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pet peeves / lil stuff you cant stand

Okay I have to rant about this because this is just been getting on my nerves lately. Everytime I go to the store to get healthy food like salad for example its at a high price. You know how much I had to pay for a small container of salad? It was $4.99 by my local Publix store. I mean honestly the prices have gone up so much that it just makes it harder to get anything these days.

Another pet peeve about this is about money, because I constantly have to watch how much I spend and to make sure to not spend so much, but its always that sales tax that makes this difficult. I only go to the store a few times these days and its becoming too much of a nuisance to buy healthy food because of how expensive it is.
Me trying to listen to FNF covers I have in a YouTube playlist, and it doesn't auto-play. I counted and I listened to 25 covers before it stopped, I have 72 videos in the playlist. 🥲 Please, at least go through most or all of the songs before stopping, now I have to refresh it a ton.

Edit: And also the Restricted Mode thing my dad set on YouTube. It prevents me from watching a lot of videos even if it's not inappropriate. I really hate this, there are some hilarious videos I've watched in the past but now can't watch them because of this rule.
Screenshot 2022-05-14 10.25.09 PM.png
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- People who try to twist your words or put words in your mouth.

- People who call you a hypochondriac when you are actually hurt or not feeling well.
Okay I have to rant about this because this is just been getting on my nerves lately. Everytime I go to the store to get healthy food like salad for example its at a high price. You know how much I had to pay for a small container of salad? It was $4.99 by my local Publix store. I mean honestly the prices have gone up so much that it just makes it harder to get anything these days.

Another pet peeve about this is about money, because I constantly have to watch how much I spend and to make sure to not spend so much, but its always that sales tax that makes this difficult. I only go to the store a few times these days and its becoming too much of a nuisance to buy healthy food because of how expensive it is.
I'm assuming you're in the US because I've heard this exact thing: that buying takeout fast food is cheaper than buying groceries.

Here in Canada (at least where I am), fast food is expensive. If I want a big mac meal, it'll be around $13 ish, meanwhile I could put that money towards beans, rice, and some veggies and have many meals out of it.

But in the US, with those cheap fast food prices, it's no wonder people choose that over buying healthy and/or grocery shopping.
I'm assuming you're in the US because I've heard this exact thing: that buying takeout fast food is cheaper than buying groceries.

Here in Canada (at least where I am), fast food is expensive. If I want a big mac meal, it'll be around $13 ish, meanwhile I could put that money towards beans, rice, and some veggies and have many meals out of it.

But in the US, with those cheap fast food prices, it's no wonder people choose that over buying healthy and/or grocery shopping.
Yes I'm of course I'm in the US. The Stock Supply issue is so much worse over here.
I can relate with expensive healthy food here, you can probably get six package of instant ramen rather than a larger lettuce head lol. It's like they import everything from war zones these days? Only cheap thing is like avocado which is good cause I like it but yeah you'd probably get away cheaper with a frozen dish or just an McD meal.

I'd most local take-out/pizza places etc. increased prices too or just store-made dishes like..??
I can relate with expensive healthy food here, you can probably get six package of instant ramen rather than a larger lettuce head lol. It's like they import everything from war zones these days? Only cheap thing is like avocado which is good cause I like it but yeah you'd probably get away cheaper with a frozen dish or just an McD meal.

I'd most local take-out/pizza places etc. increased prices too or just store-made dishes like..??
For real, getting fresh foods these days is just a rip off. Mushrooms alone are a dollar fifty more than they used to be. One would think, a dollar fifty more, who cares? But it just feels like a punch in the face.
I hate when people get mad and honk their horns at me for driving slow in a classic car most people in my area expect people to own modern cars but I don't I usually go 40 miles per hour while everyone else is going 80 miles per hour because most of the classic cars I own can't handle such speeds but in Mexico people don't usually have problems at me going 40 miles per hour, especially in a classic car because they are more common in Mexico but what people hate it when a go 10mph per hour on a speed bump because I can't go fast on speed bumps or the speed bump will damage my dad's classic car that's when other people get mad and they also honk their horns at me I don't know why people expect me to go faster in a classic car I can't go fast because they are not intended to go very fast and that is one of my pet peeves
People who ride my bumper when I slow down to go over a big bump or train track. Like chillax, I don't wanna destroy my car. I'll speed up again, I promise.
Not sure how many people actually eat this way, I only know of my mom that does this. And for some reason it came to mind. Probably from reflecting back on stuff today.

