Pokémon Pokemon General

Dark/Bug ok fine. Dark yes tied for my favourite type but bug eh but I studied Entomology for a few years so relevant in some ways I guess??
A new event has been announced. This event is for Serena's Fennekin and comes at Level 15. It has the moves Scratch, Flamethrower and Hidden Power. This gift is to be distributed via a shared serial code from February 26th 2015 to March 31st 2015 with the code being given in the new anime episode that airs on February 16.

Japan-only as you might expect.
It also holds a Destiny Knot.

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Except that the last time that for instance a Mew was distributed wordwide was in 2010 for HG/SS. In-game distributions like Pok?mon Ranch and Ranger don't count because not everyone is going to buy a game for one Pok?mon. The same with Jirachi and Manaphy was even earlier than that.

Just because Japan has gotten it a thousand times doesn't mean the rest of the world has. Try better the next time you wanna be condescending.
I'll check my Mirage Island later, but I have a Ditto I can clone either way so you'll get some fine swag in that pocket bag of yours.

Thank you so much oml

My 3DS broke so I've been out of action for like 3 weeks

Honestly thank you
Except that the last time that for instance a Mew was distributed wordwide was in 2010 for HG/SS. In-game distributions like Pok?mon Ranch and Ranger don't count because not everyone is going to buy a game for one Pok?mon. The same with Jirachi and Manaphy was even earlier than that.

Just because Japan has gotten it a thousand times doesn't mean the rest of the world has. Try better the next time you wanna be condescending.

You literally just conteadicted yourself.
Japan still counts as a distribution, just because you didn't get one doesn't mean others didn't.

There are plenty of English and American players who have got the Pokemon from these events either through cloning, trading or owning a Japanese console and game.

You never said in your original post 'worldwide' you just said distributed, which they have been.
Except that the last time that for instance a Mew was distributed wordwide was in 2010 for HG/SS. In-game distributions like Pok?mon Ranch and Ranger don't count because not everyone is going to buy a game for one Pok?mon. The same with Jirachi and Manaphy was even earlier than that.

Just because Japan has gotten it a thousand times doesn't mean the rest of the world has. Try better the next time you wanna be condescending.
I wasn't being condescending, just stating a fact. Also, you're missing a very vital piece of information here:
Serena's Fennekin is being distributed just in Japan. Of course I'm gonna compare it to Japan's event distributions.

Mew hasn't been distributed in Japan since 2010 as well, that's true.
Manaphy only saw limited non-Ranger distributions the year after the game came out (in Japan). The country that received the most distributions was, surprisingly, America. After those it was Ranger-exclusive, which I think it was supposed to be.
And Jirachi... don't even get me started on that guy. Every year, they distribute a version of Jirachi during Tanabata. And then they do a bunch of Jirachi events around it as well.

How many times has Serena's Fennekin been distributed in Japan? That's right, 0 times. This is going to be a one-time deal. I'm not interested in obtaining it either, just like Ash's Pikachu (which was also distributed once in Japan, and nowhere else), but I understand they want to give the anime fans something as well nowadays. I'm also not going to complain about it not being a specific Pokemon.
Thank you so much oml

My 3DS broke so I've been out of action for like 3 weeks

Honestly thank you
Just send a VM/PM of what Ditto's you need and I'll get you all the natures and IV's you want.
I really hope we can get a Jirachi event for ORAS worldwide soon.

I mean, Hoenn is its region!
Vaporeon Gastrodon combo in doubles wrecks if the other person doesn't have electric or grass moves. Not even primal Groudon could stop them.
When it would wouldn't it... that it the only thing they are weak to...

Thats like saying Mega Blaziken and Infernape rock if the opponent doesnt have a flying, psychic, ground or water type move
I was just posting random stuff and felt good about it. I'm going to say some really obvious stuff every now and then.

But on a more serious discussion.
I was using the Vapordon combo again today, and the opponent lead with an Aggron.
Who knew Thunder.

I really hope we can get a Jirachi event for ORAS worldwide soon.

I mean, Hoenn is its region!

Same here. It's been quite a while since there was a Jirachi event in the west. Mew, Manaphy and Shaymin are also really needed. Instead we'll probably get another Celebi or something. :\