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Officer Berri can Draw and Sprite!


I'm surprised we don't have female Lions yet. And Leopold reminded me that we need a 'brainy' personality for the male villagers. There's a handful of them that look like they should talk about nerdy, smart things but they're either jocks or lazy.
Alrighty then. Time for monkeys!

Tammi's my favorite monkey. She's pretty cute. Also Porter! YAY PORTER. I love his hat.
Not a fan of lions or monkeys in the game, but you did an awesome job on them :)


I just finished them this morning... I don't really like the mice so I didn't have very good motivation to work on them. xD BUT THEY'RE DONE NOW. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Also, GOOD NEWS EVERYONE! I've found a blog that's uploading large, pretty clear pictures of the new villagers! :D That means when I get done with all the other villagers, I'll be able to make sprites of the new ones too!!!

What species is next? *checks* PIGS?! Oh well. Better than mice. BUT AFTER THAT IS THE BUNNIES OMG FINALLY.
Alright, so mice aren't all that exciting. How about pigs?

After pigs is the bunnies so hopefully more people will enjoy that. >>; I bet Rhinos are after the rabbits.. urgh they are. @_@
Of course I can!


She posts more than just the pictures. They're scans from a guide and I was soooo happy when I saw them! Once I finish all the other characters I can get around to spriting the new villagers too!

Thank you so much! Wow, there are so many more new characters than I thought, and Frappe's house is just as cute as her! <3

I finally found the first kangaroo that I like too lol.
I was so excited when I saw Yaya's posts when I went searching for animal crossing stuff. That is going to be so helpful when I start on the new villagers!

But for now: BUNNIES!


I've been wanting to do the bunnies for so long! But now they're done and I have to do the Rhinos next... ohhhh boy I am not looking forward to the Rhinos. This might take a while.

Anyways. These sprites were really fun. Gaston is scary without that mustache though. ._.
Wow! You can do this very well! :)
I have a request, Officer Berri...do you take them? If you do, could you PLEASE make me a new avatar of Lolly the cat character? It's okay if you don't take requests, but I would really like a new avatar. I created a thread like this for anyone who would want to draw me a human character, but after seeing your sprites, Berri, I've changed my mind so I don't mind if it's an animal character or not. ;)
Thanks! :) :)
Cries oh my god you're so talented. ; 0 ; aljdsjfs I'm so jealouss. You should try updating your first post with all of the sprites you've made so far though!! It might be a bit easier to look at all of them like that instead of going through all the pages. Not that you have to of course. They're so lovely cries you're so talented at making sprites.
You know, I think I will put my sprites in my first post later today! That's a pretty good idea!

Also, Madison, what kind of Avatar do you want? One like mine but with Lolly, or something with sprites? Depending on what you want I could give it a shot. :) My spriting skills are a little limited though since I'm just a beginner so if it's something sprite based it might take me a little longer to do anything.
Uwahh I just took a look at the front page and wow they look so cute!! I think my favorite ones are the koala and bunny ones ooo. But you've definitely done a good job on all of them, keep up the good work! Also, I'm curious, are you planning on making sprites of the npc's too?? Or are you just planning on making the villagers? o:
Oh, I'm gonna make sprites of everyone. :) At least I hope to! I have a Zipper T. Bunny sprite I made, but I didn't add it to the first post since I'll be making a NPC sprite sheet as well. And once I'm done with all these sprites I'm gonna actually start on my comic. @_@ I drew the first two pages but I've got sprites to work on.

Also thank you very much! I'm glad you like them!
Heeeeere's some Rhinos!

Tank and Tiara are my favorites since I've had them in my town before. But my favorite design is that Japan-only character Petunia. Adding it to the first page.
Sheeps are up! WOOLY SHEEPS.

Somehow I feel like I missed someone. But those were all Nookipedia had. |:

Squirrels are next, but might take a while since there are almost 20 of them to sprite and I'm also working on another novel.
Your sprites are incredible! I find working with small things really challenging > <
They're all so colourful and cute... c:
Guess what guys? SQUIRRELS HERE.

I've been waiting to do these for ages! I love the squirrels~ They're so teeny tiny and precious. Pecan was my snooty best friend as a kid. Her and Kitty lived in the same acre right next door to my house. xD My brother had a crush on Peanut for the longest time.

Next on the list are Tigers, then Wolves. I love both species to bits so this is going to be fun for me!