Eating a candy bar in layers no matter how messy that process is/gets.

Or the sound that is made from eating a shake by pulling the straw out just to put the bottom of it in your mouth instead of just using a spoon or the a straw as intended.

It's noisy and makes a mess. Esp in the car.
People who ride my bumper when I slow down to go over a big bump or train track. Like chillax, I don't wanna destroy my car. I'll speed up again, I promise.
it's only really a problem in Mexico anyways since there are almost no speed bumps in my area in the US but in the US people hate it when I drive slow because my classic car can not go the speed limit (example: me driving 40 miles per hour in a classic car while other people go 80 miles per hour in their modern cars) But I guess most people who own modern cars don't understand that most classic cars can't go as fast as a modern car also a fun fact about me and my parents: We don't like modern cars so that's why we own lots of classic cars
also on the right is one of the classic cars my dad owns in Mexico so you can get an idea of what types of cars we are talking about
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People who tease you just because they know you get annoyed/angry, and also trying to be funny while ruining what you have to say.

Like we discussed rock/metal music the other day at work and one of my co-worker basically love ruining other people's conversation like this... I told him I often get questions whether I like metal or know anything about it cause I'm from Sweden and I was never into modern metal scene, I mean I liked some J-rock/j-metal that was "modern" when I was a teen and also stuff like X JAPAN..which was more oldies visual kei mainly? Anyway he went on like "do they like like "sushi sushi" lyrics in a high pitched voice or?"

Like, if you're not interested in my music taste that's fine but you're a ****er trying to do that every time. I feel sorry for your girlfriend lol.
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Also when people who are parents rant about their kids doing stuff or them spending too much time and money on sports/gaming etc. they very well could control or help them with.

Like if you have children by your own free will and decision, like, make sure your kids get help and limit their and your time and money with stuff. They most likely don't need 3 activities each every weekend nor do they need the latest gaming/phones.
Also when people who are parents rant about their kids doing stuff or them spending too much time and money on sports/gaming etc. they very well could control or help them with.

Like if you have children by your own free will and decision, like, make sure your kids get help and limit their and your time and money with stuff. They most likely don't need 3 activities each every weekend nor do they need the latest gaming/phones.
Totally agree. Like sure, having a kid playing video games for hours and hours and hours isn't healthy, but instead of chastising the kid, maybe find out why they're doing that. More often than not, they're using gaming to fill a missing part of their life. Maybe they're being bullied or have no friends. It would be more beneficial to fix whatever is causing them to escape reality than to take away their only crutch.
This is going to sound personal but I have to say this. Whenever I have people disagree with me on things I said I often get this statement from others who say "well no you're wrong and you're dumb for thinking that" It rubs me the wrong way which is one of the reasons I often hold back from expressing certain opinions on sensitive topics. I don't even want to talk it because it brings back bad memories.
Totally agree. Like sure, having a kid playing video games for hours and hours and hours isn't healthy, but instead of chastising the kid, maybe find out why they're doing that. More often than not, they're using gaming to fill a missing part of their life. Maybe they're being bullied or have no friends. It would be more beneficial to fix whatever is causing them to escape reality than to take away their only crutch.
Yeah I do agree, something definitely is more or less wrong in such cases but the fact that parents neglect and only complain instead of trying to help their kid is just awful. And, normally I'm definitely not for harsh takeaways but then yeah you shouldn't let your kid resort to only that and never look after your kid again and let it escalate or just be like "meh whatever i give up cba someone i have responsibility for".
Yeah I do agree, something definitely is more or less wrong in such cases but the fact that parents neglect and only complain instead of trying to help their kid is just awful. And, normally I'm definitely not for harsh takeaways but then yeah you shouldn't let your kid resort to only that and never look after your kid again and let it escalate or just be like "meh whatever i give up cba someone i have responsibility for".
I hate to be the one to say this but it's clear some parents shouldn't be parents/didn't want kids. Raising kids is hard work and not everyone is cut out for it and that's okay. So don't have them then. I feel bad for those kids who's parents are one of these people. It's obvious in their raising methods.