Place your random thoughts.

Despite not coming from the first place team or winning a Master Ball collectible, I didn’t finish the championship event without success. Once again, I got in first place in Discord’s trivia sessions. And I successfully sold/traded two new collectibles from this event.
I forgot how long getting started in ACNH is. I’m starting to have doubts if starting a second island was a good idea 😅; I guess it doesn’t help I’m feeling burnt out (not on any specific game).
Just take it slow and steady (and do occasional breaks if you need to) I plan on doing my second island a bit more to, but I'm not going gungho like I did with my first island. I kinda want to make it pirate themed from a story I created and I have so many ideas for different spots, but I need to take it slow so I don't burn myself out.

I will say that I feel like NH had the longest tutorial and some of it felt unnecessary. I don't remember it being so slow/sluggish with the previous installments. Some tutorials are super long, but I don't realize because it's so engaging...I feel like NH missed that mark for me and it's why it's so obvious.

GL with your second island Dun! If you need help with it just ask! I'm happy to help!
Quoting TV Tropes on a deleted note…

TV Tropes said:
Pokémon with perfect IVs (Individual Values) in every stat. Considered the holy grail of breeders and RNG abusers, the potential such Pokémon have are ultimately limited by what species they are and movepools they have. Very few Pokémon have the base stats that can take advantage of every stat (Mew and Arceus, which have even stats of 100 and 120 respectively) and even they are limited because a Pokémon can only know four moves at a time. The amount of Effort Values a Pokémon can have caps at 510, and you can only max out 2 stats to the fullest. It's pointless to have a 31 (the highest IV) in Attack when your 'mon is a special attacker (and vice versa), and having a 31 in Speed is detrimental to Pokémon that need to move slower than the opponent (To take advantage of Trick Room, make use of Gyro Ball, or successfully set up their weather against an opposing weather setter). Even having 31 IVs in Defense and Special Defense doesn't work as well as it should if said Pokémon has subpar defensive stats, bad HP, or a bad defensive type in general that gives it a ton of weaknesses. Limited Effort Values once more add to the issue that this may potentially cost the Pokémon more attack power or speed if they are used on its defenses. It's pointless to use defensive EVs on a sweeper or wallbreaking Pokémon, the former who will need all the speed it can get. No single Pokémon can really do it all.

The point was that it may be cool to have 6 IV Pokémon, but they say it’s pointless to breed Pokémon to have six perfect IVs. It seems agreeable at first, but when it got to the defensive capabilities, I’m beginning to disagree with it being “impractical”. Especially when it said that it’s not worth breeding Pokémon with 31 IV in Defense and Special Defense if it’s already of a bad type defensively (such as Ice, Rock, and Grass). It’s basically telling you not to focus on building its defense stats if it’s an Ice-type Pokémon. And that’s insulting if your favorite Pokémon type is Ice (like me).

They also have a note on hyper training and how that’s also impractical (which was true to Sun/Moon and Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon), for that it only works on Level 100 Pokémon, not very common, and doesn’t change IVs for breeding. If they tell you not to hyper train, and to forget about breeding 6 IV Pokémon, then it must be telling you that it’s not worth having even better stats.
Is being born in 1996 Gen Z or Millennial? I know in the grand scheme of things it doesn’t matter, but I feel like I’m somewhere between these age groups lol.

I still think it’s funny there’s one called the Silent Generation.
why do pokemon cards from parallel foil sets have to be so expensive? T-T
Also I came across this and thought this was really funny.
ポケモンエンタープライズ [EBB]099/093のシングル価格・買取価格 - ポケカジラ
I was reading an infamous book from a very well known author and came across a line of prose so bad I took a picture of it. How an editor could read such a bad line and not try to have the writer get rid of it is beyond me.
I was reading an infamous book from a very well known author and came across a line of prose so bad I took a picture of it. How an editor could read such a bad line and not try to have the writer get rid of it is beyond me.

