Pokémon Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet General Discussion

I did not expect that I was going to like it, but in most aspects I was pleasantly surprised.

I intensely disliked the designs of Ogerpon and the Loyal Three before starting, so I was already not expecting much. However, I ended up liking the Kitakami region in general. It's not too big and it's easy to get around, and the little apple orchard with the Applin sign is a really cute touch. The music is great. I really liked Carmine and Kieran. I even ended up developing a soft spot for the Loyal Three. I still don't like Ogerpon though >_>

It wasn't right what we all did to Kieran and I felt very bad about having to ruin his hopes and dreams. It made me not want to finish the story because I felt like such a villain. At least it eventually had a ... not unhappy ending... kind of.

Perhaps I appreciated the experience as much as I did because I elected to play the DLC early on. It just felt right for everyone's Pokemon to be at a lower level than they would have been had I waited until post game. All in all, I felt that the experience was a lot better than the Isle of Armor from Sword and Shield.
Next 7 Star Raid is Serperior with a Grass Tera!


From Serebii.net:

"The next 7 Star Tera Raid Battle has been announced for Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. This event will feature a battle against a Serperior with the Grass Tera Type and the Mightiest Mark. It can only be caught once per save file.
This event will run from 00:00 UTC on September 20th through 23:59 UTC on September 22nd and again from September 27th through September 29th with Blissey joining it for the second run."
Next 7 Star Raid is Infernape with a Rock Tera!


From Serebii.net:

"The next 7 Star Tera Raid Battle event has been announced for Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. This event will feature a battle against a Infernape with the Rock Tera Type and the Mightiest Mark. It can only be caught once per save file.
This event will run from 00:00 UTC on October 4th through 23:59 UTC on October 6th and again from October 11th through October 13th with Blissey joining it for the second run

Not sure why Rock type...I guess they needed a starter for a Rock tera raid and they chose...Infernape...

Though as I was typing this I suddenly remembered that Infernape is based on Sun Wukong and Sun Wukong was trapped under a rock so maybe that's why.
Catch Version Exclusive Pokemon To Help Complete Your Pokedex!


From Thursday, October 17, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. PDT to Sunday, October 20, 2024 at 4:59 p.m. PDT, the following mons can be found in 5-Star Tera raids:


All of them will be found in both versions and will come with various Tera types.

Version Exclusive Outbreaks!


During the same timeframe as the version exclusive 5-Star Tera raids, the following mons will appear in outbreaks in various locations:

Oranguru and Passimian will appear in Paldea

Cramorant and Morpeko will appear in Kitakami

Alolan Vulpix and Alolan Sandshrew will appear in Blueberry Academy
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Next 7 Star Tera Raid is Gengar with a Ghost Tera!

Lots of things have been happening in Pokemon news lately that I forgot about this!

Here's the info from Serebii.net to sum it up:

"The next Tera Raid Battle event has been announced for Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. This event will feature a battle against a Gengar with the Ghost Tera Type in 5 Star Raid Battles with lots of special rewards including a lot of Rare Candy

This event will run from 00:00 UTC on October 28th through 23:59 UTC on October 31st."

If you want a Mighty Mark Gengar this is the chance to get one. Thank Aus for them finally finishing the starters!
The Events are going to help players get a Shiny Meloetta from Pokemon Home.
To get one you need to complete HOME dex for Pokemon Scarlet/Violet Paldea, Kitakami and Blueberry pokemon dex.
Pokedexes can only be filled with Pokemon with the SV Origin Mark.

With the delay of Pokemon Home for Scarlet and Violet I just needed to add a few pokemon to get the Shiny Meloetta. Sent a Gallade that I was using for False Swiping, caught and deposit the Rowlet line and had to trade the Porygon line using Scarlet pokemon. The Sword ones that sent to my Scarlet dex didn't count.

You don't need the DLC to get a Shiny Meloetta.
I love pokemon Scarlet and violet so much, and it's mostly because of Arven XD I just adore him so much he's my top favorite pokemon character, I have the little plush of him and the figure (although my mom has been withholding the figure since Christmas of last year until my room is clean, it's a long story lol I really struggle with cleaning due to my adhd and it's really bad and I keep putting it off and blablabla i really need to get it figured out so I can get my figure of my son tho lol) I really loved the story of the game too! And I adore my trainer I made for this one, I've made her into an oc at this point too and I ship her with Arven and have a sweater with a ship art piece I commissioned someone for that I LOVE and since I loved it so much I asked if I could get it custom printed on a hoodie and the person said yes so I did that at the mall lmao! I need to get more art of My trainer oc (her name is Makoto) x Arven because they're so cute lol, I didn't use to really care of oc x canon ships until this one opened me up to it, I never really cared if other people did it (as long as they weren't nasty about other people shipping with the same character as if they owned the Canon character cuz that's annoying) but i never really had interest in it myself till Makoto x Arven (well in recent years, when I was a kid I did a few ships like that lol) also idk why i went on a tangent about my ship lmao I got too excited
Next 7 Star Tera Raid is Feraligatr with a Dark Tera!


From Serebii.net:

"The next 7 Star Tera Raid Battle event has been announced for Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. This event will feature a battle against a Feraligatr with the Dark Tera Type and the Mightiest Mark. It can only be caught once per save file.

