Corn? How’d that get on my bag?
Why weren’t they at the VMAs last night?
I DIDNT KNOW THAT NOW I FEEL LIKE A FOOLI haven't realized until now that I can use the Windows key + V to see my clipboard, as well as a bunch of punctuation/symbols that I can't otherwise access on my physical keyboard... I feel a bit dumb since I've been searching online for em dash, the degree symbol, and E accent aigu (é) every time I wanted to use them, which was pretty frequent. T^T
I've used Win + period for emojis and GIFs but I didn't know there was an option there for the clipboard and extra symbols until now!I haven't realized until now that I can use the Windows key + V to see my clipboard, as well as a bunch of punctuation/symbols that I can't otherwise access on my physical keyboard... I feel a bit dumb since I've been searching online for em dash, the degree symbol, and E accent aigu (é) every time I wanted to use them, which was pretty frequent. T^T
My mom use to waste salt on worms (and snails too, I think) that were nowhere near our house.I feel extremely happy to know I'm not the only person who thinks killing harmless bugs who are not causing any problems or being a nuisance to anyone is really sad.
Do you think an insect suddenly wants to die when it was minding its own business? Why is it acceptable to randomly kill harmless insects that are not doing anything bad just because you hate bugs? Would you kill another animal or person because you didn't like them? No? Why is it acceptable to treat insects with such malice? Why do bugs deserve to die and all other animal species(Mammals, Birds, Reptiles, Amphibians and Fish) deserve to live? Insects are living things too and we should treat all of the living things we share the planet with with basic respect, it's not that hard to leave animals alone. Do people not have any empathy for the small creatures we share a home with? Is that why bugs don't deserve to live, because they are small so that makes them worthless?
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It makes me upset whenever I find Centipedes at the park and I like sitting and watching them crawl on the concrete and people randomly come over and try and stomp on them for no reasonI thought I was being oversensitive by being upset, I'm glad other people feel the same.