Place your random thoughts.

Collectibles aren't just "tiny pixels", sometimes they hold sentimental value for some users. It sucks either way to lose them, whether you got them yourself or they were gifted to you. It could take a while for staff members to reply to the CTS board. Like I already said earlier today, I hope you can get your collectibles back! 💜
Thank you, bud. I just tend to think of them as "tiny pixels" because I read the posts in this thread once and there were so many perspectives on this whole TBT economy thing that it kind of shifted my view on collectibles, in a way. I initially joined the forums to get stuff for my Animal Crossing games, not to socialize with people or buy little pictures for my sidebar, but one thing led to another and here we are. It's weird. It's nothing to get so worked up over yet it just happens. :\
My mom wants me to go grocery shopping tomorrow and I do need to, but I really don’t want to. There’s nothing I really want or need besides some drinks. my mom sighed after I said no, so I had to say yes 😔. It stresses me to go out; doesn’t help too that each time I pick up something, I wonder if it is on the BDS list or if it is, feeling guilty. For example pepsi products. At this point cutting myself off from pop is hard; I am drinking much less than I used to. Also, there isn’t much else I like, not to justify buying something with the knowledge of who they’re supporting and what they’re supporting.

This kinda killed my good mood. My mom does a lot for me so I have no right to complain even if it stresses me out and drains me to leave the house for a little bit.
I was gonna say something in the pet peeves thread, but that thread just doesn't sit right with me. ultimately my "pet peeves" come down to just needing a little more patience with people. and I get that there are people who take advantage of my patience and so they don't really deserve it, but I feel like most people do deserve my patience and understanding.

it's okay if others have things like that which bother them though. I think there are small things that bother me as well that I can't think of off the top of my head.
So during my appointment at the DMV yesterday a wild Kevin came in and at first was upset about waiting in line to be rescheduled, but then randomly he got mad that the plants by the window weren't being watered. He tried taking the security guard's water bottle but was swiftly booted out the building before he could disrupt the peace any further.

It was just...really random lol 😅
I haven’t gotten profile messages from others in a while. I would like to see someone come to my profile to post on it or post on a message I made there. There may not be another dusting activity for a while, but lack of interaction makes me lonely.
I thought a bit about morality today. About how within an infinite timespan we have no sense of that long wait until we simply exist.

Regardless of 'what is next' the time we actually get here is so small in comparison.

It does make me feel a bit nihilistic when I witness someone making a big deal about something trivial.

I have a certain family member who is very serious about principle and traditions. I contrast in the sense that I don't see the same value.
If I had to draw staff members as food, I would depict Justin as a tomato, Chris as a bag of sweet popcorn with a blue lightsaber, Mick as a box of salted popcorn with a red lightsaber, Jeremy as a two-layer cake with a royal crown, and pandapples as an apple pie. I can’t think of the rest right now, but I wanted to think of some silly picture that describes the staff.
We didn’t have a final for band today because the concert was that, so instead we just did music trivia. That made me realize how many random movie main themes I can identify, since I did way better than I thought. Half of them were from movies I haven’t watched in years.

Edit: how did I only just realize my signature is too big
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Everyone says Diablo is better than Torchlight, but now that I’ve played both I think I like Torchlight more. I prefer the cartoony artstyle and floatier movement of that series.
I started wanting to go by Felice in high school. I wish I had just toughened up and told everybody at school my preferred name, but now I’m stuck with my legal one.
I’m ok with my family, boyfriend and childhood friends calling me by my real name. And I mean no offense to my parents by changing it (probably not even going to legally change it). It just sucks ‘cause I have opportunities to introduce myself as Felice to people IRL but last time I was with a friend and I didn’t just wanna spring my new name out of the blue on them :/ Would it be weird to go back next time and be like “hey, call me Felice actually?”

And another time, a new friend said he didn’t like my name, so I said he could call me Felice and he said he didn’t like that either, nor another nickname I offered :/

Saying my legal name to new people feels like giving out private info.
I’m trying to get Cephalobot to move without using an amiibo card. The wrong villagers ask me to move or when I get the bubble over him, he wants to hang out or give me an item. Or I can’t find him at all since he’s wandering around lol. I wish there was a way to know what the thought bubble is for without talking to them; also a way to find villagers that are wandering or in a building.
It's been hours since I made my thread in the "Contact the Staff" board and I still haven't gotten a reply. I'm starting to get pretty anxious about my discarded collectibles. It's so silly... they're just tiny pixels, but they're also tiny pixels with memories in them. :\
It can take up to a week to receive a CTS response, especially if it is regarding collectibles as it is only the administrators who deal with these threads.
Screenshot 2024-06-06 at 6.25.43 PM.png

These are pretty and expensive.
Are they even real??
Apparently there’s going to be a trip to Montreal in this school next year. I might go since I’ve actually only ever left the country once.