Poll: How early or late do you wake up in the morning?

How early or late do you wake up in the morning?

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To be honest, it really depends for me. As someone with chronic insomnia I do not have a specific time I wake up ;w; It could be as early as 4am, or as late as 6pm.
I missed the poll, but if I did do it I’d say “normal time.” I’ve woken up between 7-9 a.m. every day for over a month now. It’s a good time for me since I enjoy mornings the most.
Depends, on workdays I wake up at six and get ready to be at work by seven. On weekends I try to sleep in until eightish but sometimes my inner clock wakes me at the usual wake up time a little after six or one of the cats demands early cuddle time. All in all I seldomly get to sleep past seven or eight even on weekends 😅
it depends on the day and my sleep schedule. if it’s a school day, i usually get up between 8:50am - 10am, depending on when my first class is, but if it’s one of those times where i’m not sleeping well for whatever reason, i can wake up as early as 5am. on weekends or days where i don’t have school, i can sleep in as late as 3pm, but if i’m not sleeping well, then as early as 7am.
Depends, on workdays I wake up at six and get ready to be at work by seven. On weekends I try to sleep in until eightish but sometimes my inner clock wakes me at the usual wake up time a little after six or one of the cats demands early cuddle time. All in all I seldomly get to sleep past seven or eight even on weekends 😅
Are you my twin? I'm in the exact same boat. Except now I kind of like getting up at six, especially since I gave up coffee. I know it sounds weird but I get up now and I'm just 'booted' if that makes sense. I love the night, but somehow I turned into a morning person!
Are you my twin? I'm in the exact same boat. Except now I kind of like getting up at six, especially since I gave up coffee. I know it sounds weird but I get up now and I'm just 'booted' if that makes sense. I love the night, but somehow I turned into a morning person!
Internal alarm clock. If there's a certain time you want to aim for, it just takes time to get adjusted to that new time/schedule. I get up between 3-4 am for work all the time and so on days when I have off my schedule is all whacked.
I wake up between 5:30 and 7 AM and sleep between 9 and 10:30 PM. I generally need a solid 8.5-9 hours of sleep but wake up totally refreshed and without an alarm.
If I shower the night before, I wake up at 7:30am and leave for work at 8:20am. If I need to shower in the morning I have to wake up at 6.
on weekdays i’m usually awake for my alarm around 5:20-5:30 but don’t physically get out of bed till 6am. i have this fear that i’ll “miss” my alarm and sleep in….so i have several alarms set to wake me up before the time i have to actually be up. by 6am i should be up and getting ready to start my day.

i wake up on my own without an alarm set on my off days + weekends by 6-7am but i let myself rest and sometimes fall back asleep until 8 or 9am. i call it “rest” but it’s mostly doom scrolling until i basically pass out for a couple more hours of sleep 😴
I usually aim to wake up at 7am and be out of the house by 8, but I've been struggling with a lack of motivation lately. (So usually I scroll on my phone until 8, start showering around 8:30, and actually leave at 10).

I also want to start waking up even earlier (and sleeping earlier as well) -- y'all are inspiring me with your 6am wake-up times. I'll try to take it one step at a time.
I don't have a particular time I need to wake up, but I usually wake up at 04:00 AM (with an alarm) on weekdays, because I like the quietness and peacefulness of early mornings. I also feel the most productive in the mornings, and feel like I'm getting the most out of my day. On the weekends I don't set an alarm, so I'll usually wake up naturally between 05:30 and 07:00. 🌅
I used to be a early bird, like wake up between 5-7 am. i couldn’t stand the early mornings much anymore, so i decided to force my circadian rhythm to go to sleep and wake up at later times. I currently stay up until 3-5 am, and wake at 10 am - 3 pm. It feels better to me to stay up at later times and wake at later times than to fall asleep say at 10 pm and lie there for like 4 hours, unable to fall asleep.
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I get up at around 4-6 am. This is very early for most people but that is also a positive. Everything is quiet except the songs of the birds. Its a nice time to wake up.
Very early. 5:00 AM - 7:00 AM at the latest.

This is also because I took morning classes at my campus and it altered my sleep schedule. (right now I swapped to afternoon, but the sleep schedule remains the same).
Veryy early, 6am to 7am. I naturally wake up at like 6 most days. Funny thing is that I used to be nocturnal when I was an unemployed student 😬 But after getting a (part-time) job my body naturally fell into a more normal sleep schedule. I much prefer this sleep pattern tbh, it makes life a lot easier.
wake up anywhere from 5:20-6am, I like having time to myself in the morning and feeling rushed sucks so waking up early helps