Pokémon Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet General Discussion

More Shiny Distributions for HOME Dex Completions!


From Serebii.net:

"A new distribution has begun for Pokémon HOME. This distribution is the fourth and fifth Pokédex completion tasks which unlock if you complete the Pokédex inside Pokémon HOME

If you complete the Galar Pokédex, the Isle of Armor Pokédex and the Crown Tundra Pokédex for Pokémon Sword & Shield you will get given a Shiny Keldeo. This is the first time it has been available

If you complete the Kanto Pokédex for Pokémon Let's Go, Pikachu & Let's Go, Eevee, you will get given a Shiny Meltan."
More Shiny Distributions for HOME Dex Completions!

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From Serebii.net:

"A new distribution has begun for Pokémon HOME. This distribution is the fourth and fifth Pokédex completion tasks which unlock if you complete the Pokédex inside Pokémon HOME

If you complete the Galar Pokédex, the Isle of Armor Pokédex and the Crown Tundra Pokédex for Pokémon Sword & Shield you will get given a Shiny Keldeo. This is the first time it has been available

If you complete the Kanto Pokédex for Pokémon Let's Go, Pikachu & Let's Go, Eevee, you will get given a Shiny Meltan."
Being given a Shiny Meltan doesn’t feel worth it since you can’t evolve it in any of the games besides Go which it can’t be transferred into and also Shiny Meltan is the pretty common. I seriously have about eight of them from the Go event that allowed Meltan to appear Shiny. Shiny Mew or Mewtwo would have been better.
More Shiny Distributions for HOME Dex Completions!

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From Serebii.net:

"A new distribution has begun for Pokémon HOME. This distribution is the fourth and fifth Pokédex completion tasks which unlock if you complete the Pokédex inside Pokémon HOME

If you complete the Galar Pokédex, the Isle of Armor Pokédex and the Crown Tundra Pokédex for Pokémon Sword & Shield you will get given a Shiny Keldeo. This is the first time it has been available

If you complete the Kanto Pokédex for Pokémon Let's Go, Pikachu & Let's Go, Eevee, you will get given a Shiny Meltan."
is this time limited?
i would love to complete SwSh at some point but not right now. i hope its permanently available so i can take my time :)
is this time limited?
i would love to complete SwSh at some point but not right now. i hope its permanently available so i can take my time :)
Nope! Serebii says "no end date" so take your time!

Anyways, Shiny Meltan is great but unfortunately it can only evolve in pokemon go... which we can't transfer anything to there. So basically we get a shiny Meltan that can't evolve. :[
Walking Wake / Iron Leaves Repeat Raids


From Serebii.net:

"The next Tera Raid Battle event has been announced for Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. This event will feature a focus on the Pokémon Walking Wake if you play Pokémon Scarlet or Iron Leaves if you play Pokémon Violet. These will be in 5 Star Raids and can only be caught once. If previously caught, you can't catch another. This event will run from 00:00 UTC on February 21st through 23:59 UTC on February 27th."

It certainly feels like the game is pretty much done. I hope Pokémon Day gives us something interesting because SV is too boring now. I can't remember the last time I played it. Maybe in August.
Walking Wake / Iron Leaves Repeat Raids

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From Serebii.net:

"The next Tera Raid Battle event has been announced for Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. This event will feature a focus on the Pokémon Walking Wake if you play Pokémon Scarlet or Iron Leaves if you play Pokémon Violet. These will be in 5 Star Raids and can only be caught once. If previously caught, you can't catch another. This event will run from 00:00 UTC on February 21st through 23:59 UTC on February 27th."

It certainly feels like the game is pretty much done. I hope Pokémon Day gives us something interesting because SV is too boring now. I can't remember the last time I played it. Maybe in August.
I still boot up SV every so often. Right now I’m trying to breed a bunch of Feebas and offering them on Wonder Trade.
Walking Wake / Iron Leaves Repeat Raids

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From Serebii.net:

"The next Tera Raid Battle event has been announced for Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. This event will feature a focus on the Pokémon Walking Wake if you play Pokémon Scarlet or Iron Leaves if you play Pokémon Violet. These will be in 5 Star Raids and can only be caught once. If previously caught, you can't catch another. This event will run from 00:00 UTC on February 21st through 23:59 UTC on February 27th."

It certainly feels like the game is pretty much done. I hope Pokémon Day gives us something interesting because SV is too boring now. I can't remember the last time I played it. Maybe in August.
In that case I have motivation to finish my Violet playthrough I’ve been keeping track of on my DeviantArt. I would really like an Iron Leaves/Anojazion (my headcanon true name for this Paradox Pokémon, derived from “anomaly” (and more specifically “anomalia” the Portuguese/Catalan/Basque word for anomaly), “ojas”, the Spanish word for leaves, and “champion (and Virizion’s name to an extent)), and I already have a Walking Wake from a previous event, so I’m not missing out on that one.
Edit: I’ve since successfully caught an Iron Leaves/Anojazion in Violet.
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S/V Starter 7 Star Tera Raids!


From Serebii.net:

"The next Tera Raid Battle event has been announced for Pokémon Scarlet & Violet during the Pokémon Presents. These are all 7 Star Tera Raid battles.

Meowscarada will run from February 28th 2025 to March 6th 2025

Skeledirge will run from March 8th through March 13th

Quaquaval will run from March 14th through March 20th 2025.
7 Star Meowscarada with Grass Tera is now live!


