Pokémon Pokemon General

i really hope they change this i am not going to mcdonalds to get hoopa its not worth it id rather go to gamestop
Work about to be wildin, man.
In addition to Hoopa, McDonalds is also getting these toys as well.
Way better than those skimpy XY toys they shelled out a year back.

I just want to hug Lugia!!!
I'm divided on this McDonald's Hoopa distro. The closest one to me is right across the street, but their NZ doesn't work anymore. SO now I have to find a working NZ...But those toys, man... I see some toy trips in my future.
Work about to be wildin, man.
In addition to Hoopa, McDonalds is also getting these toys as well.
Way better than those skimpy XY toys they shelled out a year back.

I just want to hug Lugia!!!

I would go to McDonald just for wobbuffet
Going to places just for a pokemon Is kinda a hassle for me.__. Like going to gamestop just to get a code card is bad enough, now I'm gonna have to go sit in a McDonald's by myself just to get something that could easily be distributed entirely electronically and save a ton of the pokemon community time. I just don't see the point >~<
There was a random Zoroark event thrown up onto the Nintendo Network in North America yesterday. The Zoroark knows Sludge Bomb, which it doesn't normally have the ability to learn. This is strictly for Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire.

The same Zoroark is going to be heading to Europe. Specifically for the UK, you can get it at GAME locations via a serial code from November 6 until November 26th. For some unexplained reason, the Zoroark in Europe can also be redeemed in X & Y instead of just Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire.
Can you pass the move on through breeding?
Unfortunately not. Similar to the shiny Gengar that was distributed like a year or two ago that knew Sludge Wave, these are not egg moves and cannot be passed down onto new ones by breeding.
I thought there would have been a half-decent in game event for some of the unreleased pokemon this time around like there was in Black/White.

but no, Hoopa = mcdonalds distribution & Diancie = mystery gift distribution

im done im moving 2 yokai-watch screw pokemon
I wish they would just send them over wifi and have an in game even :mad:

Sorry nintendo but I don't want to stand in a building and have people look at me and then if someones like "ooo do you need help" and I have to be like "No im just getting a hoopa" :(
Wtf is wrong with u all. McDonalds is the bomb.com. I'd go there any day regardless of Hoopa, and now that you can get Hoopa there, it basically makes it one step closer to heaven. Y'all need Jesus
Well, thanks to JeffreyAC, I now have a Hoopa and Meloetta, and a full 720 Pokedex, forme differences included. Frigging white Flabebe took forever.

Time to finish up the Gender Dex...
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Congrats on filling the Pokedex! I really need to get around to doing so since I like to do the Masuda Method for breeding shiny Pokemon and would benefit from the Shiny Charm. It just seems like such a daunting task that I never get around to it. I've been catching a bunch of stuff lately to at least put a dent in the Pokedex, but it will be a long while.
I wish they would just send them over wifi and have an in game even :mad:

Sorry nintendo but I don't want to stand in a building and have people look at me and then if someones like "ooo do you need help" and I have to be like "No im just getting a hoopa" :(

Conversations r hurd

I never really saw a problem with going to a store for an event. Usually met other fans that way. Only downside to having in store events is if you weren't close to one of those stores like Toys R Us. Back in D/P/Pt/HG/SS I'd bring my games and my brother's games and trade the spares off to those I was certain couldn't make it to the event.
The shiny xerneas and yveltal distribution is fun, but only in Japan :c I don't see this coming overseas at all.

(Looking to buy them for TBT if anyone has spares/clones though)
Conversations r hurd

I never really saw a problem with going to a store for an event. Usually met other fans that way. Only downside to having in store events is if you weren't close to one of those stores like Toys R Us. Back in D/P/Pt/HG/SS I'd bring my games and my brother's games and trade the spares off to those I was certain couldn't make it to the event.

i don't like talking to people
Conversations r hurd

I never really saw a problem with going to a store for an event. Usually met other fans that way. Only downside to having in store events is if you weren't close to one of those stores like Toys R Us. Back in D/P/Pt/HG/SS I'd bring my games and my brother's games and trade the spares off to those I was certain couldn't make it to the event.

i don't like talking to people
The Sludge Bomb Zoroark is not a McDonald's exclusive. I got it from the comfort of my bed.