Damn big congrats.:0
Guess I'll go dig more underground cause I've literally got 0 moon stones.
My team for Elite Four. Clefable is great but watch out for Cynthia's Garchomp since it knows Poison Jab )or w/e its named... wtf though?) As for her Milotic, either bring in something that knows good Electric/Grass type moves or use Milotic and/or Empoleon as in my case and just wait out her recover/ice beam/scald/mirror coat etc. Also Aaron's Heracross is another dip**** to watch out for apparently...
Also apparently I never hatched the Riolu egg so uh no wonder I was missing some Dex stuff lol!
Agree, currently going to try to get one in Pogo but it requires 70 hearts friendship so lmaoSylveon is pretty![]()
so sweet so bouncyBounsweet is fruit
Bounsweet is based off a real fruit called a mangosteen
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Ikr, the whole dev team needs a new job tbh : (Whoever thought not putting Chansey and Blissey in the Grand Underground really needs a new job. I was so spoiled in SwSh with the Isle of Armor and Exp Candies that I forgot how cumbersome it is levelling up mons
Ikr, the whole dev team needs a new job tbh : (
Also eventually got a lucky throw and caught Cresselia, but whoever think catch rates are fun and never adding a 2nd master ball except Loto is a douche :L
Yeah, same I should do that 100% but yeah man I really hate legendaries and stuff.Yeah, and I agree with the catch rates. I still haven't done Ramanas Park for that very reason. Maybe when I have the patience and energy I can finally begin, but I really REALLY hate battling the Regis. For now I'm busy breeding Prankster Murkrows and trying to level my Pickup Munchlax to level 100 so I can get Dusk Stones eaiser.
Also yeah did Stark Mountain now with Buck, man I really hate those parts when you have to walk with an NPC like, bruh let me explore XD I should hunt down Giratina and stuff to as well I suppose but jeez, yeah legendaries be boring though worst was that high level beast in Alola you had to fight when it was level 70 and you definitely weren't that lol.