pet peeves / lil stuff you cant stand

I will be updating this. I have a few pet peeves, and they are...
  • When people say "ur mom". What about her? (copy-pasted from my first post in this thread)
  • The current way "literally" is used. Whatever happened to using that word to describe figurative language in a literal sense?
  • When people swear. No, really. It makes me uncomfortable. I put this as a pet peeve because it should be normal for me to get used to it by now.
I may have more but I can't think of anything else at the moment. I'll post here again when I do.
I haven’t heard a “your mom” joke since I was a teenager lol. Didn’t know it was still a thing.
When I say something interesting or serious to someone in real life, all they can say is, "okay", and not any other word...
I know they're being nice to me and they're just replying and all, but saying that one word alone just makes them sound uninterested, like they don't even care about a single thing I say to them.
Ohh this is a new pet-peeve of mine but I've seen it so much lately (not here) I'm ready to do a TED talk

Misuse of the term "romanticization".

For starters, it does not mean to present something in a way that's "romantic" as in romantic love, it means to present an idealized or unrealistic version of (though, naturally, there can be some overlap with the former). And most importantly, it's not an inherently bad thing!!! Romanticization is a tool of fiction!!! Obviously, there's some very bad things in this world that shouldn't ever be romanticized too (hate groups, for instance). It absolutely can be a bad thing. But do you like any stories about heroic knights or samurai? Rogueish but ultimately good-hearted pirates? Congrats, all of these groups were primarily composed of people who truly sucked IRL, so these archetypes are all heavily romanticized! And that's okay!! These archetypes are appealing to a lot of people for good reason, and not all fiction has to be completely accurate to real-life all the time! Idealized =/= bad!!

I could go on all day about examples of romanticization in fiction (it's basically everywhere and it can get veryyy broadstrokes very quickly), but good lord I'm tired of seeing takes like "this villain character murders innocent people. this villain is also sometimes presented looking all sexy-like. therefore the creator is romanticizing murder and must think murder is ok in real life (if you're sexy enough). i cannot believe people support this person" online.

What we should be doing is teaching people how to engage with fiction responsibly, and giving people the awareness to enjoy fiction for what it is, without it overly informing their perception of things in reality. because if I have to see one more disclaimer going "I don't romanticize my characters' actions" I'm gonna write three more annoyed paragraphs about it
Sending an email or phone call to an company just to delete your account. I guess it has something to do with security, but still.
I legitimately couldn’t delete my Blizzard account because it was stuck on the old verification/guard system, until they removed it completely from old accounts lol. But they asked for ridiculous stuff as proof to bypass the guard like full name, I think they had address as an option, I tried a CD Key from my account and it didn’t even go through. So yeah, that, and when the system doesn’t even work on top of it.

I get that WoW accounts have a black market but wow Blizzard account security is… a bit much for average users. Maybe I’m just old-fashioned or annoyed because I couldn’t remember my details and recover the account when I wanted to. It’s gone now anyway. /shrug
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