Place your random thoughts.

My dad thinks people are going to be Raygun for Halloween (the Australian breakdancer who became a meme), and even joked that he'd make his own costume. I think she'll be old news by then. I mean, we all forgot about that terrible national anthem before the Home Run Derby. (Except me lol) By October, who knows what the viral flop will be?

(In other post-Olympic news, he also thinks a Turkish shooter costume would get the cops called on you. I have to agree....)
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My dad and I were talking about the Schrödinger's cat theory the other day, and now I keep getting pictures/memes of it on my Pinterest feed... It was funny at first and I even sent one of the memes to my dad, but it's getting a little annoying now. :v
There was a heart-shaped chicken nugget with my dinner tonight, I guess you could say it was served with love!
Oh, and by the way, I'm at home, not at a restaurant, just in case my wooden table confused you.

I’m stumped on my entry for the besting blunders activity. I got a good amount written, but now I’m stuck. Still feeling burnt out too 😅. I got to push through this and the canvas crossing at the very least.
Finally finished book #12. On to book #13, Towers of close to finishing this series, I can feel it!:D
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Earlier today, my brother showed me something he wrote for his Spanish summer work and it said “mi mejor amigo es mi hermano” (which means “my best friend is my brother). He said it was because he doesn’t like any of the other kids in his grade, but I’m still surprised. I can’t remember the last time he’s ever done something that indicates he actually cares about me.
My interview experience today:

I was kept waiting past my scheduled time in the lobby. The interviewer was on her phone. The interview 'room' was a picnic table outside. She didn't have everything ready so I was kept waiting even longer. I got disqualified for a question that should have been in the job description as a requirement.

I was really sad at first.

After giving it more thought, those are probably red flags. Maybe that's not a great place to work. (They even informed me on the phone most people had quit on the first day).

There will be other places. I still feel bleak though.
TBT is taking while to load every time I go on it. I can go on other sites with no problem, so I'm assuming that there's just a lot of traffic (especially in the midst of a big event).

Also, apparently you can look at lyrics on the desktop version of Spotify? I got so used to the "We couldn't load the lyrics" / "You need premium to see the lyrics" popups that I just never bothered to check. I accidentally click on the tab and, lo and behold, the full lyrics are there. Not that I'm complaining, of course.
I’m chatting with @Mimi Cheems right now and she has reminded me I need to finish up my p5 switch playthrough and that I wanted to do another one. Got so much games I need to finish that I haven’t beaten once yet though. 😅 FFXII, Pokemon Violet & Sword (these two I’m focusing on atm, sword is on hold though since two games at a time ended up being too much 😅), FFVII. Then replays I never finished: seventh replay of Fire Emblem Three Houses, FFVIII (first time on switch). I thinj that’s it for replays, I think 😅. I wish I could do more than one at a time though.
When idiots can get whatever crap now, it is NOT FUN anymore lolol it makes me do a very big *SIGH* every time I see it happen. I'm, of course, talking about the colorful shapes that come in cereal. Just dump the whole box on a table and sort out the yums from the yucks; chances are you'll end up with more yuck than yum, but yeah, it used to be fun...