From Serebii.net:

"The latest Tera Raid Battle event is now live in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. This is the Mighty Meowscarada event. This event has Meowscarada appearing in 7 Star Raids with the Grass Tera Type. As with all past 7 Star Raid events, players can only catch one Meowscarada from raids per save file
This event runs until March 6th 2024 at 23:59 UTC."
Glad that they've finally begun putting the Mightiest Mark Paldean starters out. Finally caught Meowscarada in a Luxury Ball last night and am looking forward to doing the same for Skeledirge and Quaquaval. Wish I'd done my Violet playthrough so I could've gotten a Meowscarada in a Moon Ball too, but alas, only beat Scarlet thus far and have been slowly breeding team members for the eventual Violet playthrough. Haven't done that in a while, speaking of, so I probably ought to get back on doing that.
I'm ngl, I kinda completely forgot the Meowscarada raid was going on despite Snek literally posting about it here, lol. Just had a lot going on this past week I guess. 😅

I did, however, just log on to catch the Skeledirge with the mightiest mark from the new raid, and did so on my second raid attempt. Decided to use Hisuian Samurott for it and ended up getting paired with a pretty good team. Now I can rest easy until the Quaquaval raid comes out.





I did, however, just log on to catch the Skeledirge with the mightiest mark from the new raid
Oh yes...forgot about that!

7 Star Fire Tera Skeledirge is live!

From Serebii:

"The latest Tera Raid Battle event is now live in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. This is the Mighty Skeledirge event. This event has Skeledirge appearing in 7 Star Raids with the Fire Tera Type. As with all past 7 Star Raid events, players can only catch one Skeledirge from raids per save file

This event runs until March 13th 2024 at 23:59 UTC."

Sorry about not posting earlier. Busy with irl things atm
7 Star Water Tera Quaquaval is now live!


From Serebii.net:

"The latest Tera Raid Battle event is now live in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. This is the Mighty Quaquaval event. This event has Quaquaval appearing in 7 Star Raids with the Water Tera Type. As with all past 7 Star Raid events, players can only catch one Quaquaval from raids per save file
This event runs until March 20th 2024 at 23:59 UTC."
7 Star Water Tera Quaquaval is now live!

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From Serebii.net:

"The latest Tera Raid Battle event is now live in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. This is the Mighty Quaquaval event. This event has Quaquaval appearing in 7 Star Raids with the Water Tera Type. As with all past 7 Star Raid events, players can only catch one Quaquaval from raids per save file
This event runs until March 20th 2024 at 23:59 UTC."

YES, thank you for the reminder, Snek. Going to actually catch this one this time so I don't put it off and forget about it later, xD. Will post again later once I've caught it.
I'm so glad they released catchable mightiest mark Paldea starters so I can finally have them in the sparkling luxury balls they deserve. I was somewhat apprehensive about the Quaquaval raid as I had heard people having a hard time with it. However, I managed to succeed on my first try with a Skill Swap Cloud Nine Golduck (Bold Nature, 252 HP/Def, and Leftovers for its held item). It also had Clear Smog to clear Quaquaval's buffs, and Chilling Water to continuously nerf its attack afterward. The other Pokemon on my team were Miraidon, Bellibolt, and Skarmory. I would absolutely recommend this Pokemon to anybody having a hard time with the raid. Golduck is surprisingly tough, able to tank even a non-nerfed Brave Bird or two. Just make sure that there are at least two heavy attack Pokemon on the team before committing to the attempt (preferably Miraidon and Bellibolt)
I've also seen people using Slowbro for this sort of role as well. I chose Golduck because I feel its more beneficial to give Quaquaval Cloud Nine to deny it a rain boost.
I'm so glad they released catchable mightiest mark Paldea starters so I can finally have them in the sparkling luxury balls they deserve. I was somewhat apprehensive about the Quaquaval raid as I had heard people having a hard time with it. However, I managed to succeed on my first try with a Skill Swap Cloud Nine Golduck (Bold Nature, 252 HP/Def, and Leftovers for its held item). It also had Clear Smog to clear Quaquaval's buffs, and Chilling Water to continuously nerf its attack afterward. The other Pokemon on my team were Miraidon, Bellibolt, and Skarmory. I would absolutely recommend this Pokemon to anybody having a hard time with the raid. Golduck is surprisingly tough, able to tank even a non-nerfed Brave Bird or two. Just make sure that there are at least two heavy attack Pokemon on the team before committing to the attempt (preferably Miraidon and Bellibolt)
I've also seen people using Slowbro for this sort of role as well. I chose Golduck because I feel its more beneficial to give Quaquaval Cloud Nine to deny it a rain boost.

Golduck seems like a great option for the raid. In one of my raids I saw people using Dondozo, that was actually one of the raids I almost won. Unfortunately I don't have a level 100 Golduck that's built well. I tried using a plethora of different Pokemon so far. Most recently I tried using Eelektross, but the problem is I keep getting paired with people who won't use a support, so Eelektross just gets hit and faints anyway. I don't understand why most people underestimate support Pokemon so much, they're literally the stars of the team. :rolleyes:

Probably going to attempt again pretty soon. I know I can clear it, just need to be paired with a good team and not make too many mistakes. Funnily enough, I tried using Reflect Magnezone, until I realized this thing has Brick Break of all moves. So that plan went out the window as well.
I don't understand why most people underestimate support Pokemon so much, they're literally the stars of the team. :rolleyes:

AND I PROVED MY OWN POINT. I looked through my boxes again and noticed that I had a Japanese Milotic from Sinnoh, and it just needed to be leveled. I taught it some new moves and then finally found a good team. Basically used Coil once to increase defense a bit and then spammed Life Dew, making sure no one on the team would die. The others in my team used Slowbro, Slowbro, and Koraidon. I was a bit nervous about the Koraidon, but because we had enough supports on the team we were able to keep it alive. Koraidon did faint at the end, but by then it was too late for Quaquaval, as one of the people's Slowbros finished it off with a mighty Stored Power.

I'm so happy I could cry. 😭




