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pet peeves / lil stuff you cant stand

Hopefully this one isn't too vague, but when people try to insist that you have to have certain experiences, do certain things, read this exact book/etc., or it's some sort of failure on your part. It's like... I know what I want and what's good for me, actually? I'm definitely not arguing against challenging yourself sometimes or broadening your horizons, but "stepping outside one's comfort zone" isn't always good or healthy either.
Like, say... skydiving. A lot of people love it and are glad they went, but it's silly to suggest that because of that, everyone needs to go skydiving to have that same experience, no matter how much they just genuinely do not want to.
Oh I agree with this 100% my sister was like that where she tried to tell me how to live my life and try to more successful like her, but then the moment I disagreed with her she just cursed me out and just went passive aggressive. We haven't spoken since then. I just wish people in general would understand that everyone is different and they do things differently. We live in a world where society tries to tell us how to be like everyone else, but I learned that is not true.

I always hated this sentence that my parents used to say "We just want whats best for you" That is such a bad thing to say. You don't get to decide a person's life based on what you think is better, its your life and you have to make the decisions you learn for yourself while growing up. To clarify I am trying to say that people should not make decisions for you, its you who has to make those decisions yourself because its your life and nobody has to tell you how to live it.

I have a few family members who understands where I'm coming from, but sadly most of them including my sister don't seem to get it and it rubs me the wrong way when they try to guilt trip me into doing stuff that they think works for me but it doesn't help me at all. I know they mean well but this is not the way to do it.
Alright, here’s a really small one. I hate it when I get takeout and the lid for the food isn’t fully sealed. It always makes such a big mess.
One thing that really bothers me is when people say they “suffer from (insert any mental illness here).” I don’t like the connotation of the word suffer. It makes it seem like having any mental illness is bad. I try not to think of them in a bad way either. I’m still a person and nothing changes that fact.

I also dislike the stigma around certain mental illnesses but that’s for another time, lol. Like I literally came across a video on YouTube for how to avoid people with certain mental illnesses as if they don’t deserve to be loved, too?? It’s ridiculous.
Alright, here’s a really small one. I hate it when I get takeout and the lid for the food isn’t fully sealed. It always makes such a big mess.
Oh yeah I had that happen too many times. Or eg. they keep soy in vacuum plastic bag that spills and flies everywhere when you open it. Just have a small jar or an open-able bag like everyone else.
One thing that really bothers me is when people say they “suffer from (insert any mental illness here).” I don’t like the connotation of the word suffer. It makes it seem like having any mental illness is bad. I try not to think of them in a bad way either. I’m still a person and nothing changes that fact.

I also dislike the stigma around certain mental illnesses but that’s for another time, lol. Like I literally came across a video on YouTube for how to avoid people with certain mental illnesses as if they don’t deserve to be loved, too?? It’s ridiculous.
I don't like when having a mental illness becomes a personality trait. You don't need to list it in your bio like it's some sort of competition on who has the most. It's strange how that's a thing online. I guess it's some sort of coping mechanism but still.
I don't like when having a mental illness becomes a personality trait. You don't need to list it in your bio like it's some sort of competition on who has the most. It's strange how that's a thing online. I guess it's some sort of coping mechanism but still.
Yeah... I mean it can be good mentioning I suppose but I don't need it everywhere. Telling whoever you're interacting to is enough?

