Personal Preference Kit (Crews 1 & 2)

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Space is mostly nothing and I want to be wearing comfortable lounge wear if I'm going to stuck on the space ship most of the time. I can't go anywhere without my favorite plushie. To starve away the boredom I have my laptop and switch for entertainment and my craft projects for when I need to get away from the screen. Of course I'll be documenting the whole trip in my scrapbook.

⭐ Outfit:✨
I chose to wear my starry robe with a mint kimono underneath to represent my cabin.
I’m also wearing a bright star bopper so that I can be easily located if I get lost!

✨ Items: 💫
Firstly, I would need a suitcase to carry all my items! The most important item I would bring is my starry tent so that I have a place to rest and shelter. I would bring my space encyclopaedia to help guide me through my time in space. A star dust jar would be needed to protect all the star dust we are collecting. Lastly, I would bring a camera to document any discoveries and for recoding memories me having fun with of all my campmates!​

My outfit is a long nightgown with a cap and socks and slippers, all in my favorite color. I also wear glasses, it is what I wear to get relax and cozy. I brought a lantern in case the lights go out on the ship. My desktop computer to play games and listen to music, Mom's cushion and plushie to have something to sit or lay on and hug Mr. Puppers for comfort. Last a jar of chocolate chip cookies to snack on. 😊
ACNH Screenshot.jpeg

Items: Here are the five items I am bringing! First is laptop for language learning practice and entertainment. Second is switch for playing awesome games. Third is Carmen's picture, I would be away with my best friend, so I bring her picture so I can look at it. Fourth is music box, I like to hear a sweet lullaby at anytime. Fifth is stack of books, I am a bookworm, so of course I can bring several books to read.

Outfit: I decide to wear a spacetacular astro outfit to fit for the space camp and activities!​

My space outfit is a very casual fit, it needs to be comfortable and shouldn't stand out too much, as to not invite trouble in space. I can also hide and pretend to be an inanimate object, that's very important on our dangerous mission!
I take with me a radio communicator, to keep in touch with the crew and commando, a unicorn plushie as a good luck amulet, an aquarium with my dear friend Chippie so I don't feel lonely, a guitar to make music and sing with my crew members, and a soft moon chair as my place to relax and sometimes sleep.
We're gonna be in space for a few weeks, so it's important for me to wear clothing that's comfortable and allows easy movement. I'm also pretty sentimental on some things, so I decided to wear my Poliwag hat again that I created myself a couple of years ago in the previous camp. I've already seen a few familiar faces with people I've teamed up with before and it'd be lovely to have a small reunion!

For the items I brought with me, a rice cooker is a must. I do not know what kinds of foods will be provided, but rice is always something I need to eat in order to keep me full for some time. I brought a bed too and even a plushie to hug in case adventuring in space gets a little too much for me due to the very unfamiliar experience of not being on Earth. Drawing is my hobby, so I brought a set of paper, pencil, eraser, and other important tools an artist needs to have. Oh, and a music player as well to help relax my mind. I don't like too much silence.

For my trip to space I wanted to be comfy! I'm wearing a knit hat, pajama dress, and layered socks along with space boots and a backpack in case I do any exploring. I've packed a futon because the trip will probably be long and I get sleepy, a lunchbox so I can bring snacks, and I always like to bring my Switch along with me when I'm away from home. I also brought a VCR TV so I can watch alien movies, and a lantern in case I get scared afterwards--I hear space is pretty dark.


My space outfit is a suit because I want to dress up for how much I paid for the ticket. I am wearing the star bopper to stay on theme with the other travellers.

With me I have brought an extra pile of cash for the inevitable extra charges that will be incurred for this trip. I also brought my astronaut (suit), camera, and telescope so that I can enjoy all the sightseeing on this foreign planet. My picture of Ruby is to remind me of my life back home so that I may return safely.

Ahhh nothing says space camp relaxation more than my own personal hammock! When I'm not relaxing the day away, I love to spend some time playing on my guitar to my new space duck friend we found on a nice water planet! Space camp isn't all about relaxing though, it's about learning too! That's why I always have my globe on me as well as my desktop computer to have me learn the way of the land from high above in the stars!

