1) I made the Hyrule townread first and after I pointed out why she was town telling that is something you have repeatedly piggybacked. It's agreeable so it doesn't count as much of a unique read from you.
Actually, I'm pretty sure that I TRed Hyrule before you in #84. You do get some credit for being the first to mention the towntell, but I think that it's a towntell because they weren't even aware of the fact tat godfather was a mafia role and not a town one. Not for drawing attention to the voting deadline, which was inconsequential
2) Sorting people by experience feels arbitrary coming from you and makes me worry you are doing it to come off as having a solvey approach. Also you say there's nothing to differentiate between the first three of the second group, which would be JT, rhino, and dragon but you 'want to lunch one of them to hold their feet to the fire'. A) You're voting Zelda to pressure her but she is not in of the first three in your second grouping but the fourth. B) Lynching doesn't pressure, voting and forming a wagon does, so I think you meant to use the word vote rather than Lynch. C) My last post before I went to bed when I voted her was at face value a pressure vote and this feels like it's you following along with pressuring because pushing for there to be more content in the game looks towny. And D) I consider this another instance of piggybacking. Oh and not all in that second grouping are legit zero posters in this thread outside of JT.
Dad, my mentality at this point is that with the rest of the players being how they are right now, I feel that town's already lost if your scum not because you can strongarm them, but they simply don't care enough to stand in your way or even vote. Zelda herself is a prime example of this, they have the only votes on them and they haven't bothered to come in the thread yet despite being clearly online. I want at least one of them to post SOMETHING, and if there isn't an alternate wagon that just makes the job easier, honestly I don't even expect most of them to read to this point in my post. Let's be real though a) Tbh there is really nothing to differentiate Zelda from the rest now that I think about it because she only posted because you called her out C) If I wanted to look towny as scum I'm not going to passively follow you on the lynch because it was quite clearly a pressure vote. I'm just following it for the same reasons that you've kept the pressure on Zelda throughout the game despite being no different from the others as paradoxical as it sounds D) Has anything that rhino or dragon said actually had an impact on the game? Would the game be any different if either of them hadn't posted at all. To be honest, no, there's nothing
3) I think your Bianca read is semi unique and if I'd posted my thoughts on her faster you'd be saying yet another thing I already have in that Bianca is towny but me asking about her progression was foreshadowing that I had a townread here. And yes the things you mention in this paragraph are indeed more indicative of town Bianca than scum Bianca. Really you differentiating Bianca and Antonio was something you were looking at to begin with because you brought them up as a pairing potential and it's based on how they're experienced to know better. The approach changes here though. If I'm reading it correctly you posit that Antonio is struggling in a way he usually doesn't as town but what makes this game different is 'thread presence' which in my memory of Antonio in Ships to Port was a struggle he had there.
This is outdated now that Antonio replaced out because this section is far more focused on why I came to sus Antonio over Bianca. Antonio's had at least been able to post reads in the past few games, here it felt like his questions towards you were a vessel for the sole purpose of not appearing like a zero poster, considering that the questions had no value to them and had the answers there already. In the past as town he didn't stoop that low as to ask illegitimate questions to look good
5) You can't even begin to read them? Expand on the point about Rhino not being in the newb mindset? The anti-align with JT I already pointed out. Also .01 and .05 as arbitrary partial town points is yet another moment from you that feels tonally off. And I've already stated that I think dragons afk seems genuine so that's not a until read and piggybacking although I can't hold this piggybacking against you since there isn't much either when it comes to dragon.
I can't read a ****ing zero poster, all four fit that catagory.
Rhino isn't clearly excited because he's scum, that's what I meant by that. I typically divide newbs into 3 mindsets, and A's what I can be called "excited scum" I guess. Rhino clearly doesnt fall into that catagory if he's scum
6) I feel like you're lampshading your partnership with Zelda by saying you're hilariously playing into my tinfoil. If you voted for Zelda to pressure her why are you already providing a townread for her just because there was an opportunity for cover in voting trackercop with JT and rhino? Seems anti-pressure coming from someone of your experience level. And following the most active and objectivey thoughtful person on copwatcher is as good a cover as sheeping those two if not better. You use the word hilariously in regards to my tinfoil because that makes it look like it's just that: silly tinfoil. I legitimately think you are paired at this point. Tempvoting Zelda to come off as providing towny pressure already indicates that's all there is and if Zelda can't muster the courage to start posting? You'd bus and solo the game, especially if you got to be the mafia pr.
I'm not townreading her for it, I'm disputing it as a reason for her to be considered any different from the other three. I'm about to fall asleep at my keyboard at this point, but at this point it's uncaring townie vs frozen fear scum for her(Zelda).
Also, I use hilariously to describe the situation, not the tinfoil. In no way do I insinuate that the tinfoil itself is hilarious, but how my view plays into the tinfoil (also, do you seriously think I'd make it this obvious, say that Zelda's not my top suspect then vote her 3 hours later as a "tempvote", I think even they'd understand that means nothing, simply bc they're wary of anything that moves to much)
Soloing is just a bad idea in general and I don't understand why you did it with Korean to Antonio so early in Day Two, he wasn't a lost cause yet. Especially since you'd get credit for the lynch, watcher would be on you, and I'd have to deal with you being here tomorrow
7) Kudos to pointing out that he is active elsewhere before I got to it but that isn't necessarily a scumtell. Expand on why you straight up don't like this and the ##mafia moment I guess.
****ing glad you asked. Guy apparently joins for the apparent sole purpose of playing mafia on here on the guidance from his friend, hasn't even made a post in the thread yet, just staying in the basement games and seems to forget that he's even in this one. I'm not even sure why he'd put ##mafia in the voting thread as either alignment tbh, and I'm not gonna get into it because I don't remember what I was thinking then. What I really don't like is the method in which he follows Rhino in the vote thread. I view THAT as a heavy cover attempt for not following my cop/watcher. If he's scum I can pretty much write the exact words of what's going through his mind right now "If they sus it, they'll go after him first, and they won't sus me anyway because a town did it" (still agree with the rhino/Jt anti-align)
Also liking Bianca more as of recently, the tone just feels so pure. This isn't a particularly insightful post but it took a lot out of me after the day I've had
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Also if Bianca is noticing that Dolby is uncharacteristically tame in his interaction with me, I only feel worse that what he is really attempting is a pocket, and a lot of the things I find towny he seems like he's piggybacking me and it's easy stuff to read as genuinely trying to help provide more content from town and also genuinely reacts to the threadstate he has repeatedly called demoralizing (and it is).
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Nooo come back Dolby I'm all alone in here.
First part, I know I change my meta like my clothes each day, but I'm the believer in the situation where when I'm clearly one of the two strongest players (which I consider at my level) and I'm scum the best play for me is to attack them head on (won me Smash against Endless, powermaf for life man), especially when I think that they're gonna sus me before the day is out (you def fall into that camp, even when I'm town)
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Also, to the soloing point, I know that I brag about soloing 12v1 so much in kingmaker even though it was 4 years ago, but you literally have to walk the narrowest ****ing line
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Also Dad if you make another wall post tonight I'm not responding to it tonight