And yeah I definitely don't see my Asperger as a personality trait. Sure I do "suffer" from some things but unless it's relevant for a conversation I don't care mentioning it.
Shaming people for being skinny. I have been underweight my entire life and I really can’t help it, I have tried various methods of gaining weight and nothing has worked. It’s really harmful when people pass it off as caring too much about the way you look/obsessing over diet and exercise when in reality you’re doing the opposite. I went to meet a friend of my mother’s today, and the first thing she said when I saw her was, “You need to eat a hamburger.” Then she started laughing really hard and telling me that I needed to gain weight. I eat a lot of food, probably more than most people, but it never makes a difference. People also think I over-exercise but I only exercise 3x/week and try not to focus on cardio/activities that would make me lose weight.
I’m also a supertaster with twice as many taste buds as the average person and have Asperger’s on top of that, which increases my sensitivity to textures and tastes, so my tongue is incredibly sensitive and I can’t tolerate eating a lot of different foods. This can make it hard for me since sometimes I can’t eat or can only eat part of a meal because my reactions to food I dislike are so strong. Like I threw up the night after I had one bite of a Cheeto. I also get judged and teased for this even though I truly cannot help the way my taste buds are and my reactions to what I try to eat.
Also, if I stay in the hot weather for too long, I start to feel like I’m going to pass out since I don’t have very much body reserves to keep me from it. To feel okay in weather more than 90 degrees fahrenheit for more than half an hour I have to prepare days in advance by eating tons of protein and drinking insane amounts of water. And even when I do this, although it gives me the energy to make it through the period of time outside, I STILL don’t gain any weight whatsoever and it’s so, so frustrating. Also, people I know are not sensitive about it at all. I just wish people would understand how hard it is for me to gain weight and even avoid losing weight.
Shaming people for being skinny. I have been underweight my entire life and I really can’t help it, I have tried various methods of gaining weight and nothing has worked. It’s really harmful when people pass it off as caring too much about the way you look/obsessing over diet and exercise when in reality you’re doing the opposite. I went to meet a friend of my mother’s today, and the first thing she said when I saw her was, “You need to eat a hamburger.” Then she started laughing really hard and telling me that I needed to gain weight. I eat a lot of food, probably more than most people, but it never makes a difference. People also think I over-exercise but I only exercise 3x/week and try not to focus on cardio/activities that would make me lose weight.
I’m also a supertaster with twice as many taste buds as the average person and have Asperger’s on top of that, which increases my sensitivity to textures and tastes, so my tongue is incredibly sensitive and I can’t tolerate eating a lot of different foods. This can make it hard for me since sometimes I can’t eat or can only eat part of a meal because my reactions to food I dislike are so strong. Like I threw up the night after I had one bite of a Cheeto. I also get judged and teased for this even though I truly cannot help the way my taste buds are and my reactions to what I try to eat.
Also, if I stay in the hot weather for too long, I start to feel like I’m going to pass out since I don’t have very much body reserves to keep me from it. To feel okay in weather more than 90 degrees fahrenheit for more than half an hour I have to prepare days in advance by eating tons of protein and drinking insane amounts of water. And even when I do this, although it gives me the energy to make it through the period of time outside, I STILL don’t gain any weight whatsoever and it’s so, so frustrating. Also, people I know are not sensitive about it at all. I just wish people would understand how hard it is for me to gain weight and even avoid losing weight.
I had the exact same comments from randomers growing up. In fact, I still have one of my coworkers comment about how I must not eat cause I'm so thin. I used to get upset when I was a kid but now I take it as a compliment.

That said, it's still rude, regardless of someone's size, to comment on their body and eating habits like that. It's a way to make them insecure and maybe have an unhealthy relationship with food.
People who always act formal and positive, like they can never be negative or just any other way no matter what. They could be on a hilltop watching a city burn down and be like, "Well, it's time for my 2 o'clock meeting!" Or they make a joke out of it.

It's not so much the positivity that bothers me. Moreso that they don't get bothered by anything and I don't even feel like I'm talking to a human. Like cut the crap and just talk to me normally, lmao.
One thing that really bothers me is when people say they “suffer from (insert any mental illness here).” I don’t like the connotation of the word suffer. It makes it seem like having any mental illness is bad. I try not to think of them in a bad way either. I’m still a person and nothing changes that fact.

I also dislike the stigma around certain mental illnesses but that’s for another time, lol. Like I literally came across a video on YouTube for how to avoid people with certain mental illnesses as if they don’t deserve to be loved, too?? It’s ridiculous.
hey not sure if youve really thought this through, but i absolutely am suffering from ptsd and depression. they are a really bad thing in my life and cause daily suffering. ofc having a mental illness doesnt make you a bad person or anything, but suffering is definitely an accurate word for what many people experience with their mental illness. the stigma is horrible i agree, but i dont think invalidating peoples suffering is how we combat stigma
Being bugged to bull*** on the phone. -____-
Talking on the phone is awkward for me, please respect that, mom! 🤦‍♀️
People who always act formal and positive, like they can never be negative or just any other way no matter what. They could be on a hilltop watching a city burn down and be like, "Well, it's time for my 2 o'clock meeting!" Or they make a joke out of it.