As for my outfit: It's cold in space! Gotta bring that knitted hat. The dreamy pants for my hammock, the space boots for my spacewalks, and finally the space shirt that screams I am a proud space camp member!

guys I have to apologize in advance, the poor engineers who so meticulously calculate the trajectory needed for our spacecraft to successfully exit Earth's atmosphere will now have to account for the 16 metric tons added on by Mr Thwompo. I hope that's not a problem! he's my emotional support rock hehehe

anyways, here's what I'm bringing along on our trip to the final frontier! bringing a rock boy along was a pretty obvious choice, though I hope and pray that he doesn't accidentally smash any computers or oxygen tanks oops. he's a pretty friendly thwomp so I think he'll be alright. along with him I also have my purple and black unicorn plushie, which withholds the spirit of Waluigi and, despite its cute appearance, exudes chaos. I brought a lava lamp because we need bit of light, but it needs to have those funky alien vibes of course. the record player is so that I can play my Bruce Hornsby records jam with my friends. and lastly, I'm bringing a chessboard so that Mr Thwompo and I can play together, just pray he doesn't lose or else he might pulverize the board as well as the floor beneath it (no worries, I suck at chess anyways lol).

as for Bug's outfit, well he's still a snarky dude but he likes to dress comfortably, so he's wearing his Hikoboshi outfit, though he might feel a bit awkward if others are wearing the same thing haha. he's wearing a green bulb bopper to, once again, harness funky alien vibes. and then he's just wearing purple socks, because shoes are lame and purple is the best color ever. 💜
well here we go, as for my Outfit i chose something confortable to be inside my mother-ship with my special lighting heart shape headset so i can use my hands freely.

As per my five objects i chose my tooth brush 🦷 set my dentist scare the ever loving of me 🤣 so even in outer space you gotta take care of your teeth. I will also bring along my head and space body suit because who knows where we landing … you need to anticipate and prepare yourselves. My journal 📔 because it is important to record every finding and record every move from this adventure. Lastly and most important is my doggo 🐶, we like to travel together, she always comes with me in all my adventures and in worst case scenery she can stay in the mother-ship as its full equipped. Let the adventures begin 👽🙆🏽‍♀️🐶


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Yes. This is all you need for space travel. My space suit, some tunes, a communicator with really good connections to home base, and lunch; a pizza and Baja Blast Mountain Dew, a meal I won't get sick of. And of course, don't forget your towel! It has over 42 different uses!

My outfit: a comfy cozy outfit. I just want to chill and fall asleep under the stars 🌟
Items: first of all to fall asleep under the stars I need a comfy pillow and my favorite stuffed animal which is obviously the pink unicorn🦄
Then I need some snacks and drinks (it looks like a lot but it's one item so it counts 🙃) and my switch so I can play animal crossing obv.
The last item is a scrapbook/journal because I want to draw the stars I see and journal about my adventure ✨

Around our space ship I am wearing a mint hoodie dress to stay comfy and also represent team Actually, Nevermind! For camp I have brought my nintendo switch because I bring it everywhere, a few of my cacti from my plant collection, and diffuser to help me sleep. I have also brought a few (many) books to hopefully last me the whole trip, and of course frosted pretzels because they a the perfect traveling snack as they don't go bad quickly and are salty and sweet!

Gene is dressed from head to toe in bright star-themed items perfect for a mission to space, with a light-up headband and star-shaped purse included! She tends to get very sleepy, and nowhere better to nap than a moon-shaped seat; for entertainment, she has decided to bring a record player to keep music jamming, a book to keep her occupied, and everyone's favorite Nintendo Switch. No trip to space is complete without a basket of snacks though; you know she had to bring those!

Boy was I having a difficult time choosing only 5 items for my personal preference kit, but along with wearing a comfy pair of boots & jumper, I'm also keeping on my space helmet in case of any oxygen emergency that may occur during my travel in space.

Below are my 5 must have items to bring:
1) fan - I run hot all the time, and this will help keep my temperature cool & comfortable.
2) chair - I absolutely need a place to sit, since I hate standing for long periods of time.
3) sleeping bag - To sleep & lie down in of course.
4) Switch - I need me my cozy games, and this will provide me my entertainment & access to the time.
5) food - You don't ever want to go hungry during your space travel, and this cup of noodles is both portable & convenient.


Well obviously I'm a tourist in space so I hope to take lots of nice pictures... 👀

1. Mom's Plushie: my favourite item is obviously going to space.
2. Switch: so I can play with my crewmates!!
3. Tent: a comfy space to retire into and not feel like in a spaceship, don't judge me.
4. Hydrangea lamp: I don't know if we have the facilities to make actual plants live for long so I'll instead take a soothing flower lamp to bring a bit of nature/earth feeling into space!
5. Mocca maker: this daily item is a must, my day literally can't start without some good coffee from a mocca!
Just a simple hoodie and pajama pants cause I like to be lazy and the crown is cause im the king and queen, best of both… things

I brought my PC and Switch so I can do some gaming
My Tent so I can crunch up into a little ball in my own corner watching funny videos
And my Fortune telling and Lab-Experiments Set Potions set, so I can do some ✨magic✨