Pokémon Pokemon General

I'm pretty sure there will be one but I'm not sure when it will be announced/released. They will definitely announce it ahead of release by at least 6 months for hype imo. XY was announced in January and released in October. I think ORAS was announced in May/June at E3 and released in November so that was quite short actually. I hope we can get something like announced in January/released in July because that would be the most awesome time to release the game.

Idk if they want to save announcing it for after Pokken which releases in spring. if they do, then the game could release in fall/winter.
I'm pretty sure there will be one but I'm not sure when it will be announced/released. They will definitely announce it ahead of release by at least 6 months for hype imo. XY was announced in January and released in October. I think ORAS was announced in May/June at E3 and released in November so that was quite short actually. I hope we can get something like announced in January/released in July because that would be the most awesome time to release the game.

Idk if they want to save announcing it for after Pokken which releases in spring. if they do, then the game could release in fall/winter.

most likely it'll get announced after Tekken is released. If they announced it before it'd probably hurt sales of Tekken since people would be likely skip it and save their money for a main series title, and considering the Wii U isn't doing as well as it could, I don't think they'd want to take that change - but anythings possible.

The reason that XY was announced like 10 months before release and ORAS was only 6 was because XY was an actual new gen so they had to reveal a lot more, such as new Pokemon/mechanics/etc. ORAS has less time between reveal/release because there wasn't that much that needed to be revealed before the game.

The thing that needs to be said tho is this game was most likely in development before ORAS was even announced, and probably was in development shortly XY released, so they've got at least a good 2 years on it. Given how much progress into development they are, they could easily announce it April/May 2016, for a Oct/Nov release. But looking since Red/Blue released in Japan on Feb 27th, I think that'd be an ideal announcement date, especially since they released ORAS on the 12th anniversary of RS in Japan, and then a release in July/August/Sept could work.
most likely it'll get announced after Tekken is released. If they announced it before it'd probably hurt sales of Tekken since people would be likely skip it and save their money for a main series title, and considering the Wii U isn't doing as well as it could, I don't think they'd want to take that change - but anythings possible.

The reason that XY was announced like 10 months before release and ORAS was only 6 was because XY was an actual new gen so they had to reveal a lot more, such as new Pokemon/mechanics/etc. ORAS has less time between reveal/release because there wasn't that much that needed to be revealed before the game.

The thing that needs to be said tho is this game was most likely in development before ORAS was even announced, and probably was in development shortly XY released, so they've got at least a good 2 years on it. Given how much progress into development they are, they could easily announce it April/May 2016, for a Oct/Nov release. But looking since Red/Blue released in Japan on Feb 27th, I think that'd be an ideal announcement date, especially since they released ORAS on the 12th anniversary of RS in Japan, and then a release in July/August/Sept could work.

This majorly. Really looking forward to a possible Pokemon Z announcement early next year.... :) :D
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there'll be a shiny Xerneas and Yveltal distribution in Japan

"The first images from CoroCoro have leaked and have revealed some details about distributions to coincide with Pok?mon XY & Z. These distributions will run weekly and will be obtained by a serial code obtained during the Pok?mon XY & Z anime. On October 29th, a shiny Xerneas will be obtainable. On November 5th, a code for a shiny Yveltal will be distributed and on November 12th, a code for a Zygarde will be distributed. We'll bring more as it comes"

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Awesome! Glad to see that they're distributing the Kalos legendaries with their shiny colors.

Speaking of recent news about legendary Pokemon, a few places in Europe are set to get Hoopa this month. The North American date has not been announced yet, but it shouldn't be too far down the line.

"For those of you in the Europe, the Hoopa distribution has been announced. This distribution will run in GAME stores in the UK from October 23rd to November 5th, Gamestop stores in Germany from October 16th 2015 to November 7th 2015. French and Spanish dates are forth coming, as are North American dates. It is obtained via Serial Code and be available to all X, Y, Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire games. Our Event Database has been updated with details of this event."

