Pokémon Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield General Discussion

The complaints beside, when should we expect the next informations? While I'm not planning to
buy these games at the moment, I'm still curious about the evolutions of the starters and other
new Pokemon.

Either the next Nintendo Direct or the official Pok?mon YouTube channel. They tend to upload new reveals frequently by themselves the closer we get to release with previous games. Our best bet for now is a Nintendo Direct I'd say.

So like in two months or so?
Either the next Nintendo Direct or the official Pok?mon YouTube channel. They tend to upload new reveals frequently by themselves the closer we get to release with previous games. Our best bet for now is a Nintendo Direct I'd say.

So like in two months or so?

I see. Is it still possible to get any new informations from the CoroCoro magazine before a Direct (since
they sometimes had some new stuff to show in the past)?
I see. Is it still possible to get any new informations from the CoroCoro magazine before a Direct (since
they sometimes had some new stuff to show in the past)?

Oh yes that's definitely possible I forgot about CoroCoro

I think they revealed a lot of new Pok?mon through the magazine
I'm so tired of seeing everyone do nothing but hate on the new Gen. Half of them are still going to buy it anyway. It makes sense why they're not bringing back every single pokemon, and that's going to continue being a trend because soon we're going to be over a thousand pokemon. Did everyone really expect a national dex to be in every single game?

The graphics are fine. Pokemon has never been a realistic looking game, its not supposed to be. People are acting like USUM was breath of the wild graphics and we backtracked with sword and shield. It's okay to be disappointed. But you're the only one hurting and missing out from boycotting.
I'm unsure whether I'm going to actually buy these games or not, or any Pok?mon games in general moving into the future. I've been fond of the series since it first came stateside with Red & Blue and it was a huge cultural phenomenon and, though I sat out Generations III and IV up until HeartGold/SoulSilver initially (peer pressure + getting older) before coming back to R/S/E and Platinum later, I've been playing the games for a significant amount of time.

The way I've looked at it has always been that even if I don't really enjoy certain aspects of a generation, I was always going to get the games so I wouldn't miss out on event legendaries and could always have the potential to keep filling the Pok?dex. I didn't really like Moon but I got Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon and ended up liking that experience more, for what that's worth.

When I look at Sword and Shield, I don't see much to latch onto. I really like some designs like Corviknight and the games look somewhat fun, but we've hit a roadblock in terms of the way I engage with Pok?mon games. For a long while now, aside from my first playthrough of a generation where I can experience things in a fresh manner, I prefer to come up with themes to base teams around for subsequent playthroughs. I look across the whole Pok?dex for Pok?mon that might fit the theme I've decided to go with and have yet to really repeat myself in terms of species as of yet. By not including every available Pok?mon (and, honestly, I'd be fine with not including stuff like Alolan forms, Megas, etc.) you can see how that immediately causes potential issues.

Expanding on the above point, and significantly more important on a large scale, is the potential of someone's favorite Pok?mon not being included. I can already see a few of my favorites like Cacturne and Gourgeist being on the chopping block because they might not be considered as good or popular as others, and I reckon that I'm not the only person in such a situation. There are people out there who have taken certain Pok?mon across generations and used them in every game since Generation III (since transfer from Generations I and II weren't possible for Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald); a friend of mine is one of those people and they've decided outright that they're not going to be supporting the franchise any longer between this and the increasing level of casualization the series has experienced in the most recent generations (including the reasons Junichi Masuda gave for not including the Battle Frontier in Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire).

I can't say that I'm definitively at that point yet, but I'm definitely wavering between whether to try the new games or to just quit outright as well. I've expressed before that I find Dynamaxing to be the most immersion breaking and perhaps the laziest battle mechanic they've ever implemented, and it's kind of hard not to feel like its implementation, alongside Game Freak's self-imposed quick release cycles and stubbornness, are to blame for this situation.

I'm so tired of seeing everyone do nothing but hate on the new Gen. Half of them are still going to buy it anyway. It makes sense why they're not bringing back every single pokemon, and that's going to continue being a trend because soon we're going to be over a thousand pokemon. Did everyone really expect a national dex to be in every single game?

