pet peeves / lil stuff you cant stand

I don't really like how their seems to be a lot of shows made on real life deplorable people who have done heinous acts or taken advantage of people in some capacity. Feels like there's a been an influx of these shows/one-off series where they're the central focus and like we're glorying them. They don't need that attention, those types feed off of it and feel validated when they just should fade into obscurity for being the filth they are.
I don't really like how their seems to be a lot of shows made on real life deplorable people who have done heinous acts or taken advantage of people in some capacity. Feels like there's a been an influx of these shows/one-off series where they're the central focus and like we're glorying them. They don't need that attention, those types feed off of it and feel validated when they just should fade into obscurity for being the filth they are.
I haven't seen it, but didn't the Menendez Brothers thing do that?
When people use social media to complain about their kids…like you don’t have anyone else you can talk to? Or a diary?
Yeah I hate all of social media. It's so toxic. Everyone wants to seem to always fight for no reason. Do you really want to be that angry and miserable all the time? Why? For who?

I left Twitter after some of my online friends refused to use any other place. I don't stay in touch with them anymore, which is kind of a shame, but not being barraged by all of the toxicity is a great payoff.
Yeah I hate all of social media. It's so toxic. Everyone wants to seem to always fight for no reason. Do you really want to be that angry and miserable all the time? Why? For who?

I left Twitter after some of my online friends refused to use any other place. I don't stay in touch with them anymore, which is kind of a shame, but not being barraged by all of the toxicity is a great payoff.
Sadly, it’s done more harm than good. I’m mostly thinking of the AITA subreddit, where sometimes I come across posts where the parent asks for advice, but sounds harsh in the way they describe their kids. And then if people in the comments say something mean about the kid (happens more with teen girls) the parents don’t stand up for their kid. Like don’t call my child names, etc. (or if they do I haven’t seen it)

And don’t even get me started on family vlogging…! YUCK! Especially when those creeps have embarrassing videos of potty training their kids.
Sadly, it’s done more harm than good. I’m mostly thinking of the AITA subreddit, where sometimes I come across posts where the parent asks for advice, but sounds harsh in the way they describe their kids. And then if people in the comments say something mean about the kid (happens more with teen girls) the parents don’t stand up for their kid. Like don’t call my child names, etc. (or if they do I haven’t seen it)

And don’t even get me started on family vlogging…! YUCK! Especially when those creeps have embarrassing videos of potty training their kids.
Subs like that are also breeding grounds for narcissists to pat each others back and say they're in the right. Of course, when the posts aren't just some fabricated story by a bored kid/teen. All of Reddit is so fake unless it's a genuine question for a DIY or troubleshooting.
when I download a program and it wants to download something else in addition to it! I had to install the latest edition of Adobe to fill in my documents for my visa application and it installed McAfee along with it and I'm so sure there was never a checkbox for it. my phone provider kinda does the same thing where whenever I update the software on my phone it makes me click a notification after and I have to go through and uncheck a bunch of random apps it wants to download
I remember when I was forming a friendship with somebody online who suddenly said they 'don't associate with people of my nationality'.

Then me having to explain to this person that this was a form of prejudice and it's important to see people as individuals and not a collective. (and this person was about 10 years older than me, yet it felt like I was speaking with a child).

It clearly wasn't a friendship I needed, but geez, I haven't forgotten that mess of a conversation.
This has probably been posted in here before, but I hate it when I’m texting someone and then they don’t respond to a large part of the text. It makes me feel like I’m being ignored.
When people online who likes to gatekeep stuff. I admit, I used to do that with the whole '90's kid/00's teen' thing a long time ago now; but it wasn't to the extreme like how others would do it.

Some people need to learn to get a life. Let people enjoy things. Like they don't need to be 6 years old like you were and watched a TV show, reruns exist, yes it's still counts and no one cares if you saw it when it first came on (when you were 9).

