Place your random thoughts.

Something I’ve learned at school is that if someone says “hear me out,” DO NOT HEAR THEM OUT. Just leave or put in headphones or ignore them. You do not want to hear what they have to say.
My 3DS was working fine for a while, but then the same thing happened. Of course. 😔

Idk maybe at this point I should just give up. There’s not really anywhere or anyone I can go to for help. I wish I could just trade it in for a different one.

Edit: after I made this post it started working. Kind of. Seemingly, this only happens when I play Super Mario 3D Land, because it was working normally with any other game. Whenever I see this issue online, it’s usually with digital games, and the problem has something to do with the SD Card, but this game is physical, so I have no idea what the issue is. I guess maybe it is working properly, but I can’t play that game and only that game? Maybe? But I don’t have any other game I want to play right now. I don’t really know what’s going on right now.
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I can’t wait to be able to eat normal foods again. I’m healing pretty well, but I don’t want to rush the process. 🥲

All I’ve been eating is soup, but last night, I had a soft taco without lettuce from Taco Bell. I was content eating that after my extractions Monday morning, so I’m getting better.
Props to anyone who managed to get an S Rank on Eggmanland. I’ve never played it but that looks like absolute hell to speedrun.
maybe i’ve just gotten too old for it, but roblox is actively ruining itself.
im literally obsessed with some roblox games and even i agree with you. i feel like it was a lot better when i was a kid even though there are a handful of modern games i really like (phighting and pressure mostly)
I have a sudden urge to replay White 2 just so I can have a Cinccino with it's hidden ability, Skill Link on my team since you can get one through the story and it having access to 3 multi-hit moves are neat. I used one in my Black 2 playthrough once and it did work! I wouldn't dare do a playthrough with Cinccino without it's hidden ability, it honestly needs it to work well, unless you're playing gen 9 then it's Technician ability works better due to Loaded Dice.
Whenever I start my laptop up it's actually kind of comical to see all the clickbait articles and then go through them and notice all the ads everywhere and misspelled words. There's even ones on sports and My Hero Academia. I'm not sure if people use AI for this or are just wasting their time, but either way it's kind of sad to see the state journalism is in these days.
Maybe I just interpret things differently, but I feel like people very frequently misuse the words "best" and "worst". I don't see these as words you should use for opinions. There is no "best" color, animal, etc.
Is this why people argue so much?
This reminds me of the time in high school German class when I drew a Clefable with sunglasses and wrote “Clefable ist das Beste” (Is the best) on the whiteboard. Then someone in the next class put “Nein, Luxray ist besser” (No, Luxray is better) and then I was like hmm… they probably think Clefable is my actual favorite pokémon. I didn’t mean that literally, though I do like it a lot. Sometimes I use it literally but other times it’s just a weird habit.
Really goes to show how inactive I've been during the 2 years and 7 months I've been here for, I joined before you did and I only have half as much posts as you do
and i’ve been here for 5 years and only have 3,775 😭

not inactivity, i’ve just been lurking half the time.
I wonder how much longer it'll take me to reach 10,000 posts... I've only been on TBT for a couple of years and I'm already nearing five figures. o.o
LOL I forgot to mention this- My post count should tell you how very inactive I was most of the time T_T Only almost 1/5th of yours! And I wasn't truly active until earlier this year.

I finally did it! 😆