This event will run from 00:00 UTC on November 1st through 23:59 UTC on November 3rd and again from November 8th through November 10th with Blissey joining it for the second run."
I love pokemon Scarlet and violet so much, and it's mostly because of Arven XD I just adore him so much he's my top favorite pokemon character, I have the little plush of him and the figure (although my mom has been withholding the figure since Christmas of last year until my room is clean, it's a long story lol I really struggle with cleaning due to my adhd and it's really bad and I keep putting it off and blablabla i really need to get it figured out so I can get my figure of my son tho lol) I really loved the story of the game too! And I adore my trainer I made for this one, I've made her into an oc at this point too and I ship her with Arven and have a sweater with a ship art piece I commissioned someone for that I LOVE and since I loved it so much I asked if I could get it custom printed on a hoodie and the person said yes so I did that at the mall lmao! I need to get more art of My trainer oc (her name is Makoto) x Arven because they're so cute lol, I didn't use to really care of oc x canon ships until this one opened me up to it, I never really cared if other people did it (as long as they weren't nasty about other people shipping with the same character as if they owned the Canon character cuz that's annoying) but i never really had interest in it myself till Makoto x Arven (well in recent years, when I was a kid I did a few ships like that lol) also idk why i went on a tangent about my ship lmao I got too excited
Haha! I feel the same thing except it's with Kieran, he's actually my fave Pokémon character! But I think Arven is great too.

Where did you get the Arven plush from? :0
Haha! I feel the same thing except it's with Kieran, he's actually my fave Pokémon character! But I think Arven is great too.

Where did you get the Arven plush from? :0
I think I got the plush on eBay, it's an official plush but it was already out of stock when I found out it existed lol
Next 7 Star Tera Raid is Torterra with a Ground Tera!


From Serebii.net:

"The next 7 Star Tera Raid Battle event has been announced for Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. This event will feature a battle against a Torterra with the Ground Tera Type and the Mightiest Mark. It can only be caught once per save file.
This event will run from 00:00 UTC on November 15th through 23:59 UTC on November 17th and again from November 22nd through November 24th with Blissey joining it for the second run."
A Shiny Rayquaza appears!


From Serebii.net:

"Following the reveal of the Shiny Rayquaza Raid event in a piece of merchandise tying in with the Mythical Pokémon distribution campaign in Japan two weeks ago, we now have the full details of the event

This event will run from December 20th 2024 through January 5th 2025 and will be a 5 Star Raid Battle with the Dragon Tera Type. You will only be able to catch this Rayquaza once per save file
Alongside this, some more events have been announced.
A Mass Outbreak event will run from December 20th through January 5th. This event will feature Cetoddle in Paldea, Carbink in Kitakami and Fraxure in the Blueberry Academy. Their shiny variants have a higher chance of appearing

From November 29th through December 29th, a three part series of Raids and Outbreaks will appear leading up to Rayquaza
From November 29th to December 5th, Corviknight and Bellibolt will appear in 5 Star Raid Battles
From December 6th to December 12th, Azumarill and Clodsire will appear in 5 Star Raid Battles
From December 13th to December 19th, Annihilape and Kingambit will appear in 5 Star Raid Battles
I saw that shiny Rayquaza raid announcement yesterday when I loaded up my Switch and just thought to myself how much of a pain it is going to be to battle and catch that thing. It's cool that they're doing it though. Dreading but also looking forward to it.
I did not expect that I was going to like it, but in most aspects I was pleasantly surprised.

I intensely disliked the designs of Ogerpon and the Loyal Three before starting, so I was already not expecting much. However, I ended up liking the Kitakami region in general. It's not too big and it's easy to get around, and the little apple orchard with the Applin sign is a really cute touch. The music is great. I really liked Carmine and Kieran. I even ended up developing a soft spot for the Loyal Three. I still don't like Ogerpon though >_>

It wasn't right what we all did to Kieran and I felt very bad about having to ruin his hopes and dreams. It made me not want to finish the story because I felt like such a villain. At least it eventually had a ... not unhappy ending... kind of.

Perhaps I appreciated the experience as much as I did because I elected to play the DLC early on. It just felt right for everyone's Pokemon to be at a lower level than they would have been had I waited until post game. All in all, I felt that the experience was a lot better than the Isle of Armor from Sword and Shield.

I gotta say, I do agree.

I HATE Ogerpon.
Wow, I've been bad keeping updates so sorry!
Its hard when not many interesting things happen :/

For Kieran fans and starter lovers there is something though if you have Nintendo Switch Online


From Serebii.net:

"The fifth of the new collections of Pokémon Scarlet & Violet Nintendo Switch Online icon parts has begun. This set will run for a week until December 25th 2024 at 00:59 UTC and features icons including Kieran & Carmine."
Wow, I've been bad keeping updates so sorry!
Its hard when not many interesting things happen :/

For Kieran fans and starter lovers there is something though if you have Nintendo Switch Online

View attachment 603680

From Serebii.net:

"The fifth of the new collections of Pokémon Scarlet & Violet Nintendo Switch Online icon parts has begun. This set will run for a week until December 25th 2024 at 00:59 UTC and features icons including Kieran & Carmine."

I actually purchased these yesterday, as well as all of the Mario and Nintendo holiday ones simply because I had a boat load of coins saved up. 😂