• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

Obama's Immigrant Plan

1) He's helping them become citizens.
2) Executive orders have been done by presidents both Democratic and Republican. Therefore, by your logic, both sides are tyrannical.
3) So, you think that any senior citizen using Medicare, anybody using Social Security, anybody who uses Medicaid, anybody who uses food stamps, is a deadbeat? No matter what their situation is?

preach it!!

i agree with obama's plan seeing as how i know personal friends whose parent's were deported and were left alone. it baffles me when i see people that are against immigration. that was how america was created. smh white people saying they're the natives.
preach it!!

i agree with obama's plan seeing as how i know personal friends whose parent's were deported and were left alone. it baffles me when i see people that are against immigration. that was how america was created. smh white people saying they're the natives.

White people don't say they're natives -_-
Waste of time and money. Why the **** would the illegals want to get documented just so they can get taxed more and go through the lengthy process of becoming an american citizen? I mean seriously? How naive is obama? And as mentioned by the earlier post, if these policies wont last whats the point? And his appeal to "America being founded on immigration" is so stupid it's funny. Yeah that was 100 years ago. We don't need illegals loading up on social programs and just bringing along all of this racial tolerance and bilingual programs and ****. Immigrants built the country. This country has been built. We don't need more people for god's sake. Thats just such a ridiculous excuse. Any job, and position held by an illegal will be replaced by just some other drone. This is all sweet and stuff but wanting to make America a special, "let's be friends and where you too can be an American" motto is destructive. But that is just not how things work. Does he think things will change? Not to mention that he thinks he can overhaul the legislation and employ laws when he wants to? Yeah right. America is going off the rails to kiss everyone's ass and i'm sick of it.

100 years ago? Are you even aware how old the USA is?
Literally what white person has said "we are natives of this country."

"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
p much everyone at one point in their life.
"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
p much everyone at one point in their life.

How does that prove what you're saying.

ER durrr ellis island?

oath2order- oh i see you read my whole post! Oh wait, no you didn't. I said with an exception. That being the disabled

I see you ignored my point about executive orders.

Not all seniors are disabled. What about them? Are all seniors, despite the fact that they may be able to work, but don't want to because they are retired, does that make them a deadbeat?
How does that prove what you're saying.

I see you ignored my point about executive orders.

Not all seniors are disabled. What about them? Are all seniors, despite the fact that they may be able to work, but don't want to because they are retired, does that make them a deadbeat?

alright kid. You people looove to assume ****. When did i say i loooove them republicans. heeyah. Did I say there were no executive orders in the past? Nope. Does that still make make what obama did unconstitutional. Yeah, I think so. Deadbeat? Yeah. There's no argument there. They put in their money for social security though. They payed taxes. Do illegals? Nope. Elderly aren't always disabled. But others have no mind. and others worked hard and paid their taxes. Now before you say i said any **** that i didnt, im going to say this. Yes illegals work hard too. Yes, they can be good people. Yes, I ate breakfast this morning
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alright kid. You people looove to assume ****. When did i say i loooove them republicans. heeyah. Did I say there were no executive orders in the past? Nope. Does that still make make what obama did unconstitutional. Yeah, I think so. Deadbeat? Yeah. There's no argument there. They put in their money for social security though. They payed taxes. Do illegals? Nope. Elderly aren't always disabled. But others have no mind. and others worked hard and paid their taxes. Now before you say i said any **** that i didnt, im going to say this. Yes illegals work hard too. Yes, they can be good people. Yes, I ate breakfast this morning

Yeah, justice was right, you are just a troll.
I think defending my beliefs and flaming people are two totally different things. Haha sorry I like to laugh at my own jokes so that's probabaly why you think i'm a troll. I hope you learn not to take the internet so seriously, friend.
How does that prove what you're saying.
idk tbh. I just went to a high school with hicks that believed that they are native americans because they were born here. Sorry if I tried to go off on a rant I'm still high strung from the other thread and ..idk why I posted the pledge of allegiance. That's a low point for me.