Pokémon Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield General Discussion

Behold, a man.


Imagine unironically comparing this to the Confederates.
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I haven't kept up with news because I like to go into games as blind as I can, but I just stumbled upon Yamper and I just want to say it's the best thing ever. Obviously cute mons will always take the spotlight, but to me it seems like a breath of fresh air (and a step backwards to older generations) and I hope that trend continues... instead of ice ice or fire fighters. ^_^
Is there still any hype for this game? Sun and Moon had a lot of hype before it came out, but I noticed that people are silent about this game.
Is there still any hype for this game? Sun and Moon had a lot of hype before it came out, but I noticed that people are silent about this game.

I wouldn't say I'm hyped. I was hyped before they claimed that they removed Pokemon from the game so they could create better anomations, then went and butchered the animations too. The community has pretty much become toxic over this whole ordeal. I'm not interested in participating, nor am I hyped for this game.

Now if someone bought me the game I wouldn't reject it, but there's no way I'm buying it myself unless they can win me over between now and November.
I wouldn't say I'm hyped. I was hyped before they claimed that they removed Pokemon from the game so they could create better anomations, then went and butchered the animations too. The community has pretty much become toxic over this whole ordeal. I'm not interested in participating, nor am I hyped for this game.

Now if someone bought me the game I wouldn't reject it, but there's no way I'm buying it myself unless they can win me over between now and November.

At least it has more value than the Wii U will ever have. I know for a fact that it will outsell Pok?mon Let?s Go (and maybe even Sun and Moon). With some of the older fans abandoning the series, newer fans will join while more loyal fans will stick to it. Those who call Game Freak lazy for failing to put all species into the new games need to learn how hard video game production is. They won?t be able to do what fans want because of the limitations they have to deal with.

I don't understand this.

It?s just people throwing politics into an issue no politics is involved at all. Although I would condemn burning copies of Sword and Shield as ?hate speech?, I wouldn?t bring up politics in an issue about not seeing all Pok?mon in a game with subpar graphics.
At least it has more value than the Wii U will ever have. I know for a fact that it will outsell Pok?mon Let’s Go (and maybe even Sun and Moon). With some of the older fans abandoning the series, newer fans will join while more loyal fans will stick to it. Those who call Game Freak lazy for failing to put all species into the new games need to learn how hard video game production is. They won’t be able to do what fans want because of the limitations they have to deal with.

It’s just people throwing politics into an issue no politics is involved at all. Although I would condemn burning copies of Sword and Shield as “hate speech”, I wouldn’t bring up politics in an issue about not seeing all Pok?mon in a game with subpar graphics.

I feel like i should be used to the automatic extremes things go to anymore.
I have an idea for Game Freak.

They should make a Pok?mon spin-off game for the Switch featuring all regions and all Pok?mon. But here?s the catch: there are no badges, no gyms, no trials, no plot, no Pok?mon league, and no linear progression. All you have are just catching Pok?mon, wild battles, trainer battles, and raising your Pok?mon. Each region will also only show a small portion, and you can only catch Pok?mon made for that generation in that region. That means, no 1st gen Pok?mon outside of Kanto, and no non-7th gen Pok?mon in Alola. Cross-regional evolutions and regional variants are the only exceptions. Also, all moves (except signature moves) are taught either by TMs or by tutors (including Freeze-Dry and Power Gem). If a Pok?mon can?t learn it, they really can?t learn it. That way, they can make competitive battling Pok?mon very easily while we get to see our favorite Pok?mon.

It also comes with strict limits. The spin-off will have no access to tournaments. If you want to port your Pok?mon to a main series game, you can only do it during the postgame, and you cannot port Pok?mon if the species is on the regional dex. And you can?t port a Pok?mon from a main series game to the spin-off, even it originally came from the spin-off.
I have an idea for Game Freak.

They should make a Pok?mon spin-off game for the Switch featuring all regions and all Pok?mon. But here’s the catch: there are no badges, no gyms, no trials, no plot, no Pok?mon league, and no linear progression. All you have are just catching Pok?mon, wild battles, trainer battles, and raising your Pok?mon. Each region will also only show a small portion, and you can only catch Pok?mon made for that generation in that region. That means, no 1st gen Pok?mon outside of Kanto, and no non-7th gen Pok?mon in Alola. Cross-regional evolutions and regional variants are the only exceptions. Also, all moves (except signature moves) are taught either by TMs or by tutors (including Freeze-Dry and Power Gem). If a Pok?mon can’t learn it, they really can’t learn it. That way, they can make competitive battling Pok?mon very easily while we get to see our favorite Pok?mon.

It also comes with strict limits. The spin-off will have no access to tournaments. If you want to port your Pok?mon to a main series game, you can only do it during the postgame, and you cannot port Pok?mon if the species is on the regional dex. And you can’t port a Pok?mon from a main series game to the spin-off, even it originally came from the spin-off.

How is there postgame without the game?
This whole situation is depressing and i'd be surprised if the fanbase ever recovered.
Gen 9 is going to suck...
I've mostly been avoiding fanbase conversations and posts. I'm still excited about it, and continuing to complain about things we all know aren't changing for this region at least doesn't have much point. You can sit and whine about everything in the game, but the fact is 99% of the people who make those posts have no idea how hard it is to make a game.
I'ma hella late to this conversation but I only have 1 gripe:
If Ninty doesn't have the Honedge evo line in Sword/Shield I'm gonna riot.

I mean, Aegislash, is LITERALLY a sword/shield Pokemon! :^)
The worst part about Pok?mon Sword and Shield right now - I have to wait another three months to get the game (waiting for ACNH is even worse).
I lost my interest in Pokemon so much in the past months. Looking at the fandom, it just a giant mess.
Fans attacking each other with such a nasty behavior, the whole #BringBackNationalDex thing got out
of control and honestly, I'm not even hyped for Sword and Shield at all right now. If they not gonna
present something in the next weeks where my opinion would change and where I would decide to
buy one of the versions, I'm gonna pass and probably gonna take a break from Pokemon until a
game comes out which appeals to me more than SwSh.
My hype is all gone as well. I'll skip these games and probably wait for the next ones. I might pick one of the games up for a reduced price later down the line if they end up being great. Anyways sw/sh won't be the definitive edition of gen 8 since they'll surely add more mons, tutors and features in general on the next games as they always do. MIght as well save my money.
This game will be living proof that Gen 5 was the last good Pok?mon game