Pocket Camp end of service November 28th 2024

I only played around when it first released so this might not apply to me as much, but I like that they're making a (paid) offline version of the game for after it shuts down service. Most of these types of games don't offer anything like that and then they're just lost to time, so I think this is a decent compromise!
i personally didn't play pocket camp for long but it's kinda sad and shocking to hear about the end of service. i always thought pocket camp did pretty well revenue wise. i feel bad for all those people who spent so much money on this game. i do think it's nice that they're offering an offline version once they close the servers. it's actually quite rare for a gacha game to do that. the downside of course is that they're forcing u pay up one last time as they're out the door lol. it does feel quite scummy. i hope they bring some of the pocket camp furniture to new horizon though i know it's unlikely.
I am actually really sad. I have been playing daily since it was released. I started with the Australian version and had to restart when it was released in the uk.

I will miss playing and will be interested to see what happens but unlikely to continue a paid for option.
I am actually really sad. I have been playing daily since it was released. I started with the Australian version and had to restart when it was released in the uk.

I will miss playing and will be interested to see what happens but unlikely to continue a paid for option.
I don't really know how paid mobile games work but should be just a one time paid thing right??
Hopefully it isn't tooo much either way. Would be lovely to add each other if the app is good!

Also, wanted to say, pretty interesting it says its an offline game, so no trading with others then? I wish we were able to trade furniture with each other.
I don't really know how paid mobile games work but should be just a one time paid thing right??
Hopefully it isn't tooo much either way. Would be lovely to add each other if the app is good!

Also, wanted to say, pretty interesting it says its an offline game, so no trading with others then? I wish we were able to trade furniture with each other.
I think it’s just a one-time payment, I looked at the info on the website. Nintendo have to pay for the online servers to keep stuff running so there won’t be any online aspect in the new version: no friends, market boxes, gifts, etc.
Here: https://faq.ac-pocketcamp.com/hc/en-us/articles/36353725150489-What-is-the-paid-version-of-the-app
Saw the unexpected news about the game shutting down, so i decided to reinstall and play again for now RIP

Hope the offline version is fairly priced
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I think it’s just a one-time payment, I looked at the info on the website. Nintendo have to pay for the online servers to keep stuff running so there won’t be any online aspect in the new version: no friends, market boxes, gifts, etc.
Here: https://faq.ac-pocketcamp.com/hc/en-us/articles/36353725150489-What-is-the-paid-version-of-the-app
I mean the friendship thing now in the game is pretty limited.
Maybe they didn't want people pestering others about giving them items and such.
terrible news, but it had a good run. i am truly suprised it managed to last this long, but i am disheartened it is shutting anyhow.
a completely offline paid version? with less features? i do hope it is fairly priced. the game was bound to reach end of service soon, and i could go on about how i feel about having to pay for a game with less features, but if the game were to end, this is a far better circumstance than just erasing the game entirely.
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I'm actually quite surprised with this announcement. I thought they would be supporting Pocket Camp for a few more years. Still, a seven year run isn't too bad. While I don't play this game anymore, it was pretty fun. Maybe I should consider playing again for the time remaining, but I don't think I'd be getting the paid game. Who knows? Maybe my answer will change in a few months.
I only played Pocket Camp for like an hour just so I could get those PC-related items in New Horizons, since I'm not into mobile games, but I'm definitely surprised to hear they're ending service for it. It's nice they're developing an offline version of it for people who still want to play it once the service ceases to exist, even if it won't be the same. It also makes me wonder what's next for AC, given NH is in its final form and PC will no longer be a thing.
To be honest, I am surprised it lasted for as long as it did. 7 years is crazy to me.

The new app seems "interesting". It's a strange move but personally, I probably won’t be buying it. I enjoyed my time with the game, lost interest, and I don’t plan to return. Cool option though.
i was so upset finding out about this last night :( i had the merry memories and happy helper plans and i’ve been saving up my leaf tickets for certain fortune cookies to come back in stock, now it all just feels like a waste. i loved the convenience of having an animal crossing game on my phone since i haven’t played NH regularly in years, and i liked the social aspect with events. i will probably continue to play the next version depending on the price, but i hope they at least bring back all the fortune cookies and other items so we can spend all our leaf tickets before they’re useless
Man. I’ve played this game literally almost every single day since it came out. I know it’s a sort of silly little mobile version of the real game, but it was a fun way to pass some spare time and I always had it with me given that it’s on my phone. It’s actually the one version of the game I’ve managed to get my mom interested in, and it’s always been so nice to be able to send her gifts or share bugs back and forth for the events or take pictures together when she randomly is at one of the locations etc. I’m struggling to see how fun the game will be with so many big features removed, all the social things and probably the events too. I feel like if it costs more than $5 even a one time purchase will hardly be worth it, though I am someone who RARELY spends money on an app. I haven’t given a single dime to this game, and have still had fun with the leaf tickets I earned in game. But it just feels like it’s going to be an empty shell of itself after this happens. It’s wild that they’ve kept releasing brand new content constantly for so many years, it kind of made it feel like it would never end…
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Well darn. This is what happens when I finally get burned out from the repetitive nature of the game. I actually canceled my subscriptions earlier today right before the news came out, so perfect timing on my end I suppose. Now I know for a fact not to renew them. I am intrigued however by this new "paid app" that will be released; I wonder if they'll include every single item they previously released during events as potential offline unlockables. Maybe at last I'll be able to properly decorate a place and not spend a fortune doing it. I only really used the friend features to gain crafting supplies, so it's not a big loss for me honestly.

