• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

Obama's Immigrant Plan


You should try to learn the language of a country you are immigrating to, but it should not be required.


I totally agree
You talk about the effects of the trials these people have been put through, and focus on things that are relatively recent (historically speaking). My point there was that if the Europeans taking over the US was so bad, then the rest of the world should feel bad as well. Descendants all over the world still feel the effects of what their descendants have been put through, because they live in countries that quite literally would not exist had those conquests not happened.

Let's say your father murdered somebody. With your logic of descendants having to atone, then you should be in jail, and your children, and your children's children, and so on. It makes no sense.
The same applies to when it's a larger group of people, because as far as I know, the European descendants currently living in the US never made the decision to cross the Atlantic. They were simply born there, and you decide that's enough reason to tell them that one of their birth rights is apologizing for what their great-great-great grandfathers did.

Guilt is not hereditary, and the people that committed those acts are long dead.

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It might be a problem due to the size of the country, but it might do the US well to introduce what we have here in the Netherlands. When people decide to immigrate here they have to go through a test where they learn about the history of the country, as well as the basic language. It's helped a lot for getting them jobs.

but I have said twice that descendents don't have to atone to the crimes just acknowledge and not repeat :/
Also in bold those countries might not have existed but they would have liked it that way. I'm sure the people in the congos loved having their hands cut off just to be put in a history book years later.

Bottom line is, go wherever the **** you want, just don't be an ass and try to rule a nation thats not yours.
This is what I would show to ALL immigrants.
View attachment 75284

I want YOU to make funny Uncle Sam posters relating to ACNL. PM me if you make some.

But yes, if you want to live in America, you have to speak English. We don't want to be forced to speak their language as our primary language. We do have to speak Spanish if we go to Mexico. We do have to speak French if we go to French speaking countries. So if you live in America, you have to speak English. There's no middle grounds.
I want YOU to make funny Uncle Sam posters relating to ACNL. PM me if you make some.

But yes, if you want to live in America, you have to speak English. We don't want to be forced to speak their language as our primary language. We do have to speak Spanish if we go to Mexico. We do have to speak French if we go to French speaking countries. So if you live in America, you have to speak English. There's no middle grounds.

ARe you ****ing Kidding Me.

"We don't want to speak their language as our primary language!"

It's called being multilingual you nut.

They can learn English, but there should be things available so that learning English does not become a forced thing. You can go to other countries and be accommodated as an English-speaking person. You can not have to worry about finding materials in your language. You can always ask for help. Everyone deserves to feel that way.

If you move to France, you do not have to learn French and only speak French and have people wondering why you do not speak French.

I mean. Come on. I usually don't get this impassioned, but this is complete bull****.
I want YOU to make funny Uncle Sam posters relating to ACNL. PM me if you make some.

But yes, if you want to live in America, you have to speak English. We don't want to be forced to speak their language as our primary language. We do have to speak Spanish if we go to Mexico. We do have to speak French if we go to French speaking countries. So if you live in America, you have to speak English. There's no middle grounds.

Don't speak to them, you'll be doing them a favor honestly.
ARe you ****ing Kidding Me.

"We don't want to speak their language as our primary language!"

It's called being multilingual you nut.

They can learn English, but there should be things available so that learning English does not become a forced thing. You can go to other countries and be accommodated as an English-speaking person. You can not have to worry about finding materials in your language. You can always ask for help. Everyone deserves to feel that way.

If you move to France, you do not have to learn French and only speak French and have people wondering why you do not speak French.

I mean. Come on. I usually don't get this impassioned, but this is complete bull****.

Why did you have to sound rude when you argue against me? I am getting sick of people being rude to me on the internet. The reason why people should speak English in America is not that it's a required language by law, but it's because the natives to the US grown up with English. I mean, they are allowed to live here as long as they don't infringe on our culture. And getting away with speaking English is an example.

It's okay to argue against me, but the rudeness has got to stop.
If I may join in on this whole debate, I'd phrase rather than "we have to" or "they have to", I'd instead say it would be better to. They shouldn't be forced to do anything. However, if they wish to remain here, I'd say that it would be helpful and respectful to the country / citizens that they learn the language of the country. All the while, though, they shouldn't have to forget their mother tongue / culture.

I can see that they might have thought you were coming off a different way. They might have interpreted what you said a little differently, is all. I don't believe they were intentionally being "rude" or picking at you.
If I may join in on this whole debate, I'd phrase rather than "we have to" or "they have to", I'd instead say it would be better to. They shouldn't be forced to do anything. However, if they wish to remain here, I'd say that it would be helpful and respectful to the country / citizens that they learn the language of the country. All the while, though, they shouldn't have to forget their mother tongue / culture.

I can see that they might have thought you were coming off a different way. They might have interpreted what you said a little differently, is all. I don't believe they were intentionally being "rude" or picking at you.

I'm just a sensitive person. But namecalling and saying "are you ****ing serious?" are both very rude when arguing in a debate, even if I weren't that sensitive. There were already two major incidents on this site where people were very rude to me. I do not want a third one, even though there are minor incidents. When I debate, I avoid attacking my opponents. Granted that I say things that are confusing or something like that, but if people get rude to me for saying that, it starts to become a problem.

