Pokémon Pokemon General

Pokemon director guy hinted at "flowers" being future in the series or sth. So it seems likely that XY2/Z will be announced soonish (tbh I expect it early next year, like when XY were revealed), and the flowers comment probably means that AZ's floette will get some more focus, and maybe finally be an event pokemon

Also from NE

"At the 2015 Pokemon World Championships last weekend, Nintendo World Report asked The Pokemon Company’s J.C. Smith if Pokken Tournament is intended to be the main attraction for the series’ 20th anniversary in early 2016. Smith merely replied by saying no, but after being pressed further, he added the following:
“I’m splitting hairs. No, there’s lots of stuff planned for the 2016 year but nothing I can talk about now.”
During the same discussion, Smith also said that flowers will be important to Pokemon’s future.
It’s completely unknown what The Pokemon Company has planned at this time. As Nintendo World Report also points out, there could be something – or multiple things – that are of equal importance to Pokken Tournament that we’ll be seeing early next year."
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I can't wait for the 20th anniversary. I'm sure there will be a whole lot of hoopla over in Japan while other regions get scraps and game announcements though. Would be really cool if they did another Journey Across America thing like they did for the 10th Anniversary.
I was hatching Chansey's and I hatched a shiny

It looks so green and ugly I love it but her IVs are **** how tragic </3
Hey. Can we talk about pokemon nuzlocke here? Cause i'm doing one on X now. Just made it to Cyllage City.
Hey. Can we talk about pokemon nuzlocke here? Cause i'm doing one on X now. Just made it to Cyllage City.

Yes, of course! I think there's a thread for it already somewhere in this section too. Heads up on X; watch out for Grant's Amaura's Refrigerate ability. Last time I did a nuzlocke on X or Y I didn't take it into account and half my team was destroyed. ; ;
you should definitely go back and play again :D i just started playing online again because I have finally completed my team. :D legendaries are great but sometimes the users become over confident and thus leading to their demise

Particularly when arceus is involved.
some new pokemon themes comins


i was kinda excited for the mewtwo one when i heard about it but it looks ****
there's an anime trailer which shows off some of yhe zygarde formes and also shows the Ash!Greninja in action

"It also describes Ash-Greninja as the form that Greninja takes when the bond between it and Ash is raised to the limit. The strength of their bond changes Greninja's appearance, and it takes on the characteristic look of Ash's attire. This phenomenon is also said to have happened just once several hundred years ago in the Kalos region, but it remains shrouded in mystery."


the more i see this the more i'm praying and hoping mega sceptile belongs to ash
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OMG, all this looks amazing and so very interesting!! Really looking forward to Team Flare making an appearance in the main anime as well as Greninja's new forme... :)
Hi Guys.

Anyone with some Pok?mon TCGO Codes left, please message me! ^^

Thanks and u gotta catch them all! :)
I'm getting the strong belief that the game Pok?mon Z WILL be released in 2016 now... :)

there's no reason for it not to be. 2016 is the 20th anniversary and for them not to release a main series game would be so stupif