Place your random thoughts.

Well, I got my tumblr blogs back :^) It was all because of “spam concerns” 9_9 what a pain in the neck, I hate being action blocked like I was on instagram several years ago. I just like a lot of posts, okay? Doesn’t mean I’m a bot… they act like I don’t have to solve 3 ****in captchas every time I access one of my private blog archives…
I had two exams today. Tomorrow I have two more exams (one being a final). I also submitted about 5 job applications in my down time.

(I'm very mentally tired and honestly slightly stressed). The good thing is that I was able to still get a 100% on both.

Also another student complimented my shirt. I don't really expect anyone to notice me so that kinda made my day.
Although we had ancient civilizations, kingdoms, and empires, the oldest country from today’s world is actually Japan. Out of the 190+ countries in the modern world, the majority of them became independent countries after 1800.
I literally just found out today that the lead singer of Smash Mouth passed away almost a year ago. That kind of sucks. "All Star" isn't going to sound the same to me again.

I don't check to see if famous older people are still around because it sort of upsets me if I find out they recently died (especially if they made stuff I like), though for some reason it doesn't hurt as much if they passed away a long time ago.
I can’t sleep so here’s a dumb little rant I need to get off my chest.

I saw a video yesterday on youtube making fun of Disney Adults. Now, I get calling out the fact that Disney is a greedy company that overprices everything and manipulates people, or problematic practices/people within the hobby (like literally any given hobby has). But some of the stuff was just harmless fun. This youtuber was making fun of this girl who liked getting her stanley cup signed by Winnie the Pooh. She was like “you know that’s just a random stranger in a costume, you’re a grown woman and you know it’s not a real cartoon character???” Like DUH!!! It’s almost as if adults sometimes like to relive a state of childlike wonder, and most of this mockery is coming from GEN Z, the same generation that unabashedly watches Bluey, sings backyardigans songs in the shower, and collects plushies for days (all of which I do myself because I’m a zoomer and a kid at heart XD)!!! Like do you even listen to yourselves? Total hypocrites! Ugh.
I have no desire to upgrade my desktop computer from Windows 8, but I keep seeing messages in multiple places saying that they don't support Windows 8 anymore. I remember in the mid-2010s when I could still access the internet on my XP computer--it was slow, but it worked--and now it can't access the internet at all. I have a feeling that this desktop will get to that point as well.

I mean, if I need to invest in a new desktop sometime in the future then that's okay. the specs on this one are honestly kinda bad, my laptop is more powerful than this thing. but I've been using this desktop since 2016 and it'll be hard to let go.
I happened to snag a copy of Animal Crossing Amiibo Festival for $2. Now the next part is finding a Wii U that someone is willing to get rid of for cheap.
Not to downplay anyone's worries, but I find it interesting that people are worried about Fair participation... personally I only participate in events now that I know I can do and will have time for, and thus am skipping most all of the second half of the Fair.

Like you shouldn't stress yourself out if you can't complete everything for the Fair, since it's optional. It's not like a homework list where you have to turn in absolutely everything or you'll get a bad grade. Someone told me recently that once it starts becoming stressful and not fun you should stop, and I'm inclined to agree.

Sorry, just a random ramble.
I wanted to participate in something but got smothered with school and exams this month 😓. It's finally over next week but I'm flying to the UK and that's going to knock me out from the rest of August. I thought 'maybe I could color' because that looks simple, but the only coloring app on Chromebook is basic and awful. (can't even zoom in). I messaged a staff member for help on finding an app.

I'm thinking maybe I could write a story. (but I also have very little creative writing experience). I've participated in almost no events so far during my time here so I'd like to feel a little involved with something.

(the Chromebook app I specified). It's almost impossible to even color in the lines with this thing. Not to mention I'm stuck with a touchpad.

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There was a level in Ape Escape 3 called “The Big City”. Because of the level size, it’s by no means “big”. It’s pretty small to me.

To be honest, places in video games are a lot smaller than they are in reality.