Now can we continue talking about how we feel about the immigration law?
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Don't speak to them, you'll be doing them a favor honestly.
-snip but it was awesome-

Bless u that was funny hunty

But yeah, if you're going to live in a country for a long time you should learn the language and do yourself that favour, but the countrymen of that place shouldn't purposefully disservice you as a beginner or as a foreigner. Nor is it required that you speak English in America: we don't have an official language. Though that may have been because America was feeling salty towards Britain, now it's a cultural staple. Plus, Americans go everywhere speaking English and expecting English to be spoken because of hegemonic privilege, and though that assumption is not unfounded, it is still a little rude to do so without at least trying to reciprocate.
Our children or grandchildren will be learning Mandarin, make no mistake.
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I want YOU to make funny Uncle Sam posters relating to ACNL. PM me if you make some.

But yes, if you want to live in America, you have to speak English. We don't want to be forced to speak their language as our primary language. We do have to speak Spanish if we go to Mexico. We do have to speak French if we go to French speaking countries. So if you live in America, you have to speak English. There's no middle grounds.


u dont have to speak english to move here, it just... helps
Why did you have to sound rude when you argue against me? I am getting sick of people being rude to me on the internet. The reason why people should speak English in America is not that it's a required language by law, but it's because the natives to the US grown up with English. I mean, they are allowed to live here as long as they don't infringe on our culture. And getting away with speaking English is an example.

It's okay to argue against me, but the rudeness has got to stop.

Si dices que hablamos ingl?s porque nos crecimos con esa idioma, ?no deben los inmigrantes hablar sus propias lenguas? No deben tener que cambiar su lengua para gustar a la gente americana... No te equivocas, creo que es mejor aprender la idioma de un pa?s si viajas all?. Pero si los inmigrantes no pueden hacerlo, no debemos odiarles por eso.
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Si dices que hablmos ingl?s porque nos crecimos con esa idioma, ?no deben los inmigrantes hablar sus propias lenguas? No deben tener que cambiar su lengua para gustar a la gente americana... No te equivocas, creo que es mejor aprender la idioma de un pa?s si viajas all?. Pero si los inmigrantes no pueden hacerlo, no debemos odiarles por eso.
*google translate GO!
If you say hablmos English because we grew up with that language , should not the immigrants speak their own languages ​​? They should not have to change their language to appeal to the American people ... not wrong , I think it is better to learn the language of a country if you are traveling there. But if immigrants can not, we should not hate them for that.
Si dices que hablmos ingl?s porque nos crecimos con esa idioma, ?no deben los inmigrantes hablar sus propias lenguas? No deben tener que cambiar su lengua para gustar a la gente americana... No te equivocas, creo que es mejor aprender la idioma de un pa?s si viajas all?. Pero si los inmigrantes no pueden hacerlo, no debemos odiarles por eso.

have I ever told u how much I love u
<5 u bae
tolaf lives onnn

Why did you have to sound rude when you argue against me? I am getting sick of people being rude to me on the internet. The reason why people should speak English in America is not that it's a required language by law, but it's because the natives to the US grown up with English. I mean, they are allowed to live here as long as they don't infringe on our culture. And getting away with speaking English is an example.

It's okay to argue against me, but the rudeness has got to stop.


But seriously if u wanna go that route we needa be learning Cherokee not irrelevant languages like u know..english.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Si dices que hablamos ingl?s porque nos crecimos con esa idioma, ?no deben los inmigrantes hablar sus propias lenguas? No deben tener que cambiar su lengua para gustar a la gente americana... No te equivocas, creo que es mejor aprender la idioma de un pa?s si viajas all?. Pero si los inmigrantes no pueden hacerlo, no debemos odiarles por eso.

marry me
Someone needs to go back in and time and warn everyone that everyone is going to hate each other in the future aka now and that they should steer the proverbial and literal boats away and not do this United States thing. Tell all of the old world, stay the hell away!
Someone needs to go back in and time and warn everyone that everyone is going to hate each other in the future aka now and that they should steer the proverbial and literal boats away and not do this United States thing. Tell all of the old world, stay the hell away!

Everyone has always hated each other. ?\_(ツ)_/?
Si dices que hablamos ingl?s porque nos crecimos con esa idioma, ?no deben los inmigrantes hablar sus propias lenguas? No deben tener que cambiar su lengua para gustar a la gente americana... No te equivocas, creo que es mejor aprender la idioma de un pa?s si viajas all?. Pero si los inmigrantes no pueden hacerlo, no debemos odiarles por eso.

English isn't the official language of the US but it is the language of TBT.

If you move to France, you do not have to learn French and only speak French and have people wondering why you do not speak French.

I mean. Come on. I usually don't get this impassioned, but this is complete bull****.

Hahahahah. What?
So you move to a country and you decide not to speak their language?
I could understand that you speak in English because you are on a trip, but if you are living there, you should seriously learn the language.
People seriously wonder why you don't learn to speak French, like many celebrities came to live in paris, they have made an effort to learn the language, because otherwise not a good portion of the French know how to speak proper English. It's also respect.