Place your random thoughts.

If you’re having a bad day, remember that this exists:


Don’t ask why I have this
You know you're in love when the only random thought you could come up with at the moment is "je t'aime, mon cherie"... whatever that means. (JK, I know what it means.)
I had one of those work days that was seemingly never ending. But it was also super productive. I think the threat of such a heavy day spurred me to work faster, as I finished my to-do list by lunchtime.
I’m pretty sure I said it before on this site, but I still remember how in gym in middle school, whenever the teacher let students be the captains and pick the teams, they always picked me last. Every time. They would always pick everyone except me and someone else, and then pick that person. I don’t think they thought about (or cared) how it feels to know that they would rather pick people who just talk the entire game over me. It doesn’t feel very nice. Like, I get it, I’m not amazing at sports, but still. Douchebags.
Distraction-Free is so expensive. 😭
There was another one that I really liked, but it was around $700 USD!

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strong desire to watch all episodes of the bear season 3 when it releases in one sitting and ignore everything else i need to do
I’m gonna have to learn to use power equipment at my new job. Like forklifts, pickers, etc. I’m hoping I’m not horrible at it. I told them I don’t have experience with power equipment but they said they will train me for it and I said that’s good
I’m getting tired of sitting to the same Starbucks all the time. I go so frequently all the baristas know me by name and one time one of them made my order before I even gave it. What music they play is a complete gamble. Sometimes it’s good and other times it’s abysmal. Carrying my Switch over a mile and back is a pain too. Next time I go there I think I’ll just pick up my drink and leave.
I think of the infamous Zelda CDi games whenever I see The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom being a thing.
Especially that one game called Wand of Gamelon. 😂
I’m kinda concerned with the quality of Pokemon Violet in comparison to the older Pokemon Games (Red-Black). The glitches and bugs don’t stop me from enjoying the game, but it bothers me that Gamefreak doesn’t fix them. Not to mention how frequent it is to come across hacked pokemon in surprise trades & hackers (or people advertising a site that i guess sells hacked pokemon. I know hacked Pokemon have been around for a long time, but nowhere as noticeable or as bad as it is now. I’m enjoying Violet very much but a lot of things in the game come across to me as very lazily done. The game had a lot of potential to be much better than what is in front of me. I really hope the next Pokemon game will be better.
Ocarina of Time is my favorite Zelda game.

It has nothing to with nostalgia. (I was born after the N64 era). But it perfectly captures how I would picture a fairy tail land to look. It's pretty much everything I would ever want out of the series.

It also balances the story/dungeon sections really nicely.
Me: It doesn’t hurt to help.

Also me: If people don’t want to help, then they don’t have to help.

Which one would I be more likely to say? In a general circumstance, I prefer to encourage others to help, whether they’re helping me or others. I was willing to help others in the past, including in the collectible trade, Pokémon, and Animal Crossing. Even as of this day, I still help others, including obtaining a dream collectible they couldn’t afford. I may also seek help when I am in need. So it’s more likely I would say the first thing. However, if we’re talking about large-scale issues (like economic or social issues), I would resort to saying the second thing. As selfish as it sounds, being required to help others by law or by others would take away your freedoms. As long as you’re not hurting others, you should be free to do whatever you want. This includes how you spend your money.