Place your random thoughts.

I was taking the trash outside. I usually wait until it darkens outside so I can avoid those annoying wasps that hang around the can.

Across the yard is the garden. I saw my cousin there. He's autistic and that's not a place of interest for him. I've never actually seen him hanging out there. He turned his head at me and walked into the direction of our house.

When I went inside he wasn't there. The garden is a straight path so if he turned back he would still have to cross paths with me.

A little odd. I'd chalk it out up to seeing things, but he has unmistakable orange hair. I also saw him for a solid couple seconds.
It's almost 4PM and I just woke up... I really need to fix my sleep schedule. x_x

However, I don't wanna get out of bed because my cat is laying next to me.
Do it like Indiana Jones and carefully replace yourself with a bag of sand and hope your cat doesn't realize. Otherwise goodluck running away from the cat boulder!
Inside Out 2 sounds like an interesting movie and I really want to watch it since the main character's a teenager and I'm a teen as well. But I have to wait until my sister finishes her classes because she's the one who's going to bring me to the theater. I'm soo impatient right now...

I think it's because I like to watch a movie as soon as it comes out since at that point there's going to be a lot of people watching. When I watch a movie many weeks after release, it's less crowded and I feel lonely. :(
My handheld AC town gang are all here.


My poor Wild World town, Bluebell. lol
My handheld AC town gang are all here.

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My poor Wild World town, Bluebell. lol
Dang I need to boot up my WW town and check it out. It's been ages. I had my GC town at one point, but I think it is gone now. I don't remember what happened. The data was just gone one day lol. That's so awesome seeing them all placed together!
I wish beauty standards didn’t exist. I understand WHY they exist, but I don’t like the idea of certain faces and bodies being trends. It feels icky to me. In my mind, there is no such thing as being physically unattractive.
I was taking the trash outside. I usually wait until it darkens outside so I can avoid those annoying wasps that hang around the can.

Across the yard is the garden. I saw my cousin there. He's autistic and that's not a place of interest for him. I've never actually seen him hanging out there. He turned his head at me and walked into the direction of our house.

When I went inside he wasn't there. The garden is a straight path so if he turned back he would still have to cross paths with me.

A little odd. I'd chalk it out up to seeing things, but he has unmistakable orange hair. I also saw him for a solid couple seconds.

Sounds like it might have been a "doppelganger":

A doppelganger is a mysterious, exact double of a living person. It's a German word that literally translates to "double walker" or "double goer". A doppelganger isn't someone who just resembles you, but is an exact double, right down to the way you walk, act, talk, and dress. A friend or even a close relative who encounters your doppelganger will swear it was you, even though you can prove you were not in the location the double was sighted.

Sightings and reports of doppelgangers have been around for centuries, and a great deal of superstition has developed around them. Traditionally, they have been viewed as sinister or even evil entities. Seeing a doppelganger has also been considered an omen of misfortune or bad luck. Most often today, however -- as reports of doppelgangers show -- they seem to be neither sinister nor evil, nor do they herald streaks of bad luck. (Although some have been known to cause mischief). They just seem to be, going about their business as if they are normal human beings. And perhaps they are.

Many reports of doppelgangers are probably cases of mistaken identity, but such an explanation becomes harder to accept when they are seen by best friends, siblings, and parents who know the real person intimately. It seems hard to believe that they would be fooled by another person who simply resembles the original. And how likely is it that they would have the exact same haircut and clothes, as is so often reported?

Doppelgangers are frequently used as a plot device in literature, television shows, and movies. They are often evil in nature, but sometimes they are used for comedic effect, too. Art is another common place where this phenomenon can be found, as is the case of museum doppelgangers. One of the most famous examples of a doppelganger is in Edgar Allan Poe's short story, William Wilson. In this tale, the main character meets his doppelganger as a child. He is persistently followed by the copy, who causes trouble in the character's life. And when the main character tries to do evil or unethical things, the doppelganger tries to stop him. But in a rage, the protagonist kills his doppelganger, but he realizes it is a reflection of his own self.
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The meaning of my real name means 'wise' basically. Doesn't feel like that honestly lol
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I call 12:00-5:59 AM the “darkest hours” since those are the least active times of the day. The sun may be out of the sky from 5 PM at the earliest and 10 PM at the latest, but even they are still active to those who have stuff to do at night.
For some reason, this thing that I’ve posted about before has happened for the past few days:

1. I go to sleep after 12, and can’t fall asleep until 1
2. I wake up at 6 or 7
3. I can’t fall back asleep so I just have to lie there

I don’t know if it’s because the AC is on and it’s too cold, but it’s horrible. I thought I wouldn’t be as tired as I was during the school year anymore because I don’t have to wake up early anymore, but this is even less sleep than I got before. This sucks.
I played Luigi's Mansion 2 (originally called Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon here in the US) on the 3DS and sorta got myself softlock on the game.
I love Metropolis Zone’s theme so much… but why did they make it play in one of the worst zones in Sonic history? Metropolis Zone sucks so much. Same with Labyrinth Zone and Marble Zone. I’m trying to vibe the music but I can’t because I’m suffering the entire time I’m listening to it.
I went to Yogurtland yesterday with my mom to collect the three Pac-Man spoons they have there, because I collect Yogurtland spoons and have been doing so for years.

Not 5 seconds after I have walked out the door, this guy there, presumably a teenager, was standing outside singing the Dora the Explorer theme song with his friends. My mom and I laughed as we were walking back to the car.

No, he and his other teenaged friends didn't hear us. We were laughing, and we didn't make fun of him or anything, it's because I loved Dora the Explorer when I was a really young girl, and my mom used to watch the show with me, as well.