The internet is truly making some people snowflakes.
Some people need to learn to get a life. Let people enjoy things. Like they don't need to be 6 years old like you were and watched a TV show, reruns exist, yes it's still counts and no one cares if you saw it when it first came on (when you were 9).
THIS!!! People like this get on my nerves, and let me tell you, people really need to stop gatekeeping nostalgia from the decades they grew up in. If you were born later in a decade (ex: 2000s), people who were born before you would gatekeep the living crap out of anything that came out before you were born/too young to remember.

Like yeah, no **** sherlock! I wasn't even born yet when SpongeBob SquarePants first aired on TV back in 1999! SpongeBob came out 4 years before I was even born, and yet I still grew up watching the show anyways. And it makes me wonder "Why the hell are so many nostalgia gatekeepers millennials?" I mean sure, other generations gatekeep nostalgia, but I mainly see this with millennials for some reason, mainly on the internet.
I'm at the tailend of the millennial generation and I hate seeing posts like that too. It doesn't matter how late/early or young/old someone is when they get into something. What matters is that they got into it and love it!

I remember seeing so many generation X folks pulling the same stunt on millenials how where we weren't allowed to be nostalgic for say, Windows 98 computers like they were because we were too young to remember them. So I'm not allowed to be nostalgic for Scooby-Doo because it came out in the 60s and I wasn't born yet? Stuff like that.

And now millenials are doing the same garbage toxic gatekeeping that they claimed to hate. Please gen z's, I'm begging you guys to kill that behavior. Make it stop at you guys.

Edit: And I know it's a behavior thing in order for these people to feel special and above others but it still sucks.
And it makes me wonder "Why the hell are so many nostalgia gatekeepers millennials?" I mean sure, other generations gatekeep nostalgia, but I mainly see this with millennials for some reason, mainly on the internet.
Unfortunately, it's a thing within own generation too. I've seen many Millennials born in the 80's online attack the ones born in the 90's pretty often; even those that were born in my year (1989), because we got labeled 'younger' by some website a while back and now many of them and websites like BuzzFeed and social media has Interpreted this extremely poorly.

If I hear one more thing that I apparently don't know about (but people who are one or two years older can). When I do, I'm going to scream.

But yeah, a lot of it is just coming from weirdos online.
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It bothers me when people have an arguably bad opinion (racism, sexism, homophobia) and then cry about it when people push back against them??

Like. Saying ~just my opinion~ doesn't give you a free pass to be a horrible person.
It bothers me when people have an arguably bad opinion (racism, sexism, homophobia) and then cry about it when people push back against them??

Like. Saying ~just my opinion~ doesn't give you a free pass to be a horrible person.
I feel that this is targeted towards myself, so I’m going to explain that the opinion I was referring to is that I don’t like labor unions, and nothing that you have listed in parentheses.

I didn’t want to get into it because I did not want to be targeted for such opinion. Unions prioritize seniority over performance for promotions, pay increases, or job security. This can lead to less motivated employees and can frustrate high-performing workers who feel they aren't being rewarded for their efforts.

I’m of the belief that people should be paid for their job performance rather than have things handed to them just because they’ve been there over a decade. I’ve seen some of the laziest people being paid over twice as much as an employee that works five times harder than them.
I feel that this is targeted towards myself, so I’m going to explain that the opinion I was referring to is that I don’t like labor unions, and nothing that you have listed in parentheses.

I didn’t want to get into it because I did not want to be targeted for such opinion. Unions prioritize seniority over performance for promotions, pay increases, or job security. This can lead to less motivated employees and can frustrate high-performing workers who feel they aren't being rewarded for their efforts.

I’m of the belief that people should be paid for their job performance rather than have things handed to them just because they’ve been there over a decade. I’ve seen some of the laziest people being paid over twice as much as an employee that works five times harder than them.

Unions are important and do so much more than what you've said but whatever.

This was actually targeted at my dad who was watching ~rebel news~ this evening and was trying to engage in a conversation with me about it. When I tried to point out that what he was watching was wrong he got upset and defensive as he often does regarding these topics.

That whole ~news~ channel is such an echo chamber of incorrect things and any push back is met with such vitriol it makes my stomach sick.