Place your random thoughts.

Hovercars have always been a staple in sci-fi books and movies, but we never even got to make one. However, some technology we use today (like the internet) is too advanced for sci-fi books and movies in the past.
I’ve played Super Mario Sunshine for long enough now to get to some of the more infamous stages:

- Secret of the Dirty Lake. It’s harder than the first secret course, but I’ve played worse
- The Sand Bird is Born. It’s really not that bad. I only died five times after I got all the blue coins. Just use the Hover Nozzle.
- Red Coins on the Water. I did it on my first try today but then died trying to actually get the Shine. It’s hard because if you crash into anything, you die. And the Blooper you’re riding on doesn’t go away when you get all the red coins, so you can die after getting them.
- The Secret of Ricco Tower. To quote a comment I saw, “it’s funny that this game is called Super Mario Sunshine because all I feel right now is darkness.”
- The Hotel Lobby’s Secret. Hell. It’s hell.

Also, a weird glitch. I was racing II Piantissimo in Gelato Beach, and after getting to the flag, I climbed up some stairs and kind of just… fell through them. How does that even happen? All I did was walk up stairs. I could still walk around under the stage for a while before hitting a death zone, so I had to do the race again. It’s not even that hard, but what kind of glitch is that?
what a nyt connections puzzle today. i did the hardest first and the easiest last. i'm surpried i even solved it tbh.
🎶This thing called love
I just can't handle it
This thing called love
I must get 'round to it
I ain't ready
Crazy little thing called love

This thing (this thing) called love (called love)
It cries (like a baby), in a cradle all night
It swings (woo), it jives (woo)
Shakes all over like a jellyfish
I kinda like it
Crazy little thing called love

There goes my baby
They know how to rock and roll
They drive me crazy
They give me hot and cold fever
They leave me in a cool, cool sweat

I gotta be cool, relax
Get hip and get on my tracks
Take a back seat, hitchhike
And take a long ride on my motorbike
Until I'm ready
Crazy little thing called love🎶
A million people come and go
Through a person's ebb and flow
And faces keep on changing
While they're changing
A certain few will stay in tact
When they're not they'll don an act
I know this important fact
Don't get confused like

And he's got a head full of ideas
Let me tell ya, that you wouldn't believe
And he's got a heart made of pure gold
And something else, so many tricks up his sleeve
You might think he's a jester
Because he'll make you laugh 'til you cry
And what else, you better come with your best if you test him

Unless you're ready to die

if this is only a level 28, then i must be going crazy.
I hate that I can't use my favorite character, Lemmy, in Mario Kart outside of battles. I'm not good enough at races to get anything above fifth place with Lemmy. Using somebody like King Boo or Donkey Kong gives me more speed, and it prevents me from getting knocked in the abyss every lap.

I wish that I was better at racing, or that I just didn't care enough about my VR to not use my preferred character.
on my two week minecraft streak 🥰 (though this might be for the long run because my brother is paying for a private server)
Hovercars have always been a staple in sci-fi books and movies, but we never even got to make one. However, some technology we use today (like the internet) is too advanced for sci-fi books and movies in the past.
I imagine a lot of those long gone sci-fi writers who wrote about the future would both be amazed in some ways and underwhelmed in other ways if they came to the present and saw our technology. They’d be blown away by the instant access to information thanks to the internet for example, but likely be disappointed we still haven’t sent humans past the moon yet.
The only correct ranking of every Sonic 1 Zone:

6. Labyrinth Zone
5. Marble Zone
4. Scrap Brain Zone
3. Spring Yard Zone
2. Green Hill Zone
1. Starlight Zone
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I gave Wild World a second try and have warmed up to the game a lot. Here’s some early impressions from someone who played the modern games first and have no nostalgia towards this game:

- I really like the art style for the graphics. It’s colorful and charming in a low poly kind of way. Probably one of the most impressive full 3D games on the original DS.
- Being able to work for Tom Nook to earn bells is awesome and should come back in future games.
- The dialogue is better written than the newer games for sure. It isn’t just people’s nostalgia.
- The very low frame rate doesn’t really bother me anymore now that I’m used to it. For a slow paced game like this it isn’t a big deal.
Can't believe I'm gonna be 36 come the 24th of August. I'm such an old man lol.
When people see my all-blue sidebar, do they have a sense of cold feeling, like they’re inside a freezer? I feel cool looking at my sidebar.
For the first time in a long time, I went to the arcade. I got to play Skee-Ball, Ms. Pac-Man, Super Mario Bros., Super Pac-Man, Relief Pitcher (not as fun), and Excitebike. If someone else wasn’t playing this game at the arcade, I would have EATEN it up. Looks fun!

(“Special Criminal Investigation” by Taito)

i’m watching videos from my camera roll and i just realized how my voice doesn’t match my face at all. it’s deeper than what i think i sound like.