pet peeves / lil stuff you cant stand

I hate to be the one to say this but it's clear some parents shouldn't be parents/didn't want kids. Raising kids is hard work and not everyone is cut out for it and that's okay. So don't have them then. I feel bad for those kids who's parents are one of these people. It's obvious in their raising methods.
Yep this so much too. It's like people see it as some 'right' to have kids and then they can treat them however they want... Like that's not how it works.
Right! They act like the kids are some piece of property to control rather than an actual living person. It's sad
That is so common and so annoying.
Or that kids are pets and that they stay kids forever, then complain that their kids act like kids when they are adults because they kept them from the opportunity to develop needed skills.
That is so common and so annoying.
Or that kids are pets and that they stay kids forever, then complain that their kids act like kids when they are adults because they kept them from the opportunity to develop needed skills.
Yes this so much. As someone who is/ws a victim of this and overprotective-ness in general it irks me a lot. Your kids are not property/pet/babies forever and you need to let them develop in any possible way.
"My kid can't cook for crap!"

"Did you teach them how?"


Also, on another note. People who simply assume you will let them have your seat on the train. They don't even ask like "excuse me, can I sit I have x issues"... Like okay don't stand silent and stare at me I might have reason why I have to sit even though it's not that visible..sigh.
I really don't like when people have to over explain things with long paragraphs. It makes it so hard to even understand. I would prefer to get straight to the point without trying to over explain it because when there is so much information it makes me have a minor headache just trying to remember everything that was said. I had a hard time with this in school when teachers keep talking word for word and I had to use Notes to write down what they were saying instead of writing it on the board.
I really don't like when people have to over explain things with long paragraphs. It makes it so hard to even understand. I would prefer to get straight to the point without trying to over explain it because when there is so much information it makes me have a minor headache just trying to remember everything that was said. I had a hard time with this in school when teachers keep talking word for word and I had to use Notes to write down what they were saying instead of writing it on the board.
Agree. I mean I prefer crystal-clear instructions for work tasks and such but when it's just casual conversation thing or simple question please no.

For example my mom always ask for 42-slide powerpoints/paragraphs whenever I say I like something, talk about someone or stuff like..chill...
I just dislike how people expect you to have a reason for everything, even if it’s simple? Like, why do I have to have a five paragraph essay explaining why I don’t want to live somewhere? Isn’t “it doesn’t feel like home to me” a good enough answer? Lol. A simple equation for y’all:

Pennsylvania ≠ Home
There’s a reason I feel more at home on the west coast. That’s probably why I spend a lot of time there.
I just dislike how people expect you to have a reason for everything, even if it’s simple? Like, why do I have to have a five paragraph essay explaining why I don’t want to live somewhere? Isn’t “it doesn’t feel like home to me” a good enough answer? Lol. A simple equation for y’all:

Pennsylvania ≠ Home
There’s a reason I feel more at home on the west coast. That’s probably why I spend a lot of time there.
Yeah or just doing anything, from going to the toilet to attending a movie like...I need to pee and I like the movie they're screening.

Also talking about phones and stuff. I really hate when people get angry when you miss their call and it weren't something important. Call twice or text so I can see you really wanted something rather than just "check up" or just giving me a lecture.
Yeah or just doing anything, from going to the toilet to attending a movie like...I need to pee and I like the movie they're screening.

Also talking about phones and stuff. I really hate when people get angry when you miss their call and it weren't something important. Call twice or text so I can see you really wanted something rather than just "check up" or just giving me a lecture.
It bothers me when people call. Just shoot me a text, that way I'll get back to you way faster than playing phone tag.
It bothers me when people call. Just shoot me a text, that way I'll get back to you way faster than playing phone tag.
Exactly. If someone actually calls me I expect it to be an emergency or just important stuff not like "lol buy milk i'm lazy" kind of stuff sheesh.
People who give a lecture for petty/small mistakes that doesn't really matter if you did them, they do just because they can and want to look good. Like you're not gonna die just because you missed some extra XP on PoGo, also you forgot to alert me properly, also don't send the gift half a day in advance with letting me know (and respond to it).
"My kid can't cook for crap!"

"Did you teach them how?"

But it didn't come with an owner's manual.

Speaking about texting. I really do need to upgrade my phone lol. I still have a flipphone and it is a PITA to text with. It'd be so much easier just to chat to text. But affording those plans would be a luxury for me right now lol.
When people are going to the restroom at night why do they open the door and turn on the light and then close the door???
That wakes everyone up when you blast on the light because you leave the door open why don't you shut the door and then turn on the lights?
Because they're only thinking of themselves. I'm quiet as a mouse when I used to live at home when getting up early to get to the bus when it was still dark or getting up super early for work during summer. But my dad would do tap dancing lessons, slam doors, and beat on metal.

Semi-trucks holding onto their jake brake. You know the sound if you've heard a high-pitch rumbling. It's not so bad if they have a muffler but extremely loud if they don't. I live on a long strip of road where they the drivers do it near where a few homes are. Wakes me up at the dead of night and so forth. I don't know if they do it to be a jackass or to slow down, but it's all the time where I live.
People expecting you to reply to stuff people say when they're obviously talking to themselves being annoyed at stuff... Like go somewhere else you're not even ranting lol.
when cars wont stop inching closer to you and almost run over the back of your heels while youre using the crosswalk
I've seen that happen many times whenever there is an intersection and some drivers go over the white line where there is a sidewalk. I live in Georgia and man the drivers are so much worse over here.
I've seen that happen many times whenever there is an intersection and some drivers go over the white line where there is a sidewalk. I live in Georgia and man the drivers are so much worse over here.
i grew up in georgia. i remember just walking on the side of the road bc there were almost no sidewalks d: i went to college in florida though, and i think thats where pedestrians are the most at risk out of everywhere ive lived. even the students walking on campus werent safe. in denver theres way more walkability but jerk drivers still exist unfortunately. seems like its nation wide .-.