I couldn't care less about the National Pok?dex and honestly feel that the usage of the phrase in the complaints levied toward this game, while seemingly a nice catch-all term for the issue here, doesn't really get to the heart of the problem. Like I touched on earlier in the post, I feel the more pertinent issue is the inability to use certain Pok?mon at all depending on each installment moving forward.

I don't care about the National Pok?dex being a functioning thing, its exclusion from Generation 7 was sort of a relief because it made the Shiny Charm faster and easier to acquire, which I like as a Masuda Method shiny hunter. I've completed the National Pok?dex in Generation 6, it was a nice accomplishment but it's not something I've ever really strived for for any reason other than to get the Shiny Charm in my games.

I also don't care about the ability to catch every, or even any significant amount of older Pok?mon, in any given game. That's what transferring is and always has been for up until now.

What I care about is the ability to use every Pok?mon that I decide I want to use on a team whenever I want. If that ability is impeded, that's an enormous issue.

I look at this issue as akin to the omission of the Virtual Console on the Nintendo Switch, when it was available on the 3DS, Wii, and Wii U, in favor of a bunch of NES games handpicked by Nintendo to be available to subscribers to their Online service. I'm not interested in any of the games Nintendo chose to give to us, I would far prefer the ability to purchase whichever game was previously available on the Virtual Console eShop for other consoles like the SNES, Sega Genesis, etc. I mention this because Game Freak, like Nintendo, is catering an experience for the consumer that is a change from their previous operating procedure. I don't want catered experiences, I far prefer the freedom to which I had become accustomed and which they have decided to cease.

It's like being put in a box when you're used to wide open space. Other people might not have issue with these sorts of things, and that's fine, but it's definitely bothersome to me. Any catered experience they can try to offer to me would, I feel, pale in comparison to the experiences I've been able to give to myself within the freedom formerly given to us. This is such a major issue for me because the games on their own have been growing steadily easier and more casual with each generation for a series that was never particularly difficult to begin with. The ability to choose from this wide array of Pok?mon and engage in the series in my own way made the games more appealing than I could ever find them on their own at this point.

It's okay to be disappointed. But you're the only one hurting and missing out from boycotting.

Saving $60-$120 by not buying the games can be pretty nice. Really up to the individual and their own standards whether they would really be "missing out" on much of anything.
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Well im just angry about the pokemon. I mean you could dump them in pokemon Bank. well i mean you cant transfer back from pokemon bank to pokemon sun and moon (and USUM) once pokemon shield and sword comes out. No live dex for pokemon sword and shield i guess...
I'm so tired of seeing everyone do nothing but hate on the new Gen. Half of them are still going to buy it anyway. It makes sense why they're not bringing back every single pokemon, and that's going to continue being a trend because soon we're going to be over a thousand pokemon. Did everyone really expect a national dex to be in every single game?

The graphics are fine. Pokemon has never been a realistic looking game, its not supposed to be. People are acting like USUM was breath of the wild graphics and we backtracked with sword and shield. It's okay to be disappointed. But you're the only one hurting and missing out from boycotting.

I agree with you completely. I’ve been thinking that this is the future because of how many Pok?mon there are these days. While developers need to listen to fans, consumers should also respect the decisions made by the developers. Sure thing that we may not be happy with what they did, but they aren’t made without reason. And another thing. You can’t expect anyone to cater to the same people all the time.
The graphics are fine. Pokemon has never been a realistic looking game, its not supposed to be. People are acting like USUM was breath of the wild graphics and we backtracked with sword and shield. It's okay to be disappointed. But you're the only one hurting and missing out from boycotting.

It's just super disappointing when Game Freak tells their fans that they've cut out pokes to "upgrade the animations for the new hardware" and they're still using the same s*** animations they have been using since Gen 6. So they're basically screwing over fans in both respects.

And I'm still not inclined to believe that GF could for 807 Pokemon on USUM, but they're suddenly unable to fit like 60-100 more on the Switch??
It's just super disappointing when Game Freak tells their fans that they've cut out pokes to "upgrade the animations for the new hardware" and they're still using the same s*** animations they have been using since Gen 6. So they're basically screwing over fans in both respects.

