Pokémon Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet General Discussion

Thanks for reminding me about the shiny Rayquaza raids though! I lowkey forgot. 💀
I've been so busy lately and I've lost so much interest in SV that I forgot as well. I might redownload Violet to try and do the raid but...I may just forget again lol
I've been so busy lately and I've lost so much interest in SV that I forgot as well. I might redownload Violet to try and do the raid but...I may just forget again lol

I attempted it just now and it took three tries because people kept bringing Dragon types to the raid and we kept losing. I see people are just as dumb in these raids as they ever were! 😂 😭




I attempted it just now and it took three tries because people kept bringing Dragon types to the raid and we kept losing. I see people are just as dumb in these raids as they ever were! 😂 😭




Oh good you brought an Azu. See thats what we need. Common sense. No one online seems to have it. Good job on getting it! Ultra Ball totally fits it
Shiny Rayquaza raid event is now LIVE so be sure to get one while you can!

This event is a promotional event to run alongside the Pokémon Horizons anime which prominently features a shiny Rayquaza.


From Serebii.net:
"The latest Pokémon Scarlet & Violet Tera Raid Battle event has begun. This event is the long-awaited Shiny Rayquaza raid event. This Tera Raid Battle is a 5 Star Raid Battle against a Rayquaza with the Dragon Tera Type. It can be battled many times but you can only catch one Shiny Rayquaza per save file
This event runs until Sunday, January 5th 2025 at 23:59 UTC
TPC seems to love shiny Rayquaza. It certainly does have a very cool shiny, but I feel like it gets a lot of exposure in general for whatever reason (I remember shiny Rayquaza featuring prominently in Pokemon Conquest, too).

I don't really like doing online raids, but I suppose I oughtn't pass up on an opportunity for a free shiny.
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Last night I solo Shiny Rayquaza with Annihilape using Rage Fist. It was an easy win.
There were sponsor Twitch streams on Thursday and Friday for the Event. One part was to complete as many Rayquaza Raids in an hour and some players didn't help.
Ya, it's ridiculous how bad these players still are at tera raids. I'm hoping Gen 10's online won't be this bad because I'm so fed up with wasting hours of my time trying to farm salty herbs and getting nothing
I was in a Raid for Shiny Raquaza and we almost won but didn’t because of me. I accidentally entered it with a level 22 Clefable that I thought was at a much higher level than it was. I thought it was level 86 but that turned out to be my Ribombee which did even worse because of the online players in that Raid. The Clefable Raid had a Shiny Rayquaza and Azumarill that were doing most of the damage output and a Lucario that managed to do well enough to only faint once.
Wow...not since last year. Games really are dead right now...anyway...something new!

Pokemon HOME Shiny Manaphy & Enamorus Distribution!

From Serebii.net:

"A new distribution has begun for Pokémon HOME. This distribution is the second and third Pokédex completion tasks which unlock if you complete the Pokédex inside Pokémon HOME.

If you complete the Sinnoh Pokédex for Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Pokémon Shining Pearl you will get given a Shiny Manaphy, the first time it has been available without a loophole.

If you complete the Hisui Pokédex for Pokémon Legends: Arceus, you will get given a Shiny Enamorus. This is the first time this Pokémon has been available
Pokemon Day is getting close! Do we get a Z-A or Gen 10 reveal? Do we end up in heartbreak? The suspense is intense.

Pokemon Day Flying Tera Eevee Distribution!

From Serebii.net:

"A new distribution has been announced for the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand from February 7th through February 27th. To celebrate Pokémon Day, a special Flying Tera Type Eevee will be distributed through codes obtained in the following stores
Best Buy (US)
GameStop (US and Canada)
Toys “R” Us (Canada)
EB Games (Australia and New Zealand)
This Eevee will have the OT of
POKEMONDAY25 with the moves Hyper Voice, Swift, Sunny Day, Tera Blast."
The long delay for Pokemon Home made it easy for the Shiny Manaphy. I played Solo and traded Pokemon with my other Switch.
Legend of Arceus is an issue. The last one I need is Arceus and movement is hard with numbness in hand/arm.
I feel you. I'm having trouble with some boss fights because my hands tend to shake naturally and my wrists get sore/painful easy. We'll get 'em! ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
I think I'mma miss out on these because I'm not a Dex completionist, lol. Good luck to anyone trying for them though, they look like amazing mons to have!
Wow...not since last year. Games really are dead right now...anyway...something new!

Pokemon HOME Shiny Manaphy & Enamorus Distribution!
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From Serebii.net:

"A new distribution has begun for Pokémon HOME. This distribution is the second and third Pokédex completion tasks which unlock if you complete the Pokédex inside Pokémon HOME.

If you complete the Sinnoh Pokédex for Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Pokémon Shining Pearl you will get given a Shiny Manaphy, the first time it has been available without a loophole.

If you complete the Hisui Pokédex for Pokémon Legends: Arceus, you will get given a Shiny Enamorus. This is the first time this Pokémon has been available
Thanks for the consistent updates Snek! I’ve recently been going through replaying + trying to 109 percent the switch games, do you know how long the Manaphy and Enamorous are available for?
I think I'mma miss out on these because I'm not a Dex completionist, lol. Good luck to anyone trying for them though, they look like amazing mons to have!
I may miss out on the Shiny Manaphy since I don’t ever intend on fully completing BDSP, but with a copy of Shining Pearl from my best friend to obtain Darkrai in Legends (and after doing so, I will delete said copy from my Switch, assuming that doesn’t also remove the Darkrai), I think I will get the Shiny Enamorus.
I was just thinking about Revival Blessing and how it was a complete missed opportunity to give it to two more Pokémon that would make sense knowing it: Ho-oh and Mew. Ho-oh because it’s based on the Phoenix which revival is the legendary bird’s thing and for the fact that Ho-oh canonically revived the three Pokémon who died in the Brass Tower inferno into the Legendary Beasts which is essentially Ho-oh blessing them with new life. Mew might seem random but it should get Revival Blessing considering it actively revived Ash in the first movie and in the Lucario movie, it used its powers to bring back everyone the Tree of Life had absorbed. It’s not like Revival Blessing would be abused and Ho-oh isn’t usually allowed to participate in online battles and Mew is banned from competitions for being a mythical.