It's not so much the positivity that bothers me. Moreso that they don't get bothered by anything and I don't even feel like I'm talking to a human. Like cut the crap and just talk to me normally, lmao.
Yeah or they just can't be critical to stuff. Like... bruh it obviously bothers you/we etc. so, where has it gone?

Also people who obviously know people keep telling them their manner/way of acting and speaking is bothering them yet they refuse to change "lol this is who i am it's my personality and it would go away"

okay dokay bruthur, i didn't know you wanted to live as a ***** being rude to people lol
It bugs me when people take criticism to a movie, book, series, object, etc as a personal attack. I said I didn't like this series, it doesn't mean I dislike you. Being that person to know someone likes something and actively talk bad about it in front of them is rude, of course, but if someone asks me if I like this show and I don't, I'm gonna say so. Liking a show or something isn't a personality trait.
It bugs me when people take criticism to a movie, book, series, object, etc as a personal attack. I said I didn't like this series, it doesn't mean I dislike you. Being that person to know someone likes something and actively talk bad about it in front of them is rude, of course, but if someone asks me if I like this show and I don't, I'm gonna say so. Liking a show or something isn't a personality trait.
Yeah I hate this too as I mentioned earlier with music..it's like liking Ramones is not a trait lol. Also sometimes I think it's not rude to say you don't like something actively, some people have a tendency to go on and on for hours not noticing people don't care or just dislike it lol.
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Since this happened recently I am going to share another pet peeve about doctors that I really don't like. I don't like it when I see different doctors who often say things like "You have (insert illness here) because of your recent readings" but they fail to understand that this is their first time meeting me and I met them and they are biased towards you and know nothing about your medical history.

The last time I went to see a Diabetic Doctor was back in April 14, 2022 and they did a A1C test which it was 10.6 and told me that I'm diabetic, but when I show the doctor that my blood sugar results were improving and showed no signs of it being high at first they told me they don't "think" I have diabetes and to continue monitoring my blood sugar. Which is what I did for the past 3 months.

Today when I went to see the Doctor again this time it was a different one than the one I saw way back in April. Right off the bat she gives me a bad vibe by automatically assuming I'm diabetic based on my past records despite me showing how my blood sugar was improving at the time. I showed my blood sugar results again because they were still improving but she gave became dismissive and said "It doesn't matter if your blood sugar is improving you're still diabetic" which really angered me and then had the nerve to say "How long are you on your low carb diet, you should eat more carbs!" Which annoyed me so much. After that I told them to do a A1C test and now I have to wait for the results.

As you can tell I really don't like it when I deal with different Doctors who don't know me well of what is actually going on.
People who think you must like the music you've grown up for any reason like it's a trait too. Like okay sure I can like some 90s songs for nostalgia fun causes but I hardly defend it "cause it's 90s, I grew up then so I must like it" or anything. Usually the same people who think it's a trait to like a band and acts like you attacked their person for it lol.
People who think you must like the music you've grown up for any reason like it's a trait too. Like okay sure I can like some 90s songs for nostalgia fun causes but I hardly defend it "cause it's 90s, I grew up then so I must like it" or anything. Usually the same people who think it's a trait to like a band and acts like you attacked their person for it lol.
You're right. I grew up in the 90s and as nostalgic as the music style is, it's pretty darn awful listening to it today lolol.
You're right. I grew up in the 90s and as nostalgic as the music style is, it's pretty darn awful listening to it today lolol.
Yep I agree. Some songs can be fun but like 90% were pretty crappy. The only 90s I listen to is like older Johnny's j-pop but that's a whole other thing lol.
I can’t stand fish filters. The vibrations they make drive me crazy.

I also don’t like food on my hands. I love finger foods, but not necessarily eating them with my fingers. I always tell my family/friends when they tease me about eating them with a fork or spoon, that we aren’t neanderthals. They invented utensils for a reason!