You could always just breed Dragon Dance onto a Sheer Force Totodile (when they come out) to help with his lack of great speed.
That's actually my plan...the one being released has really good moves it only needs DD to make it perfect for me.
You could always just breed Dragon Dance onto a Sheer Force Totodile (when they come out) to help with his lack of great speed.
HA Samurott is now live in the PAL region. NA getting it in a few hours, probably.
I think you need to beat the Elite 4 again and Cobaloin should spawn again
Cool, I'll ask my Brother to pick up a code or two when he goes to pick up my New 3DS on Friday.
I wonder if this Darkrai will have any exclusive moves it can't normally learn, would be ace.
But I love it when the UK gets things that others don't B)
did you only recently find out about thisWHOS UP FOR SOME CONFUSION
Q: Who is the first Pokemon?
A. Bulbasaur, pokemon #001 in the National Pokedex
B. Rhydon, the first pokemon to ever be designed
C. Mew, the genetic parent of all pokemon
D. Arceus, the pokemon who existed before the universe was created
stares u down
Q: Who is the first Pok?mon?
A. Bulbasaur, Pok?mon #001 in the National Pok?dex
B. Rhydon, the first Pok?mon to ever be designed
C. Mew, the genetic parent of all Pok?mon
D. Arceus, the Pok?mon who existed before the universe was created
did you only recently find out about this
I'll check my Mirage Island later, but I have a Ditto I can clone either way so you'll get some fine swag in that pocket bag of yours.Will anyone be ever so kind to give me some IV Dittos?Thank you, I hate to beg :/
I'll check my Mirage Island later, but I have a Ditto I can clone either way so you'll get some fine swag in that pocket bag of yours.
While people would want to fund Nintendo for a Gen 4 remake, why would you bother with that when you could always just help fund the production of "Archie" Dakimakura's, you'd be really helping the world (especially me) out.