New Horizons will now be the only AC place to do anything online-related, and Nintendo dropped feature support for the game right off a cliff after releasing HHP. At this rate, I'm really hoping that something new in the series gets announced sometime on the horizon (no pun intended), as I feel the interest level in general is dropping at a rapid pace.

Oh, by the way, I wanted to make a quick note to those who may be reading:

If you haven't linked your Nintendo account to Pocket Camp and want the app-exclusive items in New Horizons such as the campsite and OK Motors signs, do it now and you won't regret it later. Who knows if they'll remain available for new users after November.
I don’t play anymore but I liked using it to get pictures of my cats with them using the AR camera also I liked the fortune cookie furniture. I always struggled staying interested because making bells was hard and the events tedious and repetitive. Still, I am a bit sad to hear this
I actually found out from this thread just last night that this version of Pocket Camp was ending, & I was shooketh! Feels like an end of an era! I have loved playing this game, have brought it with me through every new phone I have ever had for the past 4 or so years, so you can definitely believe that I feel sad & disappointed by the news. I don’t know what the future looks like when it becomes a 1 time fee, paid game & how it would keep any of our interests without the monthly events & items. I’m willing to wait to see what Nintendo has up their sleeves beyond the server shut down, & will boot up the game again in the meantime to enjoy it as originally intended, & with friends included in the game. I will miss the gift giving functionality the most. Here’s to playing for just a mere 3 months more. 😢
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I played the game when it became available to play in America, then I stopped playing for a few years because I got fed up with Nintendo's greedy nature and there wasn't much to do, so it got boring for a while, then I started playing again in late 2023 when they included more of my favorite villagers (T-Bone, Tipper, Stu, Norma, Sasha, etc.), and they added more content that made the game feel slightly less repetitive.

To be honest, being able to purchase the app in the upcoming new offline version is a much better choice than shutting it down completely, I might buy it when it comes out.

I won't be linking my Nintendo account, I plan to start all over from scratch completely.

I actually subscribed to the Happy Helper Plan once I learned from this very thread that the online version's gonna be shut down. I've never subscribed to it before, I wanted to be able to try it for now before it ends.
I found out about this news as soon as I woke up this morning and, to put it lightly, Im devastated.

I understand the reasons folks have for not caring about Pocket Camp, but personally I have always adored the game and its gotten me through some really tough times. The game was released at a bad point in my life and it did a fantastic job of completely consuming me and distracting me from the world around me! It brought me so much joy even with its simple themes and mechanics, and I would literally wake up at 6 AM every morning for the daily reset to get that chance to do all my daily tasks again. To this day, the game plays a similar role for me, entertaining me when university is hard and even allowing me to keep in contact with old friends who I otherwise don't speak to anymore (we message about our cookie pulls from each others gifts), so honestly the thought of all the online stuff just going away makes me really sad.

I think its also hitting me extra hard because Animal Crossing is my entire life and I already had to say goodbye to New Leaf Online this year. New Leaf and Pocket Camp are two games that saw me through the most horrible parts of my life and a big part of that was their online functionalities. Not to mention, I have given them so much money in subscriptions 😭 I actually love paying for my helper plan and getting assistance in all the events and even more than that, I love paying for my subscription that lets me buy stickers and journal my feelings. I genuinely use that journal to track my feelings day to day, so I wonder what that will look like in the new promised paid version of Pocket Camp.

Im glad the game isn't going to go away forever, at least. A big fear Ive had since release day is that one day all of my hard work would be gone forever and I wont have anything to show for it like the other games. So I am glad they're giving a final lease of life in the form of a one-time payment version, but overall Im really sad about losing the original format of this game I love so dearly. Im going to write a big emo blog post about it later to get all the feelings out my system LOL and I may even come back to this thread later on to share more feelings - I feel a little ridiculous but Id be lying if I said I wasn't really sad about this. And as a final side note, I hope Im still able to make Youtube Shorts about my cookie pulls and level ups because that's kind of my bread and butter!
I'm going to miss Pocket Camp so much. 😥 I didn't really bother with it until I got Buck's map then I loved it. I'm going to miss sending and receiving gifts and asking for others help to enter the quarry. However, I probably will still buy the app when it's released!