I can't wait until all of these make their way to the States. Especially Hoopa. I've been wanting that thing ever since I learned about its Unbound form.
Maybe the shiny Kalos trio will come this way after Game Freak remembers fans outside of Japan. :/

Hoopa whennnnnnnnnnnnnn
Pikachu is coming to Build-A-Bear stores in the USA, Canada, Australia and Europe in 2016!
Serebii said:
The Pok?mon Company International and Build-A-Bear Workshop have revealed that from early 2016 you'll be able to make a Pikachu at Build-A-Bear stores across the US, Europe, Canada and Australia. If you do this, you'll get a special promo TCG card as a gift and you can decorate it with a Pok? Ball Hoodie and have a Pikachu sound chip. If you order it online, you'll also be able to get a Charizard costume.
Is anyone going to get this?
I might do, I haven't been to Build A Bear since I was a kid and we have one in town so hopefully they'll stock them! It just depends on if it will be more than a regular bear...
Pikachu is coming to Build-A-Bear stores in the USA, Canada, Australia and Europe in 2016!

Is anyone going to get this?
I might do, I haven't been to Build A Bear since I was a kid and we have one in town so hopefully they'll stock them! It just depends on if it will be more than a regular bear...

That cool, neat way to kick off 20th anniversary I guess. Might take my little bro to go build one.
Just had a neat surprise, I just restarted AS as I was getting nowhere with my mono run. I was reading a thing about shiny Pokemon on the Pokemon Reddit, feeling a bit down as my only non-GSC-Gyarados shiny was a Zangoose which got killed by a Seviper horde before I could catch it or they are from WT, and I just picked my starter, Torchic. Then the sparkles, my Torchic is shiny!
I am super happy!

I named him Azar which is Persian for fire.
I'll also just say I didn't SR at all, this was all luck!
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Hello in my six month ban I completed the Pokedex and have everything.

Except ****ing Meoloetta and that sinner Hoopa
Hello in my six month ban I completed the Pokedex and have everything.

Except ****ing Meoloetta and that sinner Hoopa

why were u banned? if you dont mind me asking

and i thinking someone is selling hoopas in the market
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why were u banned? if you dont mind me asking

and i thinking someone is selling hoopas in the market


I have a living dex tho. One of ****ing Pokemon, including forme differences. Working on one of every male and female now
Trainers in the United States finally have a date and location for the Hoopa distribution, though the announcement has since been removed from the Pokemon site.

For those of you in the US, the Hoopa event has been announced. Hoopa is to be distributed at McDonald's restaurants across the country from November 27th 2015 to December 23rd 2015. This event can be redeemed on X, Y, Omega Ruby or Alpha Sapphire but it is not currently 100% confirmed if it will be code or through the Nintendo Zone or local distribution methods. This follows on from the events in Europe currently running in Germany, the UK and Italy, as well as in France in Micromania Stores from November 2nd.

I have to say that I'm not very excited that it will be at McDonald's. I would far prefer just going into a Gamestop and picking events up if I have to leave the house at all.
Trainers in the United States finally have a date and location for the Hoopa distribution, though the announcement has since been removed from the Pokemon site.

For those of you in the US, the Hoopa event has been announced. Hoopa is to be distributed at McDonald's restaurants across the country from November 27th 2015 to December 23rd 2015. This event can be redeemed on X, Y, Omega Ruby or Alpha Sapphire but it is not currently 100% confirmed if it will be code or through the Nintendo Zone or local distribution methods. This follows on from the events in Europe currently running in Germany, the UK and Italy, as well as in France in Micromania Stores from November 2nd.

I have to say that I'm not very excited that it will be at McDonald's. I would far prefer just going into a Gamestop and picking events up if I have to leave the house at all.

Or just doing a bloody digital distribution. This "let's go to Nintendo Zones and stores yay!!!!!111" is annoying.
I agree, I'm so tired of Nintendo's way of dealing with these. It's not suitable for a lot of people to do these kind of stuff. Digital distributions is easier and more comfortable for most people.
The Hoopa distribution will not utilize codes like the most recent Gamestop events have. You'll need to bring your game(s) to the restaurant.