Shop Pengutango's Signature Shop! Check thread for request openings! ♥

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Pengu I'm sorry for being a pain but could you please move Cole into my current villagers? I just got him and I'm really excited!! ;-; Thank you! <3
I think a good time to show you the Empyrian Mayor is when i give you the Sweets Pieces, which will be in a few hours. Is that alright with you, PT?

Yep, sounds good. I'll log back on later tonight, probably... around 7 or 8-ish. Will PM my FC to you now.

Pengu I'm sorry for being a pain but could you please move Cole into my current villagers? I just got him and I'm really excited!! ;-; Thank you! <3
No worries. I can add him in. :)
Yep, sounds good. I'll log back on later tonight, probably... around 7 or 8-ish. Will PM my FC to you now.

No worries. I can add him in. :)
Can you make my sig like this?

Avatar or Signature: Signature
Text:Mayor Edwin of 3Dville
Dream Address:5300-2388-2258
Villagers:Moose= Sparro= Bertha~ Colton# Puddles# Hemphrey= Chadder= Bree# Hazel# Katt#
Symbols:=Keeping #About to move ~Moving
Dream Villagers:Rod,Sly,Apollo,Rod,Kid Kat,Ribbot,Tank

Sure. Lil diff from my request form, so take a look at the first post and see if there's anything else you want to add. And If you want Ribbot in your sig, it's an extra, just so ya know. :)
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kk. Also, need the info, like text preferences, border, banner shape, color pref as well... :p All of the info is on the 1st page. I mean, you can give me complete free reign if you want, but need some direction... Think you could re-submit your request with my form if ya don't mind, just so it's all together? :)

I'll add ya to the wait list in the meantime and please send me payment as soon as ya can. Total's 160 TBT bells with the Ribbot pic, unless ya want any other extras. I'll let ya know when you're off the wait list so please check back every so often for updates. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. :D
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kk. Also, need the info, like text preferences, border, banner shape, color pref as well... :p All of the info is on the 1st page. I mean, you can give me complete free reign if you want, but need some direction... Think you could re-submit your request with my form if ya don't mind, just so it's all together? :)

I'll add ya to the wait list in the meantime and please send me payment as soon as ya can. Total's 160 with the Ribbot pic, unless ya want any other extras. I'll let ya know when you're off the wait list so please check back every so often for updates. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. :D
Can you put my villagers with their names in a black color?
Finished another banner!! Thanks rudythecat and hope you enjoy it!! :D Will be adding it to the front page shortly.

Rosiekitty405: You're now off the wait list!! :D I'll also update this in a lil bit.

3DSfan134: Sure. So, guess I'll just go with the flow with your banner and hope ya like it when I send the mockup. ^^; Anyway, please send me payment ASAP.
Finished another banner!! Thanks rudythecat and hope you enjoy it!! :D Will be adding it to the front page shortly.

Rosiekitty405: You're now off the wait list!! :D I'll also update this in a lil bit.

3DSfan134: Sure. So, guess I'll just go with the flow with your banner and hope ya like it when I send the mockup. ^^; Anyway, please send me payment ASAP.
How much is it?
PT, ill open my gates in a half hour, once the auction im at ends and i collect the Sweet Pieces.
Sounds good. Should be done with LonghornGirl's banner by then. :3

Also, already added you. :)
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3DSfan134: My requests are full and have a bunch of people on the wait list, including yourself. I got held up from people not paying in a timely fashion, which set me back a few days. I will get to yours, I promise, but... it'll take a few days. It'll be worth the wait. :D

Feraligatr & wotdafuq: Thanks! :) Much appreciated.

LonghornGirl: I just sent you your mockup, so please check it out when ya get a chance. :)

Stargazer741: Aww, no worries. I should still be up by then. Post when it's done and if I'm not about to head to bed, I can head to your town. And forgot to ask, you have no one in boxes right? I just got Wolfgang and he's moving in tomorrow and I wanna make sure that doesn't get messed up somehow.

One more thing, I might work on other people's requests while I do yours since yours will take extra work because of the drawings and I don't wanna hold them up any more than necessary. I'll keep ya updated. :D
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