There’s a Stephen King book where one of the characters has a line about how what’s happening “sounds like something out of a Stephen King book”. I always wonder why they ever let him keep that in LOL
Just take it slow and steady (and do occasional breaks if you need to) I plan on doing my second island a bit more to, but I'm not going gungho like I did with my first island. I kinda want to make it pirate themed from a story I created and I have so many ideas for different spots, but I need to take it slow so I don't burn myself out.

I will say that I feel like NH had the longest tutorial and some of it felt unnecessary. I don't remember it being so slow/sluggish with the previous installments. Some tutorials are super long, but I don't realize because it's so engaging...I feel like NH missed that mark for me and it's why it's so obvious.

GL with your second island Dun! If you need help with it just ask! I'm happy to help!
Yeah, I’ve been taking it slow; I’m starting to get impatient since I want to start figuring out decorating ideas 😅. But being burnt out from tbtwc is helping me not rush lol.

Ooh that sounds awesome! 🤩

I don’t remember being bothered by the length of the tutorial when I did my main island. I think I steamrolled through it.

Thanks so much! ☺️ Same back to you! If you need help, don’t hesitate to ask :D
I'm a little sad that the massive mobile game market pushed Nintendo away from dedicated handhelds. We likely won't get a true 3DS successor or a handheld that compliments the home console.

It's nice that the Switch works as a hybrid. Yet I wonder if the next console is going to continue the theme of portability. We already had it with the Wii U and Switch. If it continues again, I'll presume it's going to be a mainstay.

actually gives me an idea for a thread.
Water temples in Zelda games are among my favorites, particularly Great Bay Temple, Lakebed Temple and Water Temple from OoT, but the water temple in TotK really treats you like a ****ing idiot. It's like Nintendo said "okay, here's your divine beast 2.0 temple now shut up about it."
It's been hours since I made my thread in the "Contact the Staff" board and I still haven't gotten a reply. I'm starting to get pretty anxious about my discarded collectibles. It's so silly... they're just tiny pixels, but they're also tiny pixels with memories in them. :\
So… apparently my mom knows the overworld theme from New Super Mario Bros. I don’t know if it’s because I have three New Super Mario Bros games or because she always scrolls on Instagram, but… yeah, I’m still surprised. I mean she’s almost 50 years old.
It's been hours since I made my thread in the "Contact the Staff" board and I still haven't gotten a reply. I'm starting to get pretty anxious about my discarded collectibles. It's so silly... they're just tiny pixels, but they're also tiny pixels with memories in them. :\
Collectibles aren't just "tiny pixels", sometimes they hold sentimental value for some users. It sucks either way to lose them, whether you got them yourself or they were gifted to you. It could take a while for staff members to reply to the CTS board. Like I already said earlier today, I hope you can get your collectibles back! 💜
I’m beginning to realize that my Mollycord ban (or at least how I’m handling it) is having a detrimental impact on my mental health. It almost ruined my interest into The Ghost and Molly McGee, I’m unwilling to join new Discord servers for other interests, I’ve been obsessively grudging against the server, I thought of multiple rude responses if I ever communicate with them the server staff again, and I can’t see anything positive about the server. Never have I ever faced this much emotional trauma from the internet. Even if I don’t talk about it here or with someone else, I’m still unhappy when I even think about it. I know that if it’s going to be this bad for me, I need to let it go. But it’s very difficult for me to let it go because I was banned out of injustice. I also struggle with focusing too much on those who haven’t been nice to me, even when I’m more focused on doing something productive and/or helpful. It’s a hard challenge.

Feel free to PM me or post on my profile if you want to talk about this with me. I may be a kind person who’s willing to help everyone and feel bad for those who are hurt, but Mollycord is still having a strong and negative influence on me.
Speaking of sentimental. I've considered changing my avatar. But it equally memorializes a person I lost, and it feels too important as a photo.

I float the idea of different pictures but I've never committed to switching. Maybe someday. I can always switch back and fourth after all. There's no requirement or rule on that.

But for now I'm just gonna let it stay.