Pokémon Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield General Discussion

The recent 24 stream showed... Galarian Ponyta!


Sooo adorable! <333

They look like rainbow magical unicorns!!
A 24hour stream just for one new galarian form? Couldn't they at least thrown in a few more new pokemon? Anyways, yeah that new Ponyta form looks incredible ngl
That ponyta is adorable but just. So much gen 1. All the Alola variants were gen 1 and with the exception of Zigzagoon all the Galar ones are too (and Zigzagoon is the most bad ass so far imo)
Any forms yet to be revealed I hope will include more pok?s from other generations. ;/
A 24hour stream just for one new galarian form? Couldn't they at least thrown in a few more new pokemon? Anyways, yeah that new Ponyta form looks incredible ngl

I mean, there were really people out there who watched the whole 24 hours. If I would be that patient
and also powerful enough to stare 24 hours on a screen just to get seen one new Pokemon by the end
of the day, I would freak out. As cool as the new form of Ponyta is, I agree that they should have shown
more new Pokemon to make it at least worth it to stay for so long on that stream.

That ponyta is adorable but just. So much gen 1. All the Alola variants were gen 1 and with the exception of Zigzagoon all the Galar ones are too (and Zigzagoon is the most bad ass so far imo)
Any forms yet to be revealed I hope will include more pok?s from other generations. ;/

I sure hope for some new variants of other Gens too. I mean, nothing against those new Gen 1 variants,
but I agree, it's time to give Pokemon from other Gens also more attention.
When I saw the 18 Gyms thing I was all "This is too good to be true." Personally, I want to know why it's important to the lore of the Galar region if we're only getting eight gyms? Will the eight gyms be different in between the versions? (Like Milo and Nessa are version exclusive like Bea and Allister are?) Or is it going to be suggested that we start in the minor league and if a definitive version comes out (heard a rumor that there won't be Sword 2/Shield 2 this time around which is why I say if) we'll see the Gyms that make up the major league?

Also, might I point out that 18 Gyms and only 8 of them in the game...it would make more sense with the Major/Minor league system to have 9 gyms in each league and, therefore, give the players one extra gym to go through in the game. Just a thought, of course.
I wanted Pok?mon sword, but now I guess I have to get shield for that cute ponyta!
Typically bored and uninterested with gen 1 stuff, but this is a unicorn.

I'm still not decided on what version I'll get, will have to make a decision once a full list of version exclusives is available, but unicorn Ponyta is definitely giving more weight to Shield.

That said, I hope they do some more variations of other generations Pokemon. All the Sun/Moon variations were gen 1, the majority of Mega Evolutions were gen 1, Lets Go Pikachu/Eevee were literally just Gen 1...There's 656 other Pokemon from other generations they could show some love yet we just keep seeing the same old gen 1 over and over and over for 20+ years.

A 24hour stream just for one new galarian form? Couldn't they at least thrown in a few more new pokemon? Anyways, yeah that new Ponyta form looks incredible ngl

I'm surprised they didn't show way more given they typically like to ruin as many discovery's for the player as possible usually.

I'm glad nothing else was really shown though, but saying that I also don't think a 24 hour live stream was necessary. Saying that, if somebody sat through the whole thing and wasted their time for one Pokemon, that's their problem. I imagine the 24 hour live stream was so everybody interested had a chance to see some of it, not so that people could sit and watch the whole thing.
Oh my goodness. That's a really cute ponyta. Well, technically, it's a unicorn now. I'll be playing Sword, most likely, and I'll be gifting Shield to my boyfriend, so perhaps we'll trade and it'll be cool.
Really glad that I'm getting shield after seeing Galarian Ponyta. But the best part is I'll have access to both versions.