Shop Pengutango's Signature Shop! Check thread for request openings! ♥

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Nope, i managed to resolve the adoption issue yesterday. The only casualty was Diva, RIP in peace for now, Diva. But to the point, no one is moving. Hell, ive had the first copy since day 1 and i havent let anyone move.
Stargazer741: Cool, cool.


Okay, know for sure now: Finished another banner!! :D Whoo! Thanks LonghornGirl!! Enjoy it and I'll add it to the front page shortly.


Padas: You're now off the wait list! :)
Stargazer741: Cool, cool.


Okay, know for sure now: Finished another banner!! :D Whoo! Thanks LonghornGirl!! Enjoy it and I'll add it to the front page shortly.


Padas: You're now off the wait list! :)

Thank you so much!! I love it :) Oh and one quick question, how do I put the picture in my signature? Do I just copy and paste the one you will put on the front page of the thread? Lol sorry, I'm not quite tech savvy :blush:
You can re-upload the pic to any image server, then get the image url and paste it into your signature on the "Edit Signature" page. Use the following code:

[img]link of image[/img]

Hope that makes sense. XD
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You can re-upload the pic to any image server, then get the image url and paste it into your signature on the "Edit Signature" page. Use the following code:

[img]link of image[/img]

Hope that makes sense. XD

It did, thank you again! :)
It wasnt my fault, it was the auction guy's fault, dragging it out like that. When Ilyana pulled one over me, i called her Garb?ge. With the fancy ?, too.
it ended 25 minutes ago. I was the highest bidder for FIVE STRAIGHT HOURS, and he still wouldnt end it.
Can you do a edit? Put a a between the H in Hemphrey and delete the e to make it Hemphrey.
I know, but you said "put a a between the H in Hemphrey and delete the e to make it Hemphrey."
it ended 25 minutes ago. I was the highest bidder for FIVE STRAIGHT HOURS, and he still wouldnt end it.

3DSfan134: I'll fix his name. :)

mayoraydin Just sent you your mockup banner, so check it out when ya can. :)


Done for the night! :) Past midnight here and I'm tired... >.< Will get a few more done tomorrow.
Hi Pengutango! Just placing my order as I finally made my mind up! As I said, I would like it to be very similar to yours and I think it's light and breezy and will be easy to edit in the future.

I would like the Rounded rectangle in a regular border in this purple #911691
Please could I have a transparent background. I'd also like the text for "current villagers" and "dream villagers" in this purple.
As well as "Town:Skymoon" and "Mayor:Chelsea" (placement on your sig the same please)
I'd like my "current Villages" and " Dream Villages" kept like your sig, horizontal and one above, one below.
Please could I have them coded too

Current Villagers- Avery (trade) Benjamin (trade) Chops (trade), Greta (trade), Lionel (trade), Peaches (trade) Pippy (trade), poncho (trade), Robin (keep)

Dream Villagers - (all in "want" colour key of course) elise, flora, kabuki, kyle, muffy, rodeo, roscoe, ruby, sly, tia.
Please could I have the sprite names include in the fine liner script.

If any part of my order is unclear then please feel free to tell me off and i'll fix it :D
Thanks for doing this for me and I look forward to receiving a draft. No rush of course, I know you're in popular demand :)

Much Love xx
Ill give you the Sweets Pieces tomorrow then.
Wait, thought you didn't win the auction... so how did ya get the set? :p

Hi Pengutango! Just placing my order as I finally made my mind up! As I said, I would like it to be very similar to yours and I think it's light and breezy and will be easy to edit in the future.

I would like the Rounded rectangle in a regular border in this purple #911691
Please could I have a transparent background. I'd also like the text for "current villagers" and "dream villagers" in this purple.
As well as "Town:Skymoon" and "Mayor:Chelsea" (placement on your sig the same please)
I'd like my "current Villages" and " Dream Villages" kept like your sig, horizontal and one above, one below.
Please could I have them coded too

Current Villagers- Avery (trade) Benjamin (trade) Chops (trade), Greta (trade), Lionel (trade), Peaches (trade) Pippy (trade), poncho (trade), Robin (keep)

Dream Villagers - (all in "want" colour key of course) elise, flora, kabuki, kyle, muffy, rodeo, roscoe, ruby, sly, tia.
Please could I have the sprite names include in the fine liner script.

If any part of my order is unclear then please feel free to tell me off and i'll fix it :D
Thanks for doing this for me and I look forward to receiving a draft. No rush of course, I know you're in popular demand :)

Much Love xx

Yay, awesome! I also got your payment so mark that you paid. I'll let ya know when you're off the wait list, so check back every so often for updates. :)

Okay, think I got it, but just wanted to clarify a few things, just to be sure. :D Overall, you want your banner to be exactly like mine, in terms of the basics and color code? With the text, you want everything, including sprite text to be fineliner script?

No prob. It's funny since I didn't realize when I opened shop that so many wanted banners from me. :3 Still in disbelief. XD
Yes that's exactly right :) I just think it's a lovely and easy-to-read design.

They're brilliant that's why! Very good for people like me that are here to see if they can obtain their dream villagers :D xx

I'll keep checking back daily. Thanks again xx
Kk, sounds good. :)

Thanks for the compliment. :3 It's very much appreciated. I feel so humble to everyone who loves my work.
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