angry that they have to spend more money just to get more content. I know the topic of DLCs and Expansions have been pretty controversial in general but the thing is people have spent $60 on this game when it first came out back in March 2020 you would expect that the game would be complete. Again it was during the pandemic and they didn't have time to iron out all the issues that was going on so they focused on releasing the events and leave it until it was read to be fixed.Paid DLC that lets you own two islands of the same size and the capacity to invite 10 animals to that one, letting you have 20 neighbors.
People will explode with rage. Nintendo will explode with money.
The point is there should not be a paid DLC if it contains returning features from past AC games. On one hand it can be a good thing if people wanted to make a 2nd island if it includes that because a lot of people were very angry when the game was limited to one island per switch and if they were to make a DLC where you can make another island that would only make it worse. Really think about this because Animal Crossing used to have a lot of stuff and people didn't have to wait this long just to have more things to do. Thats why New Horizons is lackluster because of stuff missing from past AC games.
While I do see them potentially doing an expansion I don't think it would be right to do it right now after the game has been out for a year. If you remember back in New Leaf with Welcome Amiibo it was a free update to download and it still fixed a lot of the issues that the game had when it launched and still added new content but that took only 3 years so we really don't know the case with New Horizons. Only time will tell.