And I'm still not inclined to believe that GF could for 807 Pokemon on USUM, but they're suddenly unable to fit like 60-100 more on the Switch??

I didn’t know that the animations like seen in Sun and Moon and Pok?mon Let’s Go were first used in Pok?mon X&Y. Is that actually true?
I didn?t know that the animations like seen in Sun and Moon and Pok?mon Let?s Go were first used in Pok?mon X&Y. Is that actually true?

Yup. All animations used in gen 6-8 are the same. Of course some may have been slightly edited or added for new moves/Pokemon, but everything else is the same.

This really solidified the fact that I'm not going to support Gen 8 games until they are dirt cheap. Game Freak/Pokemon Company has had bad business practice for YEARS and they've gotten away with it because 'its pokemon!'. This is kind of the final straw for me, especially since I hated Sun/Moon so much. They think they can get away with removing features and its got to stop.

I read that article and the comments. I have to agree with some of the comments, the ones that said how hard it is to put all models into one game. If this was the fourth or fifth Switch game they made and still couldn’t make all Pok?mon available in the game, that’s when we can stop showing respect. But this is the first one to introduce a new generation, so please give them some time.
I hate to say, but this is Pok?mon in the future. There?s no way they can keep the National Dex when they have so many Pok?mon species these days. You may also have to get used to not having every Pok?mon species available in one game. There?s so many species now.

The reason why they don?t have the National Dex in Sword and Shield and Sun and Moon is also the same reason why you can?t visit all Pok?mon regions in one game anymore. It?s too much collecting, it gets tedious, and it?s more complicated to get a 100% completion (especially to newer players). Do you want Pok?mon to pull a Donkey Kong 64? I know it sucks to not have extras anymore, but newer fans would find it overwhelming.

I also don?t recommend boycotting the game because if everybody does this, there won?t be anymore Pok?mon games, and the series will be dead. You?ll never see a new Pok?mon game. Plus, I don?t take boycotts too kindly.

One bad thing about the GS games was the level spread. I don't believe you even got much higher than 60 outside Mt. Silver. How would you avoid fitting all the regions in a game without letting the player steamroll the rest of the regions with a few high level mon from Kanto?
At this point I don?t know what to think or expect anymore. It?s been a rollercoaster of emotions for a while now, but my excitement has definitely reached a new low.

Just when the trailer got me hyped again, the gameplay footage turned out to be really underwhelming imo.
The wild area was pretty lifeless, dynamaxing seems uninspired and kind of tacky, and the overall tone looks much too bleak for me to enjoy in a Pok?mon game. I?m still holding out hope that other areas are more full and vibrant, but I can?t deny that my enthusiasm has been severely dampened (maybe damp is what they?re going for though?it is UK-inspired after all)

(Do the dynamaxxed Pok?mon look like inflatables to anyone else? Who knows, if I end up liking the game that might just be dorky enough for me to be endeared to?for now it just looks dumb to me xD)
Reading this statement again, I have the feeling that Masuda seems to not understand the meaning
behind #BringBackNationalDex at all and why fans are so upset. Like, if he really read all (!) comments
from the fans (which I doubt he did) then he would understand the problem, but it seems he didn't or
will not understand it? Also, sounds like there will never be a game where ALL Pokemon are in it again,
more like games where those Pokemon that didn't made it into Sword/Shield are coming back but in
exchange, Pokemon that appeared in Sword/Shield will be missing. Wow, this sucks a lot.

I mean, I'm a big Pokemon fan, but I will not supporting the laziness from Game Freak at all. They
could do much better if they want, but don't do it, because making money with low effort is more
important than making fans happy and bringing out qualitative good games. Which is sad, really sad.
I wonder what types would Zacian and Zazametal end up being? I wouldn’t be surprised if they had the Steel typing since that’s what swords and shields are made of, but what other types would pair with Steel on both of them?
I wonder what types would Zacian and Zazametal end up being? I wouldn’t be surprised if they had the Steel typing since that’s what swords and shields are made of, but what other types would pair with Steel on both of them?
Normal because they’re both bland af