I like the Gigantamax designs for Pikachu and Meowth, but I hate the concept as a whole. I wish Game Freak would focus more towards the traditional games than adding all of these useless gimicks. Take Mega Evolutions and Z-Moves, for example. Mega Evolutions were a pretty important plot point in X and Y but had almost zero representation is Sun and Moon, and neither Z-Moves OR Mega Evolutions are returning.
I think they should have just kept and expanded upon Mega evolutions and/or Z-moves.
Mega evolutions fit more with the franchise than any of their recent gimmicks. A game all about evolving? Here's a temporary 4th evolution. Makes sense. They had a few new ones in OR/AS too, but then just dropped the idea...I especially like that we just get a new cool looking form of Pokemon. I loved mega Pidgeot, mega Mawile and mega Gardevoir
(especially given they were 3 new forms for 3 of my long time party members), but I'm pretty much never going to see those again without playing X/Y or OR/AS.
Z-moves were kind of the same, a special 5th move for one of your Pokemon. Neat. Same logic as with megas, we get 4 moves, here's one more 'once per battle' move for special occasions.
Gigantamax? Where the hell did this come from? I just don't understand the logic behind it. Did somebody at Game Freak just stay up watching Kaiju movies and thing "yea, that'll do". It's just so out of place and unnecessary, especially when it's not doing anything massively different from gimmicks they already had. Just change for the sake of change.
Gives me less hope for 'regional forms' being a staple. I like the idea of regional forms, but how long will they last until they're replaced with something more unnecessary and more stupid?