It's not easy being the black sheep. When you're the only autistic person surrounded by neurotypicals in your area, you face a long, hard battle between your individuality and the societal pressures everyone else places on you.
I believe this is one of the reasons why my first two years of high school (especially sophomore year) weren't great in terms of how I felt. I let the pressures get the best of me, and in the end I came out like a mess. And this was during a time when I didn't know anyone beyond the social workers to talk to about my personal issues, so I had to face it all myself.
Even though I'm still not too excited for junior year next month, I'm starting to feel a little better about myself; now I know my limitations as an autistic person and how to accommodate to them instead of pushing myself beyond them. I also have the forums by my side.
@Croconaw I read your response to Yoshi155 in "What's Bothering You?" a few days ago and it lifted a huge weight off my shoulders. Thank you for inspiring me as well, I appreciate it. And
@ZeldaCrossing64 you don't know how many years I've spent searching for someone who loves me for who I am. Lots of people want me to be like them, but they don't understand that autistic people perceive things differently, and that can't be changed. Thank you so much for being the person I needed. I know we became friends when my school year was ending, so I hope we can stick together moving forward. I love you, honey
This year onwards, I'll focus my energy on my studies instead of my nonexistent social life. It won't be easy, but I'm sure I know what I'm doing.