Pokémon Pokemon General

Dunno, it said "disconnected from the other trainer" when that happened.
That's kinda overkill. I found a Secret Base where it recreates the theme from Pokemon 2000. I'll try to record it sometime soon, but it's definitely not as complex as what's in that video.
I haven't touched my secret base at all. I actually haven't played AS in a few days. I got my 5th badge and stopped. :p
Anybody got a Sheer Force Nidoran they don't want/need? I could give you a imposter ditto or something else. Thanks in advance :D
wallace booty
[crowd cheers, confetti everywhere and celebrates for a week]
I'm nearing the end of collecting flags, but certain types of people are seriously not helping. They think they're being clever, blocking off their PC and flag with items and their trainer, thinking that'll force you to make them join your team. If I have to go back to my base to make space for you, I'm not gonna do it. I'm deleting your dumb ass.

Seriously, **** the people that do this. Waste of a flag.
I know how that feels, I streetpasses someone who attempted that. Good thing he was not able to recruit people yet. I get annoyed just by seeing that base. Aside from that, there was also one where this guy blocked of his trainer so I can't battle him and can't get the daily item. There should seriously be a checker or something that prevents these.
that happened to me i just moved onto to someone's else.

Decided to record that Base I mentioned earlier in the thread. Overexposure and weird sound but whatever. You get the gist of it.
I was looking at my shiny Sneasel on ORAS and the pupils are like ****ed up... That's weird...