• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

Obama's Immigrant Plan

I absolutely hate it. It's not fair to the actually legal people here. Now, America feels more like a dictatorship instead of Democracy. I KNEW Romney would do better, I just KNEW it! It's a huge problem also, because I live in Texas, a state that's practically being invaded by illegal immigrants now.

Same! Sucks that you live there for that reason. I have family that moved down there and haven't heard from them in a while. :( They took my baby cousin with them. :( But anyway, that's off topic.
This is also semi off topic but I wanted Romney to win too. :p
Just never mind. I shouldn't of posted. :p
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Hahahahah. What?
So you move to a country and you decide not to speak their language?
I could understand that you speak in English because you are on a trip, but if you are living there, you should seriously learn the language.
People seriously wonder why you don't learn to speak French, like many celebrities came to live in paris, they have made an effort to learn the language, because otherwise not a good portion of the French know how to speak proper English. It's also respect.

no, it is not a requirement to speak a language nor should it be. it's not unheard of for people to live in remote isolated areas where they communicate with the outside world as little as possible.

also um English is not the dominant language in the US nor should it be a requirement. it certainly does help learning the language while living here, but it is in no way a necessity.

if you think English should be the official(or only) language you need to open a US history book for once in your life (yeah, shots fired) and refer back to the freaking beginning because (SURPRISE) the Spanish settlers, the Dutch settlers, and the French settlers did not speak English (SURPRIIIIISE). or for that matter the Italians, the Polish, or the Eastern Europeans during the 1800s. literally this country is composed of small ethnic communities dispersed through large cities, and don't you dare attempt to erase anybody's cultural history b/c that's really uncool.
I absolutely hate it. It's not fair to the actually legal people here. Now, America feels more like a dictatorship instead of Democracy. I KNEW Romney would do better, I just KNEW it! It's a huge problem also, because I live in Texas, a state that's practically being invaded by illegal immigrants now.

Really? Romney would do better in what way? I agree that America isn't exactly a democracy at the moment, but if Romney would have done the same, would you argue that Obama would do better?
But i don't think that it wouldn't be fair to legal people if illegal people had to be away for 5 years, plus there family born in america, and still pays the same amount of taxes... I also live in Texas, so I kind of see your point but still...
Hahahahah. What?
So you move to a country and you decide not to speak their language?
I could understand that you speak in English because you are on a trip, but if you are living there, you should seriously learn the language.
People seriously wonder why you don't learn to speak French, like many celebrities came to live in paris, they have made an effort to learn the language, because otherwise not a good portion of the French know how to speak proper English. It's also respect.


I'm not saying they should shun speaking English, but if you're gonna force it on someone? That's wrong. I speak English. I also speak German, and Russian, and other bits and pieces here and there.

You cannot expect someone to just immediately pick up a language because 'murrica. Should you learn it? Yes. Should there be services available to those who don't? Hell yes. It's the "land of opportunity", you jerkass.
no, it is not a requirement to speak a language nor should it be. it's not unheard of for people to live in remote isolated areas where they communicate with the outside world as little as possible.

also um English is not the dominant language in the US nor should it be a requirement. it certainly does help learning the language while living here, but it is in no way a necessity.

if you think English should be the official(or only) language you need to open a US history book for once in your life (yeah, shots fired) and refer back to the freaking beginning because (SURPRISE) the Spanish settlers, the Dutch settlers, and the French settlers did not speak English (SURPRIIIIISE). or for that matter the Italians, the Polish, or the Eastern Europeans during the 1800s. literally this country is composed of small ethnic communities dispersed through large cities, and don't you dare attempt to erase anybody's cultural history b/c that's really uncool.

I wasn't in any ways talking about the USA specifically. And I am not American. I am French.
But going from the same idea that America had other languages before. France too, we had "Bretton" language (and still have), "Alsacien" language and so on. France has several regional languages, but French remains the official language. This is the present. You can of course learn those regional languages, whatever language you want, but it would be best to try to learn the country's language and not be like "**** it, I don't care".
I am not saying you are erasing their culture or whatever. I seriously have no idea where you have made this up from??? Like I just said if you go to a country, you should try to integrate yourself in that country, and that implies learning that country's language.
I would find it so unrespectful to go to live in Germany for the rest of my days and never try to learn German. I will learn the language and this is in no way going to erase my culture, is it?


