pet peeves / lil stuff you cant stand

Pet peeves category. Online stores not listing hip measure for dresses cause most models are for people with a larger chest and no butt, I'm quite the reverse so it's rather annoying. Sure you can ask or go off your general other measurements but I always have to go larger than usual cause that, ugh.
i really dont understand how some people can put fast food in the fridge to eat later. If i dont eat it in 30 minutes or less I just can't eat it.
Dad/anti-joke jokes and people who tell them when someone is angry cause they just can't take people seriously.

People who act out like you attacked their existence just because you say you dislike a band they like. Like cool story bro but not 100% of the people across the world likes Ramones sorry. (Just an example, I do not like them but some of my friends keep on bringing them up or just punk in general and it's like... chill bro not everyone thinks they are good).
Really hate when someone tries to bring up my past to make me look bad. Like come on this type of stuff needs to stop. Why is it that everytime when someone makes a mistake some people try to bring it up to remind you what you did just to make you look bad? Its like saying "Sorry" isn't enough and then you are getting other people questioning your motives and other stuff that you did. Whatever happened to the whole "Everyone Makes Mistakes"?

This is the reason why I have to be very careful and always be CLEAR on what I say because I know there are people who take things what I say out of a context and use it against me. Its happened to me way too many times.
I hate when people stick their nose in business they have no business being in. I like it makes them feel important to try and be a hero or getting into things that have absolutely nothing to do with them.
Hand sanitizers in public places that try to smell good. Just keep it rubbing alcohol smell if you can't handle it. Stop making it smell like chocolate cause it doesn't smell like chocolate. It smells like beef and I hate it.
ugh yeah reminds me of public toilet soap, literally makes the poop smell get worse so it smells like you basically grabbed a pile of it and or it has no smell at all D:

@VanitasFan26 I agree too, it's like some people must have really bad self-esteem here big sigh.
When a game requires you to play a poorly made mini game in order to 100% finish the title.
Yeah or just add them before a boss in order to even fight and complete that. Or just to progress story in general (looking at you AQW -.-)
My BFF during grade 7 had a serious phobia of people touching her feet.. Naturaly, I touched her feet every chance I had.

Best Friend Forever? More like B F F (I won't even go there)
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Also could make the chalkboard scratchy sound with my nails on paper.
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I am a peeve I think.
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I dislike parrots.🦜
I don't like it when people give me "small talk" asking me so many questions in one conversation. It makes me feel uncomfortable.
Same when they play out their whole line pamphlet of polite questions like... bruh stfu.

I get if they wanna say hi and ask how you are or stuff but stop asking if I want kids or what cucumber I use lol
God the list is so long but

-People who send multiple messages instead of putting it all in one message.
It drives me up the wall. Put it in one message or just don't bother 😮‍💨

-Any loud eating noises is just...unbearable. Please. It is not that hard to chew with your mouth closed, yeah?

-When politics get brought up when they have nothing to do with the conversation. Leave it alone, sometimes people just wanna have a conversation

-Hating on people for who they choose to love or who they choose to identify as. Why does it matter to you? They aren't hurting you :/

-Just overall being a genuine crappy person to others for no reason. Why? Why do you feel the need to treat people like trash for no reason other than your inflated ego?

-SNOOPING. Whatever I do on my phone/write in my journals/draw in my sketchbook is /my/ business unless I show you. Stepmom used to read through my messages when I was younger and confront me about things I said. She also liked to read my diary. Imagine how bad my trust issues are.

Anyway I think that covers most of the bases...🤔
Okay I need to rant about this. The one thing that REALLY gets under my skin is whenever you try to make a call to a company you always have to deal with the annoying "Phone Bot" the ones who keep telling you the same stuff over and over again. Telling what numbers to press whenever you need support. I mean whatever happened to the days of dialing a number and a ACTUAL human being picking up the phone? Why do companies think this is a good idea? It does nothing but waste time and you have to keep hearing the robot voice talking the same stuff word for word. Not to mention the long wait times just for an actual human to answer you.
"Hi, how are you?"
"Good, you?"

It's just so pointless. I'd rather just a "Hi" at that point.
I agree. I need to be able to hold a conversation with you. This is the reality of dating apps, lol. I swear nobody can hold conversations on those things. 😂

I also hate when people snoop your profile to insult you when you say something they disagree with. Like I posted a very innocent baseball opinion and someone commented “Hockey sucks!!” just because I had a hockey profile picture. This was on Facebook, but I’ve since then deleted my profile. I’ve been a lot happier since.
Hopefully this one isn't too vague, but when people try to insist that you have to have certain experiences, do certain things, read this exact book/etc., or it's some sort of failure on your part. It's like... I know what I want and what's good for me, actually? I'm definitely not arguing against challenging yourself sometimes or broadening your horizons, but "stepping outside one's comfort zone" isn't always good or healthy either.
Like, say... skydiving. A lot of people love it and are glad they went, but it's silly to suggest that because of that, everyone needs to go skydiving to have that same experience, no matter how much they just genuinely do not want to.