I'm not saying they should shun speaking English, but if you're gonna force it on someone? That's wrong. I speak English. I also speak German, and Russian, and other bits and pieces here and there.

You cannot expect someone to just immediately pick up a language because 'murrica. Should you learn it? Yes. Should there be services available to those who don't? Hell yes. It's the "land of opportunity", you jerkass.

I never said that they should immediately pick up the language. Oh and please watch your language, I don't appreciate the fact that you need to insult me in order to make your view valid or whatever. This isn't very mature is it?
I am just saying once again that if you go to a country, and that country speaks a certain language, you should try to at least learn that language. And not be like "whatever, people will just adapt to me". I never said it was like forced? But I expect from a person living 30 years in the states to know some basic English. (Of course that is different if the person is quite old since it is harder for them to pick up the language, but if they came in their 20-30s, hell yes) If I go to Mexico, or Spain or any Spanish speaking country, to live, I will try to learn the language. I am currently doing so because I am studying in Spain for my studies. I could simply not learn the language, but this is Spain, people's English isn't that good, and since I am living here, I should try to speak Spanish. And I am doing that.
ok spoiler because its long and i am upset and ive JUST come back to this thread so sorry for bunpin it.

I want YOU to make funny Uncle Sam posters relating to ACNL. PM me if you make some.

But yes, if you want to live in America, you have to speak English. We don't want to be forced to speak their language as our primary language. We do have to speak Spanish if we go to Mexico. We do have to speak French if we go to French speaking countries. So if you live in America, you have to speak English. There's no middle grounds.


""""""you have to speak english"""""" ummm yeah ok whatever theres TONS of non-english speaking towns in the US.

Why did you have to sound rude when you argue against me? I am getting sick of people being rude to me on the internet. The reason why people should speak English in America is not that it's a required language by law, but it's because the natives to the US grown up with English. I mean, they are allowed to live here as long as they don't infringe on our culture. And getting away with speaking English is an example.

It's okay to argue against me, but the rudeness has got to stop.

natives to the US are native americans. some people come off as '''''rude'''' aka truthful to you because you say stuff that dont make much sense at all
English isn't the official language of the US but it is the language of TBT.
Wikipedia said:
Official languages: None at federal level ; National language: English

so english is the NATIONAL language, not the OFFICIAL.

different matter

Newleaf13 said:
I absolutely hate it. It's not fair to the actually legal people here. Now, America feels more like a dictatorship instead of Democracy. I KNEW Romney would do better, I just KNEW it! It's a huge problem also, because I live in Texas, a state that's practically being invaded by illegal immigrants now.

i dont think theres THAT many immigrants where you live compared to me. i live in south texas, NEAR THE BORDER, in a mexican/mexican-american town/county and such.

i might close this, people are just trolling :/

how is this trolling to you............. you dont understand what trolling is do you
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Compared to where they might be coming from, it's a miracle. I am an immigrant, coming here with my parents at the age of 3, and a US citizen for almost 10 years now. What would you know about all this? What would you know about the conditions that those immigrants are facing back "home"? And how can you be so prejudice against them? Are they doing anything to harm you? No. They just want a better live for themselves -- for their families. And keep in mind, there are people immigrating from the US to elsewhere, just as immigrants are coming in. Are the other countries complaining? NO. Do they argue that they should be kicked out, that they shouldn't be allowed to become citizens? NO. I believe YOU to be the naive one here, not Obama. Obama is working for the welfare of the people -- currently a citizen or not -- and you're just taking advantage of it, thinking you're obligated to have it your way. That sounds really selfish of you, what you've said. He's working for the people -- for the common welfare -- NOT for the individual.

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Although, I will add this. My family and I were NOT illegal immigrants -- we were documented and had everything in order, so it's a bit of a different story. But the moral of the "story" is still the same.

Awww did I hurt your feelings? :(

Look we're not even talking about legal immigrants, so your post is largely irrelevant because of that. But I'll indulge you. Do you want this country to continue being a better place than your home? well then we can't toss out money to people leeching off the social system and wasting time and money. Do you think I'm racist? Hahaha don't make me laugh. Anyone who lives on social welfare is a deadbeat. Of course there are special conditions, which we aren't talking about. Why am I selfish if I want my fellow Americans to have what they deserve? Obama should be working for um AMERICANS. Last i checked illegals weren't American. America is a business and the money doesn' come from a toilet. Things shouldn't be handed out. To anyone. I would never takea handout from the government no matter how awful my life was. You have no idea what my life is like to begin with so back off. And the mere fact that he is ignoring the whole legal system is tyrannical.
Awww did I hurt your feelings? :(

Look we're not even talking about legal immigrants, so your post is largely irrelevant because of that. But I'll indulge you. Do you want this country to continue being a better place than your home? well then we can't toss out money to people leeching off the social system and wasting time and money. Do you think I'm racist? Hahaha don't make me laugh. Anyone who lives on social welfare is a deadbeat. Of course there are special conditions, which we aren't talking about. Why am I selfish if I want my fellow Americans to have what they deserve? Obama should be working for um AMERICANS. Last i checked illegals weren't American. America is a business and the money doesn' come from a toilet. Things shouldn't be handed out. To anyone. I would never takea handout from the government no matter how awful my life was. You have no idea what my life is like to begin with so back off. And the mere fact that he is ignoring the whole legal system is tyrannical.

You are the only person in this thread that I completely agree with.
Awww did I hurt your feelings? :(

Look we're not even talking about legal immigrants, so your post is largely irrelevant because of that. But I'll indulge you. Do you want this country to continue being a better place than your home? well then we can't toss out money to people leeching off the social system and wasting time and money. Do you think I'm racist? Hahaha don't make me laugh. Anyone who lives on social welfare is a deadbeat. Of course there are special conditions, which we aren't talking about. Why am I selfish if I want my fellow Americans to have what they deserve? Obama should be working for um AMERICANS. Last i checked illegals weren't American. America is a business and the money doesn' come from a toilet. Things shouldn't be handed out. To anyone. I would never takea handout from the government no matter how awful my life was. You have no idea what my life is like to begin with so back off. And the mere fact that he is ignoring the whole legal system is tyrannical.
they are american because they live in North America. chill
Awww did I hurt your feelings? :(

Look we're not even talking about legal immigrants, so your post is largely irrelevant because of that. But I'll indulge you. Do you want this country to continue being a better place than your home? well then we can't toss out money to people leeching off the social system and wasting time and money. Do you think I'm racist? Hahaha don't make me laugh. Anyone who lives on social welfare is a deadbeat. Of course there are special conditions, which we aren't talking about. Why am I selfish if I want my fellow Americans to have what they deserve? Obama should be working for um AMERICANS. Last i checked illegals weren't American. America is a business and the money doesn' come from a toilet. Things shouldn't be handed out. To anyone. I would never takea handout from the government no matter how awful my life was. You have no idea what my life is like to begin with so back off. And the mere fact that he is ignoring the whole legal system is tyrannical.

1) He's helping them become citizens.
2) Executive orders have been done by presidents both Democratic and Republican. Therefore, by your logic, both sides are tyrannical.
3) So, you think that any senior citizen using Medicare, anybody using Social Security, anybody who uses Medicaid, anybody who uses food stamps, is a deadbeat? No matter what their situation is?
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Awww did I hurt your feelings? :(

Look we're not even talking about legal immigrants, so your post is largely irrelevant because of that. But I'll indulge you. Do you want this country to continue being a better place than your home? well then we can't toss out money to people leeching off the social system and wasting time and money. Do you think I'm racist? Hahaha don't make me laugh. Anyone who lives on social welfare is a deadbeat. Of course there are special conditions, which we aren't talking about. Why am I selfish if I want my fellow Americans to have what they deserve? Obama should be working for um AMERICANS. Last i checked illegals weren't American. America is a business and the money doesn' come from a toilet. Things shouldn't be handed out. To anyone. I would never takea handout from the government no matter how awful my life was. You have no idea what my life is like to begin with so back off. And the mere fact that he is ignoring the whole legal system is tyrannical.
I smell u all the way from here I s2g

Btw ur idea of americans is made up of immigrants so haha have fun

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1) He's helping them become citizens.
2) Executive orders have been done by presidents both Democratic and Republican. Therefore, by your logic, both sides are tyrannical.
3) So, you think that any senior citizen using Medicare, anybody using Social Security, anybody who uses Medicaid, anybody who uses food stamps, is a deadbeat? No matter what their situation is?

ugh wow ofc not cuz we are meant to serve, serve, serve our country and when we don't fit